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It's network etiquette, or the etiquette of online, that's netiquette. Furthermore, “The forms
needed by good breeding or regulated by authorities to be followed" is what etiquette refers

In social or formal situations, it is necessary "To put it another way, netiquette is a set of
guidelines for online behavior.

Properly on the internet when you enter a new culture, and internet has its own, you're bound
to make mistakes a few social gaffes you may unintentionally offend others. Alternatively, you
may misinterpret what others say and take offense when it isn't meant to be offensive. To add
insult to injury, it’s easy to forget that you're engaging with other real people when you're in


- Make Real People a Priority

- Use Respectful Language
- Share With Discretion
- Don't Exclude Others
- Choose Friends Wisely
- Don't Email Large Files
- Respect People's Privacy
- Fact Check Before Reposting
- Respond to Emails Promptly
- Update Online Information


Netiquette exists to help people to communicate more effectively whilst online, and to avoid
unnecessary misunderstandings and potential conflicts. Without a sound understanding of
netiquette you run the risk of displaying abusive or cyber bullying type behavior without even
being aware of it. Netiquette is a new word and concept for some of us, but a basic
understanding of netiquette is important for everybody that uses the internet.


Written communication takes place without the benefit of body language, tone of voice or
facial expressions, which means there can be uncertainty about what someone is really saying.

This is why most websites and social media platforms where users can communicate in this way
have accepted rules of behavior. These codes of practice have been developed to ensure
people are able to communicate clearly and avoid misunderstandings.

Each website, whether a discussion board, social media platform or forum will have their own
rules about how to use their platform responsibly, so always read them before you start

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