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Good morning sir now my group will present how to make sandwich

Tools: Frying pan, stove, knife

Material :
- 1 piece of white bread
- Tomato 1 fruit
- Lettuce leaves 2 pieces
- 2 pieces of smoked beef
- Butter to taste
- 1 egg

Method :
Prepare materials:
1. Cut the bread in half so that it forms a triangle
2. Wash the lettuce with clean water
3. Wash the tomatoes with clean water and slice the tomatoes
4. Apply butter to the inside of the bread, do it for both breads
5. Heat the frying pan over medium heat
6. Melt the butter on the frying pan
7. Bake the two smoked beef until they are brown, then drain
8. Make the egg with the Frying pan, by breaking the egg shell on top of the Frying
pan until the contents of the egg will be cooked until cooked/half-cooked
Assemble the sandwiches:
1. Arrange the sandwiches by placing one of the buns on the bottom
2. Then, place 1 sheet of lettuce on it
3. Then, put the two smoked beef on the lettuce
4. Then, overwrite the smoked meat with 1 other leaf of lettuce
5. Add some tomato slices on top of the lettuce
6. Add the sunny side up on top of the tomato slices
7. Cover all the sandwich contents with another 1 sheet of sandwich
8. Sandwhich is ready to serve

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