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Chase Bush

Professor Rebecca Morean

English 1201

27 October 2021

The Negative Impact that ADHD has on a Person

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is one of the most prevalent disorders amongst

children. About 6.4 million American children ranging from four to seventeen years old have been

diagnosed with this disorder (Healthline). Although there is medication to battle this neurological

disorder, only a small amount of children are going through treatment. Unfortunately ADHD

usually extends into adulthood, leaving the individual diagnosed with this disorder hopeless.

Researchers have also found that suicide rates amongst teens have been directly linked to ADHD

(Bauer). It is painful to know how much of a negative impact ADHD has on a person’s mental

health. While the causes are uncertain, scientists have discovered that this disorder can be inherited

through genetics or can be developed during adolescence. Life can be stressful and complicated for

everyone, but individuals diagnosed with this disorder could face intense mental and emotional

problems. People who suffer from ADHD tend to have difficulty paying attention and lack

cognitive abilities, which negatively impacts their education and leads to the development of other


ADHD, a neurological disorder that is ordinary in society, is more than complicated to deal

with. Children diagnosed with this disorder endure symptoms such as daydreaming, excessive

talking, and careless risk taking. While the cause of ADHD is uncertain, scientists tend to believe

that heredity plays a role in the development of this disorder: “The causes and risks factors for
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ADHD are unknown, but current research shows that genetics plays an important role” (CDC).

The biological traits a person inherits can determine whether or not they have this disorder, but

researchers are also trying to figure out if brain injuries and environmental aspects can cause

ADHD. While some people tend to think that ADHD is not a concerning issue, research has

shown how detrimental this disorder is to a person: “This makes ADHD - commonly characterized

by difficulty paying attention, poor impulse control and excessive activity - the second most

impactful health condition on children’s health in the U.S.” (Kopf). Medication and therapy have

been provided to patients who suffer from this neurological disorder. However, some people have

not been diagnosed with ADHD and continue to experience symptoms. The symptoms that

accompany ADHD can not only weaken a person’s mental state, but also lower their quality of


Over the past couple of years the diagnosis rates for ADHD has increased dramatically in

the U.S. While this disorder has become a problem in the United States, it has also affected people

worldwide: “In an Icelandic study of 369 university students, aged 18-53 years, a negative

relationship was found between global life satisfaction, ADHD symptoms and associated

problems, such as emotional and social functioning” (ADHD Institute). This information represents

how much this disorder can negatively influence an individual’s life. ADHD reduces a person’s

quality of life, restricting them from enjoying satisfactory moments. Individuals with this disorder

have trouble with social aspects: “Assessing the impact of ADHD in childhood and adolescence

retrospectively revealed that fewer adults with ADHD agreed with statements such as I was

popular outside of school and I had good relationships with my siblings, than adults without

ADHD” (ADHD Institute). Not only does ADHD affect a person’s emotional and mental state,
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but also their social skills and their ability to cope with society. Although it affects people socially

and mentally, ADHD has made a colossal impact on an individual’s ability to learn and their

performance at school.

This disorder affects a person’s memory which leads to a weak performance in school and

difficulty in their ability to function properly. From a study in the article “Long-term far-transfer

effects of working memory training in children with ADHD: a randomized controlled trial”, it was

concluded that people who have ADHD can experience a deficiency in their cognitive abilities,

which is essential for planning: “The cognitive difficulties experienced by individuals with ADHD

stem from a deficit in executive functions, which are the mental capacities necessary to formulate,

plan and perform the required actions to reach an objective” (Bigorra). The results exhibit how this

disorder inhibits a person’s cognitive abilities, therefore causing them to have difficulty processing

information taught to them in school. It is vital to pay attention in school in order to understand the

material being taught. One of the most common symptoms of ADHD is having trouble focusing,

which is an issue when it comes to education. Someone who is restless and has trouble paying

attention to detail has a lower chance to do well in school compared to someone who does not

have ADHD. In a recent discovery, researchers have figured out that people with this neurological

disorder have a lower chance of completing their education (ADHD Institute). Although it is

uncertain, there have been possible reasons why they struggle in school such as making careless

errors and the stress of having a lot of school work. School requires students to follow instructions

and be attentive listeners, which is also a struggle for students with ADHD. They often daydream

during class and become easily distracted by other factors. Individuals tend to stay away from tasks

or assignments that require critical thinking and concentration (NIMH). ADHD plays a huge role
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in education and learning, but it also leads to the development of other disorders that can lower a

person’s mental health.

It is difficult for someone with this disorder to pay attention in school, but it is also hard for

them to behave properly. Some do not know how to act since they do not have sufficient social

skills, but they can also develop behavioral problems that affect their mental health. Although the

link between ADHD and behavioral problems is uncertain, there have been studies that provide

insight on this topic: “About 4 in 10 children with ADHD are also diagnosed with at least one

behavioral health disorder, and in middle and high school depression and anxiety diagnoses rise

sharply” (Kopf). Research explains there are still children with ADHD that have been diagnosed

with other disorders that also negatively affect their mood.

Fig. 1. This chart shows children ranging from Preschool to High School with ADHD also have

other health disorders (Kopf). Depression and anxiety are two of the most common behavioral

disorders developed by children with ADHD. Mixing these two together already adds chronic

sadness and constant worrying to the situation. Since they are already easily distracted, depression

can cause them to focus primarily on their problems and turn them away from their blessings. They
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tend to act out and exhibit abnormal behavior: “‘At the group level, children with ADHD are more

likely to be irritable and have difficulty regulating negative emotions than their

typically-developing peers’” (Bauer 181). Individuals with ADHD not only have trouble

controlling their emotions and behavior in the classroom, but also at home and other public places.

These behavioral disorders and tendencies have been connected to suicidal thoughts amongst

people with ADHD. Depression has been known to affect a person’s emotional control, causing

them to have mood swings and hormonal imbalances in their body. These disorders make it even

more complicated for a person to ignore the negative thoughts in their head: “Part of the function of

working memory is to clear distracting information to free up mental space for goal-related action”

(Bauer 182). ADHD already affects cognitive abilities and memory, and other behavioral disorders

that are developed make an even bigger impact on the brain. Although there is evidence to support

that a person with ADHD is at a greater disadvantage than a normal person, there is also the

argument that ADHD can be treated and that it has a positive effect on people.

There is a substantial amount of information that shows how ADHD can have a negative

effect on a person’s life, but there have also been positives brought to researchers’ attention.

ADHD has been given the reputation of causing negative emotions and irrational behavior, yet this

disorder can also counteract these problems: “High levels of PA [positive affect] in youth with

ADHD might act as they do in other populations, serving to protect against development of

emotional and behavioral problems” (Okado 2955). Not only can ADHD try to counteract

negative emotions and behavior, but people have even made the claim that it builds character.

There have also been reports of this neurological disorder improving an individual’s personality

and their imagination. ADHD does not have the same positive impact on everyone, however, some
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people have the ability to cope with it and function properly (ADHD Institute). Not every

medication reduces symptoms of ADHD, but there are successful treatments and medications that

have been successful in battling this disorder.

ADHD tends to last into adulthood and there has been no discovery upon whether it can be

cured or not, but there have been certain mental treatments practiced that have been productive in

helping people deal with this disorder. The treatments practiced on a person with ADHD try to

improve their functioning and their learning abilities: “Treatments include medication,

psychotherapy, education or training, or a combination of treatments” (NIMH). ADHD medication

has been known to reduce restlessness and helps improve a patient’s productivity and

concentration. While there are certain medications that work for everyone, it might take some time

to find the right medication that deals with a person’s symptoms in the most efficient way. The two

most common medications prescribed are either stimulant or non stimulant medications. ADHD

has been considered a stimulant disorder since it causes hyperactivity, however, battling it with

another stimulant has shown to be successful: “Although it may seem unusual to treat ADHD with

a medication that is considered a stimulant, it works by increasing the brain chemicals dopamine

and norepinephrine, which play essential roles in thinking and attention” (NIMH). Stimulants used

to treat this disorder are considered to be timid, but this medication does not react the same with

everyone. Stimulants are also known to be a fast acting medication while non-stimulants take

longer to have an impact on an individual’s symptoms. Some doctors might prescribe patients

non-stimulants if the stimulant medication is not effective enough. While both of these types of

medications can be efficient and impactful, antidepressants have been known to also help a person

deal with ADHD symptoms and other disorders they might have: “Antidepressants can be helpful
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in combination with stimulants if a patient also has another condition, such as an anxiety disorder,

depression, or another mood disorder” (NIMH). All three types of medication prescribed to

patients with ADHD are shown to be successful, but it may not cooperate with everyone.

Medication has been useful to people with ADHD, but therapy has also proven to be effective in

suppressing symptoms of this disorder.

Therapy for ADHD is targeted towards the individual who is exhibiting symptoms, but

parents also have a role in this type of rehabilitation. Although psychotherapy treatment mainly

targets the patient, it is not very effective in treating ADHD: “This type of treatment is more likely

to be effective for treating symptoms of anxiety or depression that may occur along with ADHD”

(NIMH). This type of therapy is essential to treat other disorders, but it does not completely target

ADHD. There are different types of psychotherapy like behavioral therapy, which attempts to

control a patient’s behavior and habits. This also aims to fix a person’s ability to control their

emotions and social skills. This therapy also teaches a person with ADHD how to read facial

expressions and detect sarcasm inflicted by others. There has also been a therapy technique called

cognitive behavioral therapy that helps the individual cope with their own thoughts. It also tries to

influence the person to think before they speak or act out (NIMH). A wide range of therapies have

been used to combat this disorder, but there have also been techniques that try to reduce stress. This

type of therapy mainly targets the parent of the individual who has ADHD. The goal is to help the

parents deal with their child’s symptoms in an appropriate way in order to maintain a healthy

relationship. Developing healthy habits such as following a routine and staying organized can also

empower a person with this neurological disorder. While therapy and medication have been known

to have a positive effect on an individual with ADHD, not every medication or therapy technique
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is efficient and there are still people who deal with this disorder on their own. They continue to go

through life struggling with performing daily tasks and have difficulty controlling their emotions.

Although some studies argue that ADHD has a positive impact on an individual, there is more

evidence supporting how this disorder has negatively affected a person’s education and their life.

ADHD impairs a person’s executive functioning, which allows them to plan and form

goals to pursue. An impairment in a persons cognitive abilities has been shown to be a possible

factor leading to suicide: “‘Weaker executive functioning is related to general impairment in

ADHD and may also be a specific risk factor for suicidal ideation’” (Bauer 181). The effects that

ADHD can have on a person’s ability to think is truly depressing. This evidence shows how a

person with this disorder is at a greater disadvantage compared to someone with a normal mental

state. There has been a possible connection between suicide and ADHD, which is disturbing since

the number of ADHD cases amongst children have been rising. Evidence also exists that shows

how someone with ADHD may have a slower reaction time and a higher chance of committing

suicide. Memory is one of the main functions of the brain that is highly affected by this disorder.

While executive functioning has been shown to increase suicidal thoughts amongst children with

ADHD, a poor memory tends to act the same (Bauer 180). ADHD tends to affect a person’s brain

functions and their emotions, which causes poor mental health and negative thoughts. This disorder

can also cause tiredness and the inability to focus, leading to a poor performance in school. ADHD

is one of the most problematic learning disorders amongst children and adults worldwide, which

can not be cured and may impair one’s ability to process information in life. While a person with

ADHD is at a disadvantage in life, men are more susceptible than women to develop this disorder.
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Although it is inherited through genetics, ADHD can be developed by other factors such as

age and gender. Evidence has shown that males have a higher frequency of developing ADHD

than women: “ADHD is more common in males than females, and females with ADHD are more

likely to primarily have inattention symptoms” (NIMH). Although men have a higher chance to be

diagnosed with this than women, ADHD still has similar effects on everyone. Some people with

ADHD may have subtle symptoms compared to others. Another factor that has played a role in the

disorder is age. ADHD is more likely to develop during the early years of someone's life:

“However, certain age groups, like middle-schoolers, are diagnosed at higher rates, suggesting that

symptoms develop during this time or are more apparent for this age group” (Kopf). This disorder

is more concentrated in children who are in elementary school rather than teenagers in high school.

While it can be developed or inherited through genetics, age and gender have both proven to be

big factors in this disorder. Another surprising factor that plays a role in the development of ADHD

is a person’s geography. ADHD rates tend to be higher in southern places rather than anywhere

else in the U.S.: “In addition to age, geography plays a major role in the diagnosis of ADHD, with

rates that are higher in the south and lower in the west, with a nearly threefold difference between

the rates of the highest and lowest states” (Kopf). All three of these factors make an impact on

whether or not children will acquire this neurological disorder. The diagnosis rates for ADHD are

rising and there are many people who have trouble dealing with the disorder, leaving them in a

state of confusion and hopelessness.

ADHD has been a problem for a long time, especially in children. This disorder can cause

a person to perform poorly in school and can increase their rate of developing a behavioral

disorder. While some people may have trouble concentrating, someone with ADHD usually
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exhibits more intense symptoms of inattention and restlessness. People with this disorder often

have difficulty dealing with their emotions and lack social skills necessary for communication. It

has also been discovered that ADHD can have a direct effect on a person’s cognitive and memory

functions in a negative way. There have been positive effects reported, but there have also been

many negative assertions about ADHD. The disorder can lead to the development of other learning

disorders, can increase suicide rates, and inhibits a person from dealing with their emotions and

thoughts in a healthy way. Although there has been effective therapy and medication, not all

treatments work for everyone. ADHD has been a problem for a long time and the diagnosis rates

are increasing. People affected by this disorder have difficulty performing daily tasks in life and

often have negative thoughts or emotions. It restricts a person from performing at their full potential

and limits their ability to function in society. The challenges and hardships a person with ADHD

goes through is unfathomable. The restlessness, difficulty paying attention, and constant

daydreaming that accompany this neurological disorder are extremely complicated to control.

Although some people can deal with this disorder in an efficient way, some people have to fight

their symptoms everyday just to be perceived as normal. The symptoms and effects that

accompany ADHD are detrimental to an individual as a whole, putting them in a more complex

position compared to a normally functioning person.

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Works Cited

Bauer, Brian W, et al. “Working Memory Mediates Increased Negative Affect and Suicidal

Ideation in Childhood Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder.” Journal of

Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, U.S. National Library of Medicine, June

2018, https://www.ncbi.nlm.n

Bigorra, Aitana, et al. “Long-Term Far-Transfer Effects of Working Memory Training in Children

with ADHD: A Randomized Controlled Trial.” European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry,

vol. 25, no. 8, 2015, pp. 853–867.,

“Impact of ADHD.” ADHD Institute, 15 Mar. 2021,

Kopf, Abbie. “Story from Blue Cross Blue Shield Association: A New Report Shows That

Diagnosis Rates for ADHD Have Risen 30% in 8 Years.” USA Today, Gannett Satellite

Information Network, 1 Apr. 2019,


NIMH " Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder.” National Institute of Mental Health, U.S.

Department of Health and Human Services,
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Okado, Izumi, and C. Mueller. “The Relationship between Child-Reported Positive Affect and

Parent-Reported Emotional and Behavioral Problems in ADHD Youth: Semantic Scholar.”

Undefined, 1 Jan. 1970,


“Other Concerns and Conditions with ADHD.” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 23 Sept. 2021,
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