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My Friends and I had decided to go to the beach for the day , it was a hot 34 Degree's outside at 6am

in the morning . I packed my day bag with my swimsuit, towel and sunscreen I also packed my
chlotes. One of my friend packed us some bread ,chips, fruit and cold drinks for our day out .

when we arrived at the beach I was so excited to play in the sand and build sandcastles . I saw alot of
other people swimming together .after i built a big sandcastle , I got changed into my swimsuit and
ran straight for the waves , i dived in and out of the water it was so much fun . I also saw people
fishing of the rocks , everyone was having a good time as it was such a beautiful day to be out at the
beach.and then it was lunch time, my friends and I ran up to place we had set up a rug on the grass ,
where we sat down and had the bread,chips , fruit and a cold drink , when i looked up i was amazed
to see the clouds , they were so pretty to look at.After lunch i wanted to go back for swimming . it
was so much fun , i could feel funny waves in my stomach as i was going higher and higher . I saw
lots of people playing in the playground laughing and having lots of fun. I went back to the beach for
relax, and we took many photos there, it was so much fun . after that we had to start packing up to
go home , i was feeling a bit sad to leave as i looked around people were packing away stuff in their
cars ready to go home as well , I helped my friends pack up our bags and put everything in the car ,
we were ready to leave the beach for the day and head home ,

all the way home i was thinking about all the fun i had at the beach , swimming , playing , and
building the biggest sandcastle with my friends .I asked my friends if we could go back to the beach
again soon,so we made another plan to go to beach in next vacation . and I feel this was my great
day out at the beach.

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