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I think William Henry Channing's literary piece is a

beautiful and refreshing take on creative expression.

Artists encourage us to "express ourselves" through
our talents. They tell us that we can express our
creativity by "dancing" our lives with a modest of
ballet, hip hop, jazz, etc. We can, more
appropriately, express our creative genius through the
things we create. We can dance, express our feelings
and emotions, improve our body and heart condition,
manage our weight, or improve our mental functioning.
And I've struggled with the issue of creative
expression for months. I don't particularly enjoy
doing things that I want to do, and my overly
practical brain has kept me from mastering any of my
desires. That's why I like Channing's quote so much,
he suggests that we can express ourselves creatively
through the way we live. Living contentedly within our
means, in harmony with others and with our planet, is
a work of art in and of itself. With that in mind, I'm
going to stop worrying about finding my dancer self by
searching for dance steps, dance videos, or music; for
the time being, I'll let my minimalist lifestyle be my

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