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Feng 1

Feng Yu (Floy) 1194953

GE 1000-Professor Nirisa


29 Sep 2021

Enhancing Active Listening and Inclusivity in Diversity

As a student, it is very vital for us to have good active listening skills. There are some main

aspects enhancing our active listening skills. The first aspect is that imaging what the speaker

says, when we don’t understand what they are saying. It is a good choice for us to improve our

listening skills. The second aspect is that we can make eye contact with the speaker. It

contributes to having a deeper understanding of what the speaker is talking about. The third

aspect is that we can practice our listening on different occasions with different people. We

shouldn’t care about the speaker’s identity and cultural background, just listening carefully.

After the listening, we can state what the speaker talks about in our own words. It is useful for

us to practice our listening. In addition, if we don’t understand what the speaker means, it is a

good choice for us to ask some questions about what the speaker talks about. Then we can have

a deeper understanding of these problems. That’s all advice which will help students have good

active listening skills.

When somebody is giving a speech, the listeners don’t interrupt his speech. Instead, they are

listening quietly. The example shows us inclusivity in diversity. It contributes to foster

inclusivity in diversity to listen actively. Besides, listening to the suggestions of others can also

help us improve ourselves. Accepting the suggestions of others reflects that active listening

helps promote the development of inclusive diversity.

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