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A qualitative study of interprofessional learning

related to electronic health record (EHR)
medication reconciliation within a social
knowledge networking (SKN) system
This article was published in the following Dove Press journal:
Journal of Healthcare Leadership

Pavani Rangachari 1 Background: Similar to issues faced in health systems across the USA, AU Health faced a
Kevin C Dellsperger 2 scenario of low physician engagement in and limited use of its Electronic Health Record
R Karl Rethemeyer 3 (EHR) Medication Reconciliation (MedRec) technology, which translated to high rates of
medication discrepancies and low accuracy of the patient’s active medication list, during
Department of Interdisciplinary Health
Sciences, College of Allied Health transitions of care. In fall 2016, a 2-year research grant was secured to pilot a Social
Sciences, Augusta University, Augusta, Knowledge Networking (SKN) system on “EHR MedRec” to enable AU Health to progress
GA 30912, USA; 2Cardiovascular from “limited use” of EHR MedRec technology to “meaningful use.”
Division, AU Health, Department of
Medicine, Medical College of Georgia, Purpose: The aims of this study were to 1) examine dynamics of interprofessional knowl-
Augusta University, Augusta, GA, 30912, edge exchange and learning related to EHR MedRec on the SKN system and 2) explore
USA; 3Rockefeller College of Public
associations between “SKN Use” and “Meaningful Use (MU) of EHR MedRec,” with the
Affairs and Policy, University at Albany,
State University of New York, Albany, latter being assessed in terms of adherence to best practices in EHR MedRec.
NY, 12222, USA Methods: Over a 1-year period, 50 SKN Users (practitioners from inpatient and outpatient
medicine settings), participated in discussing issues related to EHR MedRec, moderated by
five SKN Moderators (senior administrators). Qualitative analysis was used to understand
dynamics of interprofessional knowledge exchange and descriptive analysis was used to
examine trends in two measures of MU of EHR MedRec, identified for the study.
Results: Interprofessional knowledge exchanges related to EHR MedRec on the SKN
system, progressed from “problem statements” to “problem-solving statements” to “IT
system education” to “best-practice assertions” to “culture change assertions” to “collective
learning (aha) moments” to lay a foundation for practice change. These interprofessional
learning dynamics were associated with distinct improvement trends in both measures of MU
of EHR MedRec technology.
Conclusion: Results suggest that an SKN system could be a valuable tool in enabling MU
of EHR MedRec technology. The study helps identify strategies for the creation of “learning
health systems,” to enable successful change implementation in healthcare organizations.
Keywords: interprofessional learning, qualitative analysis, electronic health records,
medication reconciliation, meaningful use, change implementation

Correspondence: Pavani Rangachari

Department of Interdisciplinary Health
Sciences, College of Allied Health Introduction
Sciences, Augusta University, 987 St.
Sebastian Way, Augusta, GA 30912, USA Healthcare reform efforts in the United States have increasingly focused on improv-
Tel +1 964 270 2214 ing patient safety and quality during transitions of care, when patients are known to
Fax +1 706 721 6067
Email be most vulnerable to medical errors. Transitions of care (from outpatient to

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inpatient, and back to outpatient settings), are commonly lag due to low physician engagement in EHR MedRec,
experienced by patients with chronic conditions (eg, heart stemming in part, from lack of professional consensus
disease, diabetes, and stroke). Medication errors, in parti- about which physician (eg, hospital vs community physi-
cular, are common at hospital admission and discharge, cian) is responsible for managing a patient’s medication
and are known to contribute significantly to both adverse list, and the value of MedRec as a clinical tool for promot-
patient outcomes and higher costs associated with transi- ing patient safety.5–8 Additionally, within the hospital con-
tions of care. According to the Institute of Medicine, text, the assignment of MedRec responsibilities among
medication errors injure over 1.5 million people and cost provider subgroups—multiple physicians, nurses, and
billions of dollars each year. Additionally, the average pharmacists—is often unclear, leading to inefficiency and
hospitalized patient is known to experience at least one potential for error.9,10
medication error per day.1 The risk of medication errors is Consistent with these findings, several recent studies
heightened during care transitions, because providers, and have found that although hospital EHR vendors have been
sometimes, patients, do not have access to accurate active enhancing MedRec functionality over time, numerous hos-
medication lists. This can result in the inadvertent addi- pitals still use partially paper-based processes during care
tion, omission or duplication of medications, resulting in transitions, which translates to limited use of the MedRec
“unintended discrepancies” between what patients should functionality on the EHR.11–13 In other words, there is
be prescribed, and what they are actually prescribed. To “limited use” of EHR MedRec technology, in hospitals
help prevent medication discrepancies and errors during and health systems across the US, as opposed to “mean-
transitions of care, patient safety advocates have long ingful use.”14,15 This paper discusses a health system’s
promoted the use of medication reconciliation.1,2 initiative, to pilot a Social Knowledge Networking
Medication Reconciliation (MedRec) is a formal pro- (SKN) system on EHR MedRec, to enable it to progress
cess for creating a complete and accurate list of a patient’s from “limited use” to “meaningful use” of EHR MedRec
current medications during transitions of care. The process technology. The rationale is that an SKN system would
of MedRec consists of several key steps: (1) develop a list enable knowledge exchange on practice issues related to
of the patient’s current medications; (2) develop a list of EHR MedRec, across diverse provider subgroups and care
the medications to be prescribed; (3) compare the medica- settings, which, in turn, is expected to increase provider
tions on the two lists; (4) make clinical decisions to update engagement in addressing those issues, promote interpro-
the medication list, based on the comparison; and (5) fessional learning of best-practices, and provide a founda-
communicate the updated medication list to both the tion for practice change or improvement (ie, Meaningful
patient/family and the next providers of care. The goal of Use of EHR MedRec technology).
MedRec is to reduce medication discrepancies and errors
during care transitions, and provide an accurate active Problem of interest
medication list to patients/families and their next providers Based in Augusta, GA, USA, Augusta University’s Health
of care across the continuum, to promote patient safety and System, AU Health, is a healthcare network offering com-
quality of care.1,2 prehensive primary, specialty and subspecialty care in the
MedRec has been a part of the Joint Commission region. Facilities include a 478-bed AU Medical Center,
hospital accreditation requirements since 2005, and with more than 80 outpatient practice sites, a Critical Care
the introduction of the Health Information Technology for Center housing a regional trauma center and a 154-bed
Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act in 2009, it Children’s Hospital. The health system averages approxi-
has become part of the Electronic Health Record (EHR) mately 21,000 inpatient discharges and 90,000 emergency
“Meaningful Use” requirements. Meaningful Use (MU) of room visits per year. Medicare and Medicaid together
EHR MedRec technology refers to effective use of the account for over 50% of the patient care revenues.
“EHR MedRec” system by providers, to complete the In 2016, AU Health faced challenges (similar to those
MedRec process (outlined above), to reduce medication described earlier), with the use and implementation of its
discrepancies and promote medication list accuracy, dur- EHR MedRec system (which is powered by Cerner Inc., a
ing transitions of care.3,4 federally certified EHR vendor). Although MedRec was
Despite the regulatory impetus towards MU of EHR often marked as “complete” on the EHR, before patient
MedRec however, hospital adherence has been found to discharge from the hospital, AU Health leadership

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estimated the patient’s active medication list to be inaccu- (improvement), ie, Meaningful Use (MU) of EHR MedRec
rate (with discrepancies between patient’s home and hos- technology. This paper discusses the methods and results
pital medication lists, in regard to drugs, dosages, and associated with two specific aims of this study:
frequencies), for a majority of discharged cases.
Importantly, there was consensus among senior admin- 1. Examine the dynamics of interprofessional knowl-
istrators at AU Health, that the EHR MedRec system was edge exchange and learning related to EHR
not being used effectively by providers, to communicate MedRec on the SKN system.
changes in the active medication list across the care con- 2. Explore associations between “SKN Use” and
tinuum and to patients/families. This challenge was ascribed “Meaningful Use (MU) of the EHR MedRec sys-
to the general reluctance of physicians to discontinue med- tem,” with the latter being assessed in terms of
ications that they did not originally order from the active adherence to best practices in EHR MedRec, ie,
medication list, which led to not only medication discre- practices known to reduce medication discrepancies
pancies during transitions of care, but also to frustrations and promote medication list accuracy during transi-
associated with inaccurate and incomplete medication lists, tions of care (as described under “Methodology”).
among patients and providers alike. Therefore, AU Health
faced a scenario that was reflective of national concerns Theoretical framework
related to use and implementation of EHR MedRec in The theoretical foundation for using an SKN system to
hospitals and health systems, ie, low physician engagement, facilitate provider engagement, interprofessional learning
translating to limited use of EHR MedRec technology. and practice change (ie, MU-of EHR-MedRec), emanates
from integrating two literature streams: 1) Professional
Study purpose Complex Systems Theory and 2) Social Network Theory.
In fall 2016, Augusta University secured a 2-year grant “Complex systems,” refers to organizations composed of
from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality many components that interact with one other, to give rise
(AHRQ), to pilot a Social Knowledge Networking (SKN) to collective organizational behavior. Complex systems
system pertaining to EHR MedRec, to enable AU Health theory has strongly reinforced the message that there can
to progress from “limited use” of EHR MedRec be no organizational change without organizational learn-
Technology, to “meaningful use.”16,17 As discussed earlier, ing, and organizational learning, in turn, requires the
a primary reason identified in the literature for limited use exchange of tacit (practice-based) knowledge, to facilitate
of EHR MedRec technology, is low physician engage- engagement and collective learning.18 Congruently, the
ment, emanating from an absence of professional consen- literature on social network theory, has sought to under-
sus (or collective understanding) among providers of 1) stand which communication network structures may be
the value of EHR MedRec practices in promoting patient most effective for tacit knowledge exchange, engagement,
safety and 2) the system-level EHR MedRec workflow, learning, and change, in complex systems. Studies in this
including the responsibilities of each provider group in the niche, have put forth that communication networks rich in
MedRec process, across the continuum of care. “density,” ie, peer-to-peer networks with limited involve-
The rationale for an SKN system is that it could provide ment of administrators may be most effective for tacit
a platform for tacit (practice-based) knowledge exchange on knowledge exchange, learning, and change in complex
issues related to EHR MedRec, across diverse provider systems. However, this literature has largely been
subgroups and care settings, to highlight adverse conse- restricted to consulting and business organizations.
quences of gaps in practice for patient safety (eg, not Health services researchers have applied social network
using the electronic medication history function resulted in theory to the professional organizational context, to gain
an error in recording dosage upon admission, which insight into the effective communication network structures
resulted in an adverse event for the patient). This, in turn, in professional complex systems (PCS). PCS are organiza-
is expected to increase physician engagement in addressing tions that exhibit the properties of both professional organi-
issues related to EHR MedRec; and promote collective zations and complex systems, like healthcare organizations
learning of best practices (eg, using the electronic medica- (HCOs). This research suggests that networks rich in
tion history during each encounter, to generate the current “brokerage” and “hierarchy,” with relatively less “density”
medication list), to provide a foundation for practice change across professional subgroups, may be more effective for

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Journal of Healthcare Leadership 2019:11 25
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engagement, tacit knowledge exchange, learning, and subgoals, and between subgoals and organizational goals.
change in “professional complex systems.”19–23 While Therefore, during times of change, senior administrators
“hierarchy” refers to hierarchical top-down communication, must undertake proactive and periodic efforts to create
“brokerage” refers to the ability to transfer knowledge from cognitive linkages between subgoals and organizational
one subgroup to another, by virtue of having a global view goals, to enable tacit knowledge exchange, engagement,
of the discussions. learning, and change in PCS, including HCOs.19–27
In other words, this literature suggests that proactive and Therefore, this theoretical framework (summarized in
periodic top-down communications of best practices, may Figure 1) suggests that a Social Knowledge Network
be most effective for enabling engagement and tacit knowl- (SKN) moderated by senior administrators, to engage pro-
edge exchange across professional subgroups, to foster col- vider subgroups in tacit knowledge exchange on practice
lective learning and enable change in professional complex issues related to EHR MedRec, while also facilitating
systems (PCS). The reasoning is that PCS contain multiple proactive, periodic, top-down communication of best-prac-
professional subgroups with “subgoals” (subgroup goals) tices related to EHR MedRec, can foster collective learning
that are reinforced through ongoing in-group communica- and practice change (eg, Meaningful Use of EHR MedRec
tion. This results in an absence of cognitive linkages across technology), in HCOs.


Subgroup A (e.g. Subgroup B Subgroup C (e.g.

physicians) (e.g. nurses) pharmacists)

Networks rich in brokerage and

hierarchy, with relatively less
density across professional

Tacit knowledge exchange,

engagement, collective learning, and
change (improvement)

Figure 1 Effective communication network structure for learning and change in professional complex systems (eg, healthcare organizations).

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Methodology Users), over the 1-year SKN period. The 5 SKN

An exploratory, qualitative approach was used for data moderators included the Chief Medical Officer
collection and analysis. The crux of the project was a (CMO), Chief Medical Information Officer
pilot-implementation of a moderated SKN system on (CMIO), two hospitalist chiefs, and the Principal
issues related to EHR MedRec, over a 1-year period; ie, Investigator (PI). A key responsibility of SKN
April 1, 2017 to March 31, 2018 (or Q2 2017 to Q1 2018), Moderators was to bring issues related to EHR
among diverse provider subgroups and care settings, ie, MedRec reported by individual SKN Users on the
physicians, nurses, and pharmacists based in outpatient SKN Reporting Tool, for discussion by all SKN
and inpatient medicine settings at AU Health. Users on Yammer. As such, a majority of threads
of discussion on Yammer began with an issue-
report (problem statement) brought to Yammer by
Design and implementation of the SKN SKN Moderators. While SKN Moderators would
system on EHR MedRec bring the brief issue-descriptions to Yammer, they
The SKN system implemented at AU Health included would not reveal the identity of the person reporting
several components: the issue, to enable SKN Users to maintain a level
of confidentiality in reporting issues. Another
● SKN Reporting Tool: an online form that allowed responsibility of SKN Moderators was to proac-
participating providers (SKN Users) to report prac- tively initiate discussions on topics relevant to
tice issues related to EHR MedRec (eg, challenges in EHR MedRec (eg, best practices identified in the
obtaining complete information at admission for literature), and bring lessons learned from the SKN
compiling the patient’s current medication list). The system, for discussion at regular health system
form allowed users to provide a brief description of meetings, including the Hospital Quality & Patient
the issue and indicate the care settings and patient Safety Council, chaired by the CMO.
conditions it applies to. 2. SKN Users: included 50 practitioners, ie, physi-
● SKN Discussion Tool (Microsoft Yammer): an cians, nurses, and pharmacists based in outpatient
online platform, separate from the SKN Reporting and inpatient medicine services at AU Health, who
Tool, to enable moderated discussions on issues agreed to participate in the SKN system. Key
related to EHR MedRec. Microsoft Yammer is an responsibilities of SKN Users were to 1) report
example of an enterprise SKN system. Our study issues related to EHR MedRec on the SKN
used the basic version of Yammer, which was already Reporting Tool on an ongoing basis; 2) participate
available to AU as part of its Office 365 package. in moderated discussions on SKN Yammer, over
● SKN Lunch-and-Learn Sessions: A total of 5 the 1-year period; and 3) share lessons learned
Lunch-and-Learn sessions were held over the 1-year from their ongoing participation on the SKN, with
SKN period, for participants to meet and discuss colleagues in the health system. However, SKN
lessons learned from exchanges on SKN Yammer. Users were not allowed to initiate new threads of
Advance invitations to these sessions were sent to discussion directly on SKN Yammer. This ability
all SKN participants. was restricted to SKN Moderators, to enable coor-
● SKN Periodic Email Updates: Approximately 15 dinated discussions of issues related to EHR
periodic progress update emails were sent by the MedRec on the SKN system.
Principal Investigator (PI) to all SKN participants,
over the 1-year SKN period. Participant recruitment and orientation
Participant recruitment to the SKN system, began after the
There were two types of participants in the SKN system: project received IRB approval from Augusta University. All
practitioners in three professional subgroups, ie, physicians,
1. SKN Moderators: included a group of 5 senior nurses, and pharmacists, within five inpatient and outpatient
administrators and provider champions who played medicine services at AU Health, including Cardiology,
a key role in moderating discussions on issues Internal Medicine, Family Medicine, Emergency
related to EHR MedRec among participants (SKN Medicine, and Hospitalist service lines, were approached

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Journal of Healthcare Leadership 2019:11 27
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by the PI for recruitment using the IRB-approved informed to all SKN Users, without restriction. Yammer recorded
consent process. A total of 50 practitioners were recruited to the name, date, and time associated with each posting.
participate as SKN Users, including 15 physicians, 15 Additional data sources related to SKN Use included the
nurses, and 20 pharmacists, from outpatient and inpatient SKN Reporting Tool; the 15 SKN progress email updates;
medicine settings. All participating physicians from and the 5 SKN Lunch-and-Learn sessions, which were
Cardiology, Internal Medicine, and Family Medicine prac- held in April 2017 (Quarter 1 or Q1 of SKN period),
ticed in both inpatient and outpatient settings. Only July 2017 (Q2), October 2017 (Q3), February 2018 (Q4),
Hospitalists were exclusively inpatient practitioners. It and May 2018 (after SKN implementation). Each SKN
would be relevant to note that there were a total of ~200 Lunch-and-Learn session lasted ~60 mins and was
eligible practitioners (physicians, nurses, and pharmacists) attended by ~20 participants. All sessions were audio-
within the five targeted medicine service lines at AU recorded and transcribed to text, to enable Thematic
Health. As such, by recruiting 50, we achieved a dual Analysis.
goal of 1) reaching our recruitment target for this pilot Meaningful Use (MU) of EHR MedRec: MU of EHR
study and 2) attracting a critical mass of over one-fourth MedRec was measured in terms of adherence to two best
of the total number of eligible practitioners at AU Health. practices in EHR MedRec, ie, practices known to reduce
Everyone who agreed to participate, was requested to medication discrepancies and promote medication list
review and sign: 1) an Informed Consent document; 2) a accuracy during transitions of care. MEASURE 1 and
Statement of Professional & Ethical Conduct on SKN; 3) MEASURE 2 are outlined below. It would be relevant to
an SKN Privacy & Confidentiality Agreement, which note that due to the exploratory nature of the study, the
stressed that use of Protected Health Information (PHI) decision to use these measures emerged from the interpro-
anywhere on the SKN system, was strictly prohibited; and fessional knowledge exchange dynamics on the SKN sys-
4) a Custom Usage Policy, which clarified that SKN Users tem, during the first few months of the SKN period. Since
were not allowed to initiate threads of discussion directly both were practice measures, they could be captured retro-
on SKN Yammer; they would only report issues through spectively from the EHR. Data on these measures were
the SKN Reporting Tool. For coordination purposes, only collected over 6 quarters, ie, Q1 2017 through Q2 2018.
SKN Moderators would have the ability to initiate threads This translated to one quarter before SKN was launched,
of discussion on Yammer. Participants then received a extending to one quarter after SKN was concluded:
detailed online orientation to the SKN system, prior to its MEASURE 1: External Rx History Import (Higher
launch, including steps for accessing the SKN Reporting is Better): Defined as the aggregate proportion of patient
Tool and SKN Yammer, both of which, were made avail- encounters during which the External Rx History was
able to participants through separate links within the EHR. imported at some point before the encounter ended (inpa-
Both tools were also accessible through the enterprise tient or outpatient). Data were obtained at the encounter
employee web portal and mobile devices; Yammer was level, quarterly, for 6 quarters, for each of the 5 medicine
downloadable as an App. A participant engagement plan, services represented on the SKN, and aggregated, to exam-
including follow-up emails to participants and quarterly ine trends in the proportion of External Rx History Import.
distribution of $25 gift cards to selected participants, was Since Cardiology was the only medicine subspecialty
implemented over the 1-year period, to ensure that the represented on the SKN, this measure was restricted to
SKN, was being used for its intended purpose. patient encounters for a Cardiology-relevant chronic con-
dition, ie, patients who had a primary or secondary diag-
Data collection and analysis nosis of Congestive Heart Failure (CHF), based on ICD-10
Data collection codes.
SKN Use: Data on SKN Use were collected over the 1- “External Rx History Import” refers to the importation
year SKN period. A key data source was Yammer, which of the patient’s medication history filled at their pharmacy.
included a record of all communications posted by SKN The External Rx History can be imported when the provi-
Users, on various threads of discussion related to EHR der (physician, nurse, or pharmacist) activates the External
MedRec. A majority of these threads stemmed from issues Rx History button on the EHR, which would access the
reported by SKN Users via the SKN Reporting Tool. All Surescripts system to pull the patient’s Rx history.
threads of discussion on Yammer, were open and available Surescripts is an IT company that supports e-prescription,

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the electronic transmission of prescriptions between HCOs improve medication list accuracy. It would be relevant to
and pharmacies. According to the US DHHS, in 2014, note that both measures are designed to capture practices
96% of the US community pharmacies used the implemented by a team of providers, ie, they could be
Surescripts network.28 At AU Health, it was determined completed by a physician, nurse, or pharmacist in a parti-
that 90% of the patients fill their prescriptions at pharma- cular service line, caring for the patient in the hospital or
cies that participate in the Surescripts system. “External clinic. As such, it would not be feasible to track adherence
Rx History Import” (MEASURE 1) is a measure of MU of to these practices for patients cared for only by the specific
EHR MedRec technology, because a higher proportion providers who participated on the SKN system. On the
reflects better use of the EHR system by providers, to other hand, it would be both feasible and valid to track
obtain a current medication list, for reconciling with new adherence to these practices for groups of patients with
prescriptions, to reduce medication discrepancies and chronic conditions (like CHF), cared for by the medicine
increase accuracy of the medication list, during transitions service lines represented on SKN, for three reasons: 1)
of care. SKN participants by themselves are expected to touch
MEASURE 2: Missing Documentation of many patients within these services; 2) SKN participants
Compliance Status (Lower is Better): Defined as the constituted a critical mass of the total eligible medicine
aggregate proportion of patients’ total active medications provider group; and 3) knowledge exchanged on SKN was
that are missing documentation of compliance status. Data expected and encouraged to be spread to peers, especially
for this measure were collected at the patient level, quar- within participants’ own service lines, since SKN
terly, for 6 quarters, for all patients who had a primary or exchanges were directly relevant to daily care practices
secondary diagnosis of CHF, and at least one encounter in the hospital and clinics.
with any one of the 5 medicine service lines represented
on the SKN, over the 6-quarter period. There were a total Data analysis
of 2,846 individual patients who met these criteria. To address Aim #1, we examined dynamics of interprofes-
The aggregate proportion of missing compliance status sional knowledge exchange on the SKN system, using data
documentation was calculated for all patients with from Yammer, supplemented with data from SKN Lunch-
reported active medications by quarter, to examine trends and-Learn sessions and SKN progress email updates. We
over the 6-quarter period. It is essential for all medications began by conducting Thematic Analysis of data from
on a patient’s active list to have a documented (non-miss- Yammer, using QSR NVivo 14.29 The raw Yammer dataset
ing or non-blank) compliance status so that the next pro- consisted of a total of 485 posted communications, divided
vider is equipped with information needed to accurately into 62 threads of discussion (distinguished by Thread ID).
update the list, before the subsequent transition point. For The entire dataset was organized by thread, in chronologi-
example, if compliance status for a medication is “unable cal order, which enabled Thematic Analysis to be con-
to determine” in the emergency department, the admitting ducted sequentially by thread, to understand dynamics of
hospitalist might talk to the patient/family to update the knowledge exchange, both by thread-of-discussion, and
status to “still taking as prescribed.” On the other hand, if broadly, for the entire dataset.
the medication is determined to be “not taking,” because The analysis team consisted of four researchers, 1
its course has been completed, then it could be removed medical doctor (MD), 1 health service researcher (PhD),
from the list, prior to discharge. “Missing Compliance and 2 Graduate Research Assistants in the applied health
Status Documentation” (MEASURE 2) is a measure of sciences. To begin with, the first two researchers com-
MU of EHR MedRec technology, because a lower propor- pleted all key phases of Thematic Analysis, to develop
tion reflects better use of the EHR system by providers, to an initial coding scheme for identifying key themes.30,31
communicate changes in the patient’s active medication This included: 1) data familiarization; 2) search for
list, across the continuum of care, in an effort to reduce themes; 3) review of themes; 4) defining and naming
medication discrepancies and promote accuracy of the themes; and 5) generation of the initial coding scheme,
medication list during transitions of care. including the “theme-node hierarchy” on NVivo. The
In summary, both MEASURE 1 and MEASURE 2 initial coding scheme was used by the other two research-
reflect effective use of EHR MedRec system functional- ers to code approximately 33% of the raw dataset from
ities by providers, to reduce medication discrepancies and SKN Yammer. Analysis of initial intercoder agreement

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Journal of Healthcare Leadership 2019:11 29
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amongst the four researchers revealed a 70% match. (including the CMO, CMIO, and PI), each posted 40 or
Follow-up discussions amongst the four researchers more messages on Yammer, over the 1-year SKN period.
resulted in further refinements to the coding scheme. As indicated earlier, over the 1-year SKN period there
The revised coding scheme was used by all four were a total of 485 posted communications on Yammer,
researchers to recode entire raw dataset. This iterative divided into 62 threads-of-discussion. Of these, 45 threads
process of coding, evaluation, discussions, and refinements had 3 or more posts; among which, 12 threads had 10 or
to the coding scheme was repeated until intercoder agree- more posts; of which 3 threads had 25 or more posts,
ment of over 95% was reached among four researchers. including 1 thread with 45 posts. There were a total of
There were six broad themes (or categories) of interpro- 32 issues related to EHR MedRec reported on the SKN
fessional knowledge exchange identified from this process Reporting Tool, over the 1-year period. Of the 45 threads
that are elaborated further under Results: “Problem with 3 or more posts, 32 began with issues reported on the
Statements;” “Problem-Solving Statements;” “IT System SKN Reporting Tool, brought in to Yammer by SKN
Education;” “Best-Practice Assertions;” “Culture Change Moderators. As such, all reported issues were used to
Assertions;” and “Collective Learning (Aha) Moments.” launch threads of discussion on Yammer.
The next step in the process, was Thematic Analysis of Overall, the Thematic Analysis process identified six
content transcribed from the 5 SKN Lunch-and-Learn broad themes that were repeated across several threads of
sessions and 15 SKN progress email updates, by the discussion, in the chronological order (outlined below):
same coding team, using the final coding scheme devel-
oped for Yammer. This process revealed that no further 1. Problem Statements
changes were needed to the coding scheme. 2. Problem-Solving Statements (“The How-To”)
To address Aim #2, we extracted and analyzed long- 3. IT System Education (“The What”)
itudinal patient-level data on MEASURE 1 and MEASURE 4. Best-Practice Assertions (“The Why”)
2 from the AU Health EHR, with support from a health 5. Culture Change Assertions (“The Way-To”)
system analyst. We performed trend analysis of quarterly 6. Collective Learning (“Aha”) Moments
data on both measures, to understand patterns over time. We
examined associations between SKN Use and MU of EHR When the entire Yammer dataset and supplemental
MedRec, by placing timestamps on trend charts to represent sources on SKN use (ie, Lunch-and-Learn sessions and
culminating points in interprofessional learning associated progress email updates) were considered, there were sev-
with the two measures, identified from Thematic Analysis, eral layers of sub-themes under each of the six broad
eg, “Collective Learning (Aha) Moments” experienced dur- themes. Figure 2 summarizes this hierarchy of themes. In
ing the SKN Lunch-and-Learn sessions. For MEASURE 1 essence, this figure provides a foundation for broadly
(External Rx Import), we also analyzed comparative data articulating the dynamics of interprofessional knowledge
for all patient encounters in the Neurosurgery service line, exchange related to EHR MedRec, on the SKN system.
which was not represented on the SKN system. A majority of issues related to EHR MedRec that were
Comparative data were not available for MEASURE 2 used to launch threads of discussion on Yammer (from the
(Missing Compliance Status Documentation). SKN Reporting Tool), pertained to the broad challenge of
“communication across the provider continuum,” within
the context of “medication-list accuracy.” To elaborate,
one of the most voluminous threads (THREAD 1) began
Dynamics of interprofessional knowledge with a problem statement on obtaining medication history
exchange and learning on the SKN system from the patient upon arrival, to formulate the current
(Aim 1) medication list, for reconciliation with new prescriptions,
Of the 50 practitioners who signed up to SKN Users, 25 to create an accurate updated active medication list on the
were active users of SKN Yammer, with 12 or more posts EHR. Another voluminous thread (THREAD 2) began
over the 1-year SKN period. Active users of Yammer came with a problem statement on how medications that do
from all professional subgroups and care settings repre- not belong in the active medication list, do not get
sented on SKN, including 8 physicians, 9 nurses, and 8 removed at discharge, thereby reducing the accuracy of
pharmacists. Additionally, 3 of the 5 SKN Moderators the patient’s active medication list on the EHR. As such,

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System Communication Other

issues across provider issues

Patient Provider Medication Workforce

Other areas
education engagement list accuracy training

Medication External Rx Documentation of Discontinuation of Other areas

history history import compliance status medications


Data discussions and suggestions for

External Rx Documentation of
compliance status Other areas
history import


Questions related Clarifications on Clarifications on Clarifications on
to EHR MedRec external Rx Documentation of other areas of
system history import compliance status EHR MedRec


Benefits of adhering to or consequences of Focus on ideal scenario
not adhering to best practices

Documentation Perfectly
External Rx Other Dedicated
of compliance informed
history import areas resources
status patients


“Let the ideal not get in the way of the good”

External Rx Documentation of Other

history import compliance status areas


In the absence of an Doing something to Everyone’s actions Shared
ideal scenario, update the med. counts towards understanding of
incremental efforts history or impacting broader EHR MedRec value and
to improve with communicate med. outcomes of “accurate workflow is
existing resources can compliance status is med. list;” for patient; necessary before
go a long way in better than doing MedRec is a shared system training and
improvin med. list nothing. responsibility. redesign

Foundation for practice change

Figure 2 Dynamics of interprofessional knowledge exchange related to EHR MedRec on the SKN system.

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Journal of Healthcare Leadership 2019:11 31
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two of the most voluminous threads on Yammer, pertained Med History is an option on the Medication List page.
to problem areas most frequently encountered by practi- This option shows last refill and often the prescriber. MDs
tioners in context of EHR MedRec, at a national level, as can use this function to convert medication to prescription
reported in the literature.1,2 as well to populate medication list.”
These discussions progressed to best-practice asser-
Dynamics of interprofessional knowledge exchange tions, which encountered some initial dissension, with
and learning in THREAD 1 focus on the ideal scenario. For example, a pharmacist
THREAD 1 began with the problem statement from an put forth a best practice assertion: “Importing ‘External
Emergency Department (ED) nurse “Patients frequently Rx History’ at some point in the patient encounter, pre-
arrive to the ED with no medication list and they don’t ferably as close to admission as possible, is essential as it
know the names of all or some of their medications …. The includes 90% plus of what actually occurred in the com-
nurses typically attempt to put in what they know or have but munity. We all know there will be gaps (i.e. VA, cash
it is incomplete a lot of the times….” This concern was paying, patient assistance medications, etc.). However, it
echoed by others. For example, a Cardiologist shared the will at least allow providers to know what the patient has
following from an outpatient clinic perspective: “Yesterday, been prescribed and could potentially question why they
I had a new patient who was on many medications but had are not taking certain medications.” Similarly, the CMO/
neither the bottles nor a list. I cannot bill until meds are SKN Moderator shared: “I am reviewing a case. Had the
reconciled and yet this cannot be honestly done….” provider checked the external history, a verbal miscommu-
This was followed by problem-solving statements; spin- nication would not have resulted in a dosing error.”
off problem statements; and additional problem-solving Despite these best-practice assertions, there was continu-
statements. For example, an outpatient nurse then put ing disagreement with a focus on the ideal scenario: “I
forth a problem-solving statement suggesting use of the think the only way to accurately reconcile medications is
External Rx History Import option, to obtain a current list to see all the bottles the patient has.” There were also
of medications. “We use the External Rx History option to comments on the need for dedicated resources: “I think
populate the medication list when we have a NEW patient the only way the ED can make this work would be to have
that does not bring their pill bottles. We have found this help from pharmacy techs dedicated to only this task.” It
option to be helpful. Does ED have access to this system? It would be relevant to note at this juncture, that AU Health
would at least give an idea of meds patient is taking and it has dedicated pharmacists and/or pharmacy techs in sev-
does show last time med was refilled.” This suggestion eral outpatient and inpatient areas, but not in all
initially received dissension from participants who had departments.
originally reported the problem. For example, the ED A pharmacist then put forth a culture change assertion.
nurse shared: “Yes we have the external history option, “It is important not to let the perfect stand in the way of
but it isn’t as easy as one might think. You have to take the good or better, I have seen prescribers simply ‘not act’
the time to compare what is in the system to what is in the to reconcile a medication because there was insufficient
external history, and when they don’t match up, you have to information or they were not sure. Not acting is making a
ask the patient …. some are insinuating that they will “trust” decision. (to do nothing).” The CMO/SKN Moderator then
the history in the system, but it could be inaccurate.” The reinforced this message with some comments: “Many ED
Cardiologist chimed in to say: “Patients should bring in all patients and even hospital-to-hospital transfers have little
home medications. I think importing the data in the absence ability to give a med. history. That is why External Rx is
of seeing the pill bottles creates errors.” This was then so important. While not perfect, it does give fills of pre-
followed by additional problem-solving statements. For scriptions with fill dates, and we have seen events that
example, a Hospitalist commented: “I think there are few would have been prevented if this was done.” Regarding
of us who fully trust any electronic list of meds. Usually I the issue of adding Pharmacy Techs to ED, the CMO/SKN
use it as a template to start discussing with patients what Moderator commented: “we would not be good stewards
they’re actually taking. Then once you have accurate med- of our resources, unless we optimize the workflow and
ication lists the real question is compliance.” standardize it. Several of our clinics have already imple-
These discussions were followed by “system educa- mented these best practices and we need to spread them.
tion” from the CMIO/SKN Moderator. “The External Further role clarification is the key. Only after we do that

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would we know the resources needs. For example, a key prescriptions are being written, the old ones are not being
process for our techs is to call pharmacies to obtain infor- discontinued on the history. To tie into this issue, I have
mation. The best source even for them is the External Rx had several patients contact me asking to remove a med-
History since there is a lag in obtaining information from ication from their list that they have never been
many pharmacies that do not operate 24×7.” prescribed.”
The PI/SKN Moderator then posted the following col- This was followed by problem-solving statements;
lective learning (aha) moment in an effort to synthesize spin-off problem statements; and additional problem-sol-
lessons learned: “Our discussions suggest that incremental ving statements. An outpatient nurse then advanced an
efforts to improve medication history with External Rx initial problem-solving statement for using the
History Import, in the absence of dedicated resources, “Compliance Status” field, to indicate “Not Taking” with
can go a long way in increasing accuracy of the medica- additional notes as needed, to indicate formulary replace-
tion list.” ment or completed course; and just removing the medica-
The second SKN Lunch-and-Learn session held at the tion. “If the patient is no longer taking the medication,
start of Q2 of the SKN period was devoted to discussing why not just right click and select complete and it’s gone?
lessons learned on Yammer related to “External Rx You could notate the reason for removing prior to com-
History Import” on the EHR, a topic that laid at the core pleting under Compliance Status so that when the next
of the Yammer discussions in THREAD 1 (as described person reviews inactive/discontinued meds they’ll see the
above). Correspondingly, this Lunch-and-Learn session rationale.” However, a Hospitalist physician had a dis-
was significant in providing an opportunity for additional agreement: “There are cases that patients are no longer
collective learning on this topic. Several participating taking medications but probably need to be taking them. In
nurses and pharmacists who had used the External Rx such cases, discontinuing the medication would not be
History function articulated how helpful it was in obtain- appropriate.” This was followed by additional problem-
ing an initial medication history for supplementing with solving statements from a pharmacist: It would be helpful
information from the patient/family, to develop a current to have ‘not taking – told to stop by doctor’ versus ‘not
medication list for reconciliation. taking - non-compliance’ in addition to ‘not taking -
This discussion culminated in additional collective learn- unable to determine’ which we already have, to provide
ing (aha) moments, summarized by the PI at the end of the more information into what barriers/issues exist for adher-
session: “Lessons learned from Yammer, suggest that in the ence and access.”
absence of an ideal scenario (e.g., dedicated resources for The CMIO/SKN Moderator then stepped in with some
EHR MedRec or perfectly informed patients with all pill system education: “Under Compliance Status, ‘Not
bottles), incremental efforts to improve practices with exist- Taking’ was meant for meds that the patient was supposed
ing resources (e.g., External Rx Import), could go a long way to be taking but are not compliant with. Intake staff were
in reducing medication discrepancies during transitions of supposed to “complete” meds that had been discontinued
care. In other words, doing something to reconcile medica- by a provider or that the patient self-discontinued. Of
tions (using External Rx Import), is better than doing noth- course there is some gray area between the two, which
ing, for improving accuracy of the medication list across the would be a clinical judgement call.”
care continuum, to promote patient safety.” These discussions progressed to best-practice assertions,
which encountered some initial dissension, with focus on an
Dynamics of interprofessional knowledge exchange ideal scenario. For example, there were several best-practice
and learning in THREAD 2 assertions from pharmacists and nurses, to reinforce the
THREAD 2 began with a problem statement from an out- benefits of documenting compliance status for every active
patient nurse: “We are coming across multiple patients that medication; as well as the consequences of not doing so: “A
were on two beta blockers. They had been switched from correct medication list is essential for a patient to move from
metoprolol to carvedilol or vice versa but both meds hospital to the community physician. Discontinuing ‘Not
remained on their med list and the issue was not known Taking’ Medications needs to occur at the point of entry or
until patients would call and state they were feeling very exit from the acute care stay. As such, completing the
fatigued and heart rate was low - then we start investigat- Compliance Status for every medication during every
ing.” Another pharmacist echoed this concern: “As new encounter is essential. Compliance status can be assessed

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Journal of Healthcare Leadership 2019:11 33
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by fill history and asking the patient how they take their Status field, can impact the accuracy of the patient’s med-
medications. (e.g., if prescription is for Lisinopril 20 mg ication list and ultimately, the safety of the patient as s/he
daily, #30, for 12 refills; and fill history only shows one fill transitions into the community.”
over 6 months, then patient is either non-compliant or was The third and fourth SKN Lunch-and-Learn sessions
told to stop taking the medication).” Another pharmacist held during the 3rd and 4th quarters of the SKN period,
commented: “The issue generally starts with the medication respectively, were devoted to discussing lessons learned on
plan being verbally communicated to the patient and not Yammer related to “Documentation of Compliance
completely written down. In such cases, the lists would not Status,” a key EHR MedRec functionality that laid at the
include ‘the following medicines have been discontinued,’ core of Yammer discussions in THREAD 2 (as described
which in turn, leads to therapeutic duplication.” Concurrently above). It would be relevant to note at this juncture, that
however, there were comments from other pharmacists that around end of Q2 of the SKN period (ie, ~6 months into
stressed the need for dedicated resources “I have read that the SKN period), data collected up to that point, on the
pharmacy techs are very effective in solving these problems two measures of MU of EHR MedRec, began to be shared
as they are familiar with the medications, regimens, refill by SKN Moderators, with SKN Users, on Yammer. By
patterns, etc. This effectiveness comes from looking at the that point, data on MEASURE 1 had already begun show-
information on a daily basis.” ing improvements, much to the appreciation of Yammer
Next, a pharmacist who made a similar comment in the participants. By contrast, however, data on MEASURE 2
context of the discussion on External Rx History Import showed considerable room for improvement with a grow-
put forth a culture change assertion. “Again, it is important ing proportion of missing compliance status documenta-
to not let the perfect be the enemy of the good. I agree that tion, on patients’ active medications. Supplemental chart
if the Compliance Status is ‘not taking’ anymore, that audits that were performed by the CMO and CMIO/SKN
needs to be flagged so the next prescriber is aware and Moderators around the same timeframe, revealed a ten-
can consider the information (eg not ordering a medication dency to document only the “not taking” medications by
for a patient who has not taken for years - AND removing exception in the compliance status field, while leaving
the med from the list of active medications). This is NOT other active medications, with missing or blank compli-
prescribing, but should be done with a note on the speci- ance status. These findings were shared with all SKN
fics - eg “stopped due to side effects” versus “the specialist Users on Yammer. As indicated in Figure 2, any postings
who prescribed it told me to stop.” These have different on Yammer related to data on the two measures were
implications that the clinician needs to consider).” Having coded under the sub-theme of “Data Discussions and
partial information on the drug name is better than no Suggestions for Improvement,” under the broader theme
information at all, as long as this is flagged by the team of “Problem-Solving Statements.”
for follow-up, eg, for an inpatient admission that might be During the third SKN Lunch-and-Learn session, a key
asking the family to bring the Rx in, or calling a physi- topic for discussion was the importance of not leaving the
cian’s office/pharmacy the next morning.” These com- compliance status missing or blank for any active medica-
ments were then reinforced by the CMO/SKN tion, since a blank field could be construed to mean either that
Moderator: “To require all areas documented would put the patient is “still taking the medication as prescribed;” or
the documenting individual in a tough position. Sometimes that the previous provider was “unable to determine” the
you do not know at the time what dose is! What do you status, making it all the more difficult for the next provider
do? Do not document the med at all? Documenting the of care to trust the data in the EHR, and use it meaningfully to
med at least allows interaction checks. So as <the pharma- update the medication list for the subsequent transition point.
cist> said, let’s not allow perfection to become the enemy It was discussed that these types of issues could have the
of good. The key is to teach the importance of compliance effect of prompting workarounds by providers, to commu-
and how to document it.” nicate any changes to the medication list directly to the
The PI/SKN Moderator then posted the following col- patient, either verbally, or on paper, without updating the
lective learning (aha) moment comment, in an effort to electronic list on the EHR. These points were met with
synthesize lessons learned from the discussion: “This dis- agreement from providers across the continuum. For exam-
cussion illustrates how the actions of each provider or ple, an outpatient nurse coordinator commented: “I have
clinic in completing or not completing the Compliance instructed my staff to address each medication with a

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compliance.” A Hospitalist physician commented: “I agree. I The graph in Part A shows substantial improvement in
would also like to see system-wide standardization of this MEASURE 1 from 59% in Q2 2017 to 85% in Q3 2017. On
process and education of responsible staff.” the other hand, the comparative data for Neurosurgery shows
The next (fourth) SKN Lunch-and-Learn session, culmi- a relatively stable trend in MEASURE 1, with the aggregate
nated in several “Collective Learning (Aha) Moments” on proportion of External Rx History Import remaining at an
this topic, summarized by the PI at the end of the session: average of ~45%, during the same timeframe. These
“Our discussions on Yammer suggest that providers across dynamics suggest that the improvements in MEASURE 1
the continuum need to recognize the importance of shared among the participating medicine service lines may have
ownership of the EHR MedRec system, since every provi- emanated from the interprofessional learning associated
der’s actions (e.g., compliance status documentation), could with this best practice that occurred on the SKN system.
affect the accuracy of the patient’s active medication list on Similar results were observed for MEASURE 2. The
the system. Our experience with Yammer over the past graph in Part B, Figure 3 shows the trend in MEASURE 2,
several months also suggests that developing a collective by quarter (from Q1 2017 to Q2 2018). The trend in
understanding of both the value of best-practices in EHR MEASURE 2 is depicted separately for four groups of
MedRec and the EHR MedRec workflow at a system level, patients, distinguished by their total number of active
is essential, before embarking on IT-training for providers to medications in each quarter, over the 6-quarter period. In
address socio-technical challenges of EHR implementation other words, patients who had <5 (Group 1); ≥5-to-<10
(like managing differing ‘views’ of EHR MedRec function- (Group 2); ≥10 (Group 3) total number of active medica-
alities). This shared understanding of the ‘big picture’ is tions in each quarter; and all patients with reported active
essential to have in place, before IT-training of providers, to medications (Group 4) in each quarter, over the 6-quarter
ensure effective communication related to the active medica- period. The table in Part B shows the numerators (number
tion list across the provider continuum, and promote of medications with missing compliance documentation)
Meaningful Use of EHR Med Rec technology.” and denominators (total number of active medications),
used to generate the proportions represented on the graph
for MEASURE 2, for each group by quarter; as well as the
Associations between “SKN Use” and patient count in each group, by quarter. The two vertical
“Meaningful Use (MU) of EHR MedRec” lines on the graph indicate the timings of the third and
(Aim 2) fourth SKN Lunch-and-Learn sessions, respectively.
Results for MEASURE 1 and MEASURE 2 are summarized As indicated in Part B, MEASURE 2 showed an increas-
in Part A and Part B, respectively (Figure 3). The graph in ing (deteriorating) trend for all four groups from Q1 2017 to
Part A summarizes the trend in MEASURE 1, ie, total Q4 2017, during which time, an increasing trend was also
proportion of External Rx History Import for all CHF noted in the total number of active medications among CHF
encounters aggregated for the 5 participating medicine ser- patients (see table in Part B). However, MEASURE 2 began
vice lines, by quarter, over a 6-quarter period (Q1 2017–Q2 declining (improving) for Group 1, after Q4 2017. In other
2018). The table in Part A indicates the numerators and words, it went from 31% in Q4 2017 to 17% in Q2 2018 for
denominators used to generate the proportions represented Group 1; a 45% decline (improvement). As indicated on the
on the graph. Both the graph and table in Part A, also include graph, Groups 2, 3, and 4 also began showing a decline after
comparative data on MEASURE 1, for all encounters in the Q1 2018, ie, one quarter after Group 1. However, the decline
Neurosurgery service line, over the same timeframe. for Groups 2, 3, and 4, was not as sharp as it was for Group 1.
As indicated, the aggregate proportion of External Rx The earlier start of decline (improvement) in MEASURE 2 for
History Import for CHF encounters in the 5 participating Group 1, compared to the remaining groups, suggests that the
medicine service lines, increased (improved) from 35% in interprofessional learning that occurred related to this best
Q1 2017 to 84% in Q2 2018, a 140% increase. The practice during the third SKN Lunch-and-Learn session, may
vertical dotted line on the graph represents the time point have translated to immediate implementation of this best-
of the second SKN Lunch-and-Learn session (ie, end of practice among patients for whom it could be easily imple-
Q2/start of Q3 2017). This session was conducted after mented, ie, patients with <5 total active medications (the “low-
several weeks of interprofessional discussion on this topic hanging fruits”). However, the fact that there was a declining
on SKN Yammer. trend for all groups in Q2 2018 (relative to the increasing trend

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Journal of Healthcare Leadership 2019:11 35
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MEASURE 1: External Rx History Import (Higher is Better)

Aggregate % total encounters with External Rx History lmport











1Q ‘17 2Q ‘17 3Q ‘17 4Q ‘17 1Q ‘18 2Q ‘18

Medicine Neurosurgery

NOTE: The vertical dotted line on the graph, represents timing of the 2nd SKN Lunch-and-Learn session
1Q ‘17 2Q ‘17 3Q ‘17 4Q ‘17 1Q ‘18 2Q ‘18

Number of external Rx history imports 455 706 1,063 1,027 1,123 1,215
(All five medicine sercvice lines)

Total number of congestive heart

failure (CHF) encounters 1,286 1,193 1,254 1,212 1,343 1,441
(All five medicine service lines

Aggregate proportion of external Rx 35% 59% 85% 85% 84% 84%

history import (Medicine)

Number of external Rx history imports

452 441 456 494 547 496
(Neurosurgery service line)

Total number of encounters

1,186 1,064 988 1,000 1,113 1,005
(Neurosurgery service line)

Aggregate proportion of external Rx

38% 41% 46% 49% 49% 49%
history import (Neurosurgery)

Figure 3 Trends in measures of Meaningful Use (MU) of EHR MedRec technology.

in previous quarters), suggests that the trend in MEASURE 2 timeframe during which interprofessional learning on this
may be moving in the right direction for all patients, although topic, occurred on the SKN system.
there may be a longer learning curve for patients with more
number of total active medications. As such, similar to Discussion
MEASURE 1, the improvement in MEASURE 2 for the Over the 1-year SKN period, there were two areas related
medicine services represented on SKN, coincided with the to EHR MedRec (1) External Rx History Import and (2)

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MEASURE 2: Missing Compliance Status Documentation (Lower is Better)

Aggregate % of total active medications with missing documentation of compliance status

(calculate for CHF patients in all four groups of total active meds by quarter)






1Q ‘17 2Q ‘17 3Q ‘17 4Q ‘17 1Q ‘18 2Q ‘18

% Group 1 (<5 total active meds) % Group 2 (≤ 5 total active meds <10)
% Group 3 (total active meds ≥ 10) % Group 4 (All patients with active meds)

NOTE: The two vertical dotted lines on the graph represent timings of the 3rd& 4thSKN Lunch-and-Learn sessions
1Q ‘17 2Q ‘17 3Q ‘17 4Q ‘17 1Q ‘18 2Q ‘18
Number of meds missing compliance documentation in group 1 160 150 155 182 111 55
Number of meds missing compliance documentation in group 2 160 448 505 590 461 263

Number of meds missing compliance documentation in group 3 2,591 3,900 5,240 7,262 9,251 11,071

Number of meds missing compliance documentation in group 4 3,086 4,498 5,900 8,034 9,823 11,389

Total number of active meds in group 1 761 771 666 595 463 324

Total number of active meds in group 2 2,412 2,693 2,783 2,700 2,157 1,354

Total number of active meds in group 3 14,787 20,179 26,874 34,387 43,583 57,225

Total number of active meds in group 4 17,960 23,643 30,323 37,682 46,208 58,904

Count of all CHF patients in group 1 250 256 217 194 158 112

Count of all CHF patients in group 2 329 371 379 368 295 131

Count of all CHF patients in group 3 663 868 1,112 1,407 1,715 2,024

Count of all CHF patients in group 4 1,242 1,495 1,708 1,969 2,169 2,317

Figure 3 Continued.

Compliance Status Documentation, for which interprofes- we refrained from using broad outcome measures of “med-
sional discussions on the SKN system progressed through ication discrepancies” or “medication list accuracy,”
the full spectrum of themes from “problem statements” to because of the lack of “truth” in what the accurate medica-
“collective learning (aha) moments,” to lay a foundation tion list was. This was further complicated by factors that
for practice change. These learning dynamics were asso- can influence the “accuracy” of the list from the view of
ciated with distinct improvements trends in both measures the provider on either end of a transition point, in regard to
of MU of EHR MedRec. It would be relevant to note that what medications the patient “should” be taking, and the

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Journal of Healthcare Leadership 2019:11 37
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view from the patient in regard to what they are actually shared understanding of the EHR MedRec workflow at the
taking. On the other hand, the two measures of MU of system level. Our experience suggests that this type of
EHR MedRec utilized in this project, were most appro- collective learning of the “big picture,” may be essential
priate for our exploratory study, not only because they to have in place before embarking on any form of IT-train-
served as objective measures of MU of EHR MedRec ing of practitioners to address socio-technical issues.
technology, but also because they directly emerged from Results also suggest that an SKN system may be a particu-
the interprofessional discussions on the SKN system, as larly valuable tool for institutions where practice change
having the greatest potential to reduce medication discre- (eg, EHR Meaningful Use) needs to occur with existing
pancies and promote medication list accuracy for patients resources, through workflow changes, as opposed to new
at AU Health. resource outlays, eg, dedicated pharmacy techs in every
In regard to the participants who made a difference on the unit. In this regard, one may argue that restricting the
SKN, results suggest that 3 of the 5 SKN Moderators (ie, responsibility of EHR MedRec to dedicated resources
CMO, CMIO, and the PI), played a crucial role in facilitating might hinder the Meaningful Use of EHR technology if
interprofessional knowledge exchange on issues related to there are sudden changes to the financial situation, and
EHR MedRec to promote collective learning of best practices. dedicated resources are not sustainable anymore. In such
In both threads of discussion, initial “problem-solving state- situations, engaging all provider subgroups in developing a
ments” and “best-practice assertions” often emerged from shared understanding of the value of EHR MedRec and the
among SKN Users or frontline providers, which provided a system-level EHR MedRec workflow, could be beneficial to
momentum for SKN Moderators to reinforce these types of any HCO.
messages. SKN Moderators also played key roles in providing The above discussion provides insight into the follow-
“IT system education” and synthesizing lessons learned from ing evidence-based management strategies for enabling
Yammer discussions, to generate “collective learning (aha) successful implementation of complex innovations:
moments,” and create a foundation for practice change. All
SKN Moderators also played an important role in the timely 1. At the start of the effort, create a knowledge sharing and
sharing of data and analytics related to both measures of MU learning mechanism (eg, SKN) among a critical mass of
of EHR MedRec on the SKN system, to enable data discus- providers, expected to implement practice changes. The
sions and problem-solving. Additionally, although champions mechanism should facilitate tacit knowledge exchange
for change among SKN Users, often emerged from among on issues experienced with current practices, as well as
pharmacists and nurses, physicians also actively participated possible resolutions to those issues.
in corroborating best-practice assertions and problem-solving 2. Conduct proactive, periodic communications (from
statements, when they were presented with evidence linking senior leadership) on benefits of adhering to best
practices to outcomes (which helped provide a rationale or the practices and consequences of not adhering to them.
“why” for practice change). 3. Create shared understanding of the value of best
practices (ie, the link between practices and out-
Implications for practice comes) or the answer to the question of “why”
Results from this exploratory study suggest that an SKN practices need to change, to gain provider engage-
system could be a valuable tool in enabling MU of EHR ment in changing practices, before embarking on
MedRec technology. From a broader perspective, SKN IT-training of providers to address sociotechnical
could be useful in enabling successful implementation of challenges.
“complex innovations,” ie, practice changes requiring 4. Develop capacity to collect, analyze, and dissemi-
coordination of care across the continuum, with an addi- nate data on best-practice measures among provi-
tional layer of complexity posed by health IT implementa- ders to promote a scientific (research-based)
tion (like MU of EHR MedRec technology). approach to learning and improvement.
In particular, results suggest that SKN helped achieve 5. Enable champions for change to emerge from among
progress in MU of EHR MedRec technology, by addressing providers, to voice the need for culture change for
the implementation-challenges in the correct sequence, ie, enabling successful best-practice implementation;
by first enabling collective learning of the value of best and reinforce these messages with proactive, periodic
practices in EHR MedRec, which, in turn, helped improve communication from senior leadership.

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6. Create a “learning health system,” by synthesizing les- experiments to investigate causal relationships between SKN
sons learned to facilitate “collective learning (aha) Use and EHR Meaningful Use, across a wide variety of HCOs.
moments” across provider subgroups and care settings; Another future research avenue would be to examine the
and encourage providers to spread the learning within utility of an SKN system as a tool for enabling successful
the broader institution. Management research has sug- implementation of other complex innovations involving coor-
gested framing practice issues as a “learning challenge” dination of care and health IT implementation, like, for exam-
rather than a “performance challenge,” and addressing ple, risk assessment for sepsis prevention.
them in the form of non-threatening pilot research
projects, to engage providers in improvement.32,33
This project fulfilled both criteria to demonstrate mean-
Results of this exploratory study show that SKN Use was
ingful results. This suggests that other health systems
associated with Meaningful Use of EHR MedRec technology,
could also benefit from developing similar capabilities
at the study institution. The study suggests that an SKN system
to become “learning health systems.”
could be a valuable tool in enabling interprofessional knowl-
edge exchange and learning to facilitate complex practice
Implications for theory
change (EHR Meaningful Use). Future large-scale studies of
Results and insights from this study serve to reinforce the
SKN use in HCOs could help to generate a systematic evi-
theoretical framework that communication networks rich in
dence-base of management strategies for promoting EHR
brokerage and hierarchy, ie, proactive periodic top-down com-
Meaningful Use, which in turn, could be used to prompt federal
munication of best practices, may be effective in engaging
EHR vendors to incorporate SKN features into EHR systems.
professional subgroups to exchange tacit (practice-based)
knowledge exchange, to foster collective learning and enable
change in HCOs. Additionally, while this framework simply IRB approval
suggests that this type of communication structure can enable The study was approved by the IRB at Augusta University.
provider engagement, learning, and change, the results from IRB approval was obtained prior to data collection.
this study, provide profound insights into how interprofes-
sional learning occurs in an HCO, to lay a foundation for Acknowledgment
practice change (MU of EHR MedRec technology), as sum- This study was supported by grant number R21HS024335
marized in Figure 2. While past studies have shed light on the from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
factors enabling change implementation in HCOs (“the (AHRQ).
what”), there is limited understanding of how learning and
change occur in HCOs (“the how”).33 By addressing this gap,
this study makes a significant contribution to the theoretical
The authors report no conflicts of interest in this work.
literature on organizational learning and change implementa-
tion in HCOs.
Limitations and future research avenues 1. AHRQ, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. Patient safety
primer: medication reconciliation; 2016. Available from: https://psnet.
This study is limited in being restricted to one health system, Accessed October
and like any other implementation study, it is influenced by 15, 2017.
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at the institution. Correspondingly, the practice implications Clinicians. Rockville, MD: Agency for Healthcare Research and
are also context sensitive. However, this may also be viewed Quality (US); Chapter 38. 2008. Available from: http://www.ncbi.
as a strength of the study, in that, the exploratory and qualita- 3. CMS Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. Stage 2 eligible
tive study design helped gain insight into dynamics of inter- professional meaningful use core measures measure 14 of 17; 2012.
Available from:
professional learning, within the context of implementing new
practices in a HCO, which helps to address a key gap in the MedicationReconciliation.pdf. Accessed November 1, 2016.
literature on how learning and change occur in HCOs. Future 4. HealthIT.Gov. Achieving meaningful use stage 2: medication recon-
ciliation; 2014. Available from:
research could help evaluate the generalizability of results professionals/achieve-meaningful-use/core-measures-2/medication-
from this exploratory study, through large-scale controlled reconciliation. Accessed October 15, 2016.

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