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TOPIC: How to Develop Insight Through 3C Model Analysis

To have a strong foothold in the competitive market, organizations must have

effective strategies. One of the most effective strategic planning tools is Ohmae's 3C
Model. This 3C analysis business model was originally developed by Kenichi
Ohmae, a management consultant in 1982.

Ohmae believes that there are three most important factors that managers when
starting a campaign need to focus on: Customers, Corporations, and Competitors. If
ignoring any element of this analytical model, the process of designing a strategy will
become difficult and affect its success. However, analyzing each factor separately is
not enough, the more important is to understand how these three factors interact.

Ohmae's 3C has been used as a strategic business model for many years and is
commonly used in web marketing today. Studies suggest that this method helps
businesses focus their analysis on three factors that affect the feasibility of a
strategy, thereby finding the key success factors (KSF).

This strategic triangle pattern can start with any “C” letter. However, to have a
well-defined strategy, businesses should start analyzing customers first to have a
picture of them, next is about competitors to know what they are doing, and finally is
the company to examine the positioning.
A. The First C – Customer Analysis

According to the model, customers are the main element and goal of business and
marketing strategies. Customers have their own needs and they always want brands
that can understand and satisfy them through quality products/services. Customers
will also love brand's innovation if they meet their expectations. Ohmae's 3C model
will help businesses focus on understanding their customers, because customers are
at the heart of every aspect of their business. If a business meets the needs of its
customers, its profits and sales will skyrocket, the number of loyal customers will
also skyrocket and be sustainable. In contrast, if a corporation only focuses on
pleasing shareholders in the company or investors, that brand will lack customers.

Segmentation is important to understand the customers

a) Segmenting by objectives

Each customer will have a different need and the way of thinking and feeling. This
makes a difference when they see and use a certain type of product/service.
Businesses can rely on the way and purpose of customers' consumption to classify
them according to each segment.

b) Segmenting by customer coverage

Businesses need to optimize their market coverage geographically and

demographically. This is the study of the balance between the marketing costs
incurred to attract and attract customers versus the level of market coverage.
Demographics play an important role in this analytical study as it affects the target
market of the business. Once the basic data of the customer is identified, the
success rate of the campaigns is increased. Data such as disposable income, likes,
dislikes, where they get the information, whether they make an attractive purchase
and even how they respond to an already existing customer service or product is
invaluable price. Use answers from in-depth interviews, questionnaires, and user
tests to gain insight into consumer thinking. Use that insight to create concept maps,
communication designs, and personalities that will drive the world's popularity of your
company and product or service.
Collecting customer feedback is essential to better understand their touchpoints and
painpoints when experiencing products or services. There are a number of tools
available on the Internet for analyzing customer feedback, good examples being
popular FAQ sites like or There are some customers who
often leave product and service reviews on these forums, as well as ask questions
about the quality of a certain product or service. Gathering clues about customer
concerns and questions customers have from these forums helps brands better
understand their customer persona. In addition, surveys on the Internet will also help
service providers find useful information. Although user segments may become
biased towards the crowd effect, SNS can still be a valuable source of information.

c) Segmenting the market one more time

In a competitive market, competitors may also devise similar or improved business

strategies to attract customers. Plus over time, the effectiveness and effectiveness of
the initial segmentation strategy tends to decrease due to factors such as increased
competition and changes in market dynamics due to external influences which are
often found in the market. out of control. Therefore, it is better for businesses to
select a small group of customers and double-check exactly what they are looking
for, their preferences, needs and requirements in order to retain a loyal group of

From my point of view, doing in-depth consumer research is the best way to figure
out how to appeal to the target market. From there, it is possible to create catchy
slogans and creative advertisements.

B. The Second C – Competitor Analysis

Regardless of the market, there is a certain competition of it and are all aiming for
the same goal of retaining old customers and attracting new potential customers.
Competitors also try to come up with innovative innovations in the product lines they
offer. Therefore, businesses need to conduct competitive analysis carefully and
thoroughly to make sure not to miss any competitors.
Every year, brands grow a lot and are trying to encroach on many areas. With the
advent of the Internet, businesses can use websites and search engine results to
discover rival brands and companies in addition to the data they have. Comparison
sites are popular in every industry and make it fairly simple to investigate the
products and services.

Competitors are identified not only in the same industry but also in other similar
industries. For example, a hamburger shop will have competitors not only in the fast
food industry but also in the restaurant and supermarket industries.
It is important to narrow down the results of the survey so that more focus can be
placed on how to compete with the top three to five rival businesses. One thing to
keep in mind when analyzing competitors is not to miss any aspect of them, need to
find out their core strengths, business strategy, values, goals, sales strategy, strategy
marketing strategy and many other values.

Competitor analysis is mainly done by visiting their website, signing up for their
newsletter, visiting their store and/or getting the service (empirical analysis) they
offer. . It is also possible to perform user tests to compare the company with their
competitors. An easy and best measure is to use an SEO tool to find out how
competitors are talked about on the web as well as to get SEO related information.
For large-scale websites, a web analytics tool like SimilarWeb can be used to get
useful competitor information. Analyzing competitive businesses in this way will allow
businesses to look deeply into the customer experience as also the way the
competitors do. This knowledge is invaluable to pursue success and profits.

In my opinion, competition can come from firms within an industry, or from firms in
other industries who produce substitutes.​​It is necessary to analyze and categorize
direct and indirect competitors and potential competitors to devise a plan to defeat
them more easily and gain an advantage in the market.

C. The Third C – Corporation Analysis

The final step of this approach is to analyze the client's own company. The important
thing to do at this step is to determine which marketing strategies have worked with
your client base in the past and which ideas have failed. The best way to evaluate is
to see this from the customer's point of view.

From the results of the customer and competitor analysis, list the "strengths" and
"resources" of the company that create them. It is possible to consult customers who
have experienced the company's products and services for a more accurate and
multi-faceted view. By asking why they like the product, what marketing strategy they
are impressed with and can score points against competitors and how customers are
responding to current marketing activities.

Alternatively, web analytics data testing and analysis tools like Google Analytics can
be used to see what content customers find engaging and tend to have high value
for average session length and PV. Based on that data, find out which areas of the
company's website users are interested in and which are not. These can be clues
about products and services that fit the needs of existing users.

In order to stay ahead of the competition by generating more revenue and profits, the
company should outsource some operations to external suppliers or third parties that
are working internally, which is quite expensive and does not add any additional
costs. any value to the product offering or should plan and apply reverse integration
approaches in its core business areas.

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