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Is PTSD From Childhood Affecting You Today?

These symptoms don’t just affect those with Childhood PTSD, but they are significantly more common in
people who experienced trauma when a child. There are no right answers, and no score that can be relied Y/N
upon for diagnosis. The questions are here for you to you may have been affected by early trauma.

1. Do you struggle with attention, memory or focus?

2. Have you damaged relationships because of intense emotions, having outbursts of sadness, jealousy
or anger when it doesn’t seem appropriate?

3. Have you struggled with depression, anxiety or other mental health problems?

4. Do you cling to relationships, or avoid them altogether?

5. Do you have more than your share of conflict with family, friends and co-workers?

6. Does the fear of abandonment, or of being alone, cause you to stay in negative relationships?

7. Do you find yourself attracted to unavailable, destructive or abusive people?

8. Do your relationships have an unusually high amount of arguing, or is there violence?

9. Do you smoke cigarettes, or use food, alcohol or drugs in an addictive way?

10. Do you often feel scattered, trying to do a lot of things at once and finishing nothing?

11. Do you have a tendency to “space out” at odd times?

12. Do you cling to relationships, even when you’re not in love and not happy with the person?

13. Do you get clumsy at random times, tripping over things or dropping things?

14. Do you have trouble setting boundaries or saying no?

15. After a big emotional upset, do you sometimes feel nothing?

16. Does you have unexplained health problems that seem to have no clear cause?

17. Do you find people so triggering, that you avoid social situations?

18. Do you feel that no matter how much a partner/friend tries to be there for you, you feel alone,
unloved or unheard?

19. Do you feel that you are unexplainably separate from other people and groups?

20. When you are trying to do something familiar (especially when you’re hurrying or under pressure) do
you sometimes get too flustered to function?

Childhood PTSD can be healed! Learn more at

Ó2021 Crappy Childhood Fairy, all rights reserved.

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