Literature Review 3

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Staples 1

Lizzie Staples

Prof. Cook

English 1201.508

30 October 2021

What Would Make Schools a Safer Place for Students?

Sending a child to school can be a scary thought for many parents. Will they be safe at

school? Do they have supportive teachers and administration? Is the transportation getting their

children there safely? As a student who is looking to go into the education department, I am

looking forward to helping take some of the stress off of these worried parents. In the last few

years, the number of parents worried about their children at school has grown. Schools need to

implement different tactics and resources to provide a safer community for students. By using

different safety procedures including online supervision, mental checks, and community

resources, parents will have a feeling of comfort while sending their child to school. My hope is

to help inform parents of what is being done to relieve their worries.

There are many websites, news articles, films, etc. that can be used to help parents find

information on school safety. I have reviewed a few different sources to evaluate what has been

applied to schools over the past few years. Different polls and statistics show that the concern

for children at school by parents is the highest it’s been in over two decades. This concern is

due to the spike in school shootings, the physical threats to students and faculty, and the rise in

bullying. The following websites are informative and helpful guides about these topics:,, and

I found that the website covers many different topics including;

bullying, school threats, training and drills, mental health safety, how to recover a school that
Staples 2
Lizzie Staples

Prof. Cook

English 1201.508

30 October 2021

has been through a disaster, and many other things. The guided information from this website

is not only a place for parents to find information, but an extra tool for teachers and

administration to help keep the environment safe.

In schools today there are new ways to increase protection. Lockdown protection is a

new and inexpensive technique. Schools have added this new device that will forcefully lock the

doors from the inside. Teachers are specially trained to use this device should they notice any

type of threat in the school. This lockdown means of protection is used nationwide. Bullying is

another major safety hazard kids face at school, both mentally, and sometimes physically.

Students now have the ability to anonymously email or contact school personnel should they

feel as though they are being bullied. There are also numerous resources online for students to

access, and often school sponsored presentations directed at this type of student activity.

Many schools are implementing a zero tolerance policy when it comes to bullying. Raising the

level of punishment for any type of threats or bullying is important to stress the severity of this

problem. Schools across the country have resource officers who patrol both, activity within the

school and also activity online. Many local police departments are also closely involved with this

patrolling. These are just a few things that schools are implementing to keep their students

safe. Educating the parents on the new and varied security measures is vitally important. I

found this website to be the most helpful and informative. I also found it to be easy to navigate

for people of all ages. It allows administrators to find events and upcoming opportunities to

educate themselves and the community on ways to promote safety in the schools. I
Staples 3
Lizzie Staples

Prof. Cook

English 1201.508

30 October 2021

recommend this website to parents who are looking to improve their own knowledge on school


Another informative website I reviewed, and from which I gathered information, is This website has many tabs covering parts of bullying, including how to

address bystanders, how to build a safe environment in the classroom, and others on how to

prevent bullying from starting. As a future educator, I think this website should be a required part

of teaching guidelines. It would help educate teachers on how to best help prevent bullying in

the classroom and online. The creators of this site made it easy to follow. It provides parents

with information about how schools allow resource officers to monitor the students' social media

and assist administrators in their attempt to prevent bullying. I noticed that the site could use a

few more sources of information on how parents can help their students stay safe online at

home and how parents could notice a change in their child’s behavior towards certain people or

places, unusual attitudes, and other symptoms of depression. It is shown that children can

develop anxiety when being at school with other children who make them feel threatened.

Overall this site is helpful and a good source of basic information to help parents and

administrators put an end to bullying.

Films and video clips are excellent ways to show how schools are using new safety

measures. I have found many videos and documentaries about what schools these days are

doing to keep students and staff safe. One of the new safety measures that most schools have

implemented is keeping policemen in the schools. A school resource officer isn’t there for just a
Staples 4
Lizzie Staples

Prof. Cook

English 1201.508

30 October 2021

scare factor, but is also a trusted person that kids can vent to and talk to in the halls. The video,

“Protecting students,” on the site vimeo was created by Manor High School students and

discusses how the fast growing enrollment creates a need for more adults and safety

procedures. They explain some of the procedures including, a locked door policy at all times,

what to do if someone who is not enrolled enters the campus, upgraded cameras, and many

other safety strategies. Not only are these strategies implemented at Manor High School, but

also in many other school districts all over America. This makes sure that students,

administrators, and staff feel safe at all times. The deputies on campus are the main safety

source for the campus. They deal with many different situations and assist with many students

both in and out of school. This allows parents and students to feel safe and trusted while being

at school. The officers are there to build relationships with students so that it builds trust and

security. I would recommend this documentary to many other parents who are uneasy about

what is really going on in schools today.

Not only are there things to worry about within the walls of the school but there is also

danger outside. The website, posted “Staying Safe on Playgrounds” provides

information on playground hazards, sun exposure, age-appropriate activities, and some easy

ways to keep kids safe when playing outside at school. The website is informative and provides

parents and administration with facts regarding how many injuries happen each year. More than

200,000 kids, ages 14 and under, are sent to the hospital because of an injury caused on a

playground. Many of these injuries are concussions and broken bones, which can both be major

injuries and can impact their future. These can be caused by hazards including uneven

surfaces, overcrowded areas, and unprotected areas. Children at young ages should be on
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Lizzie Staples

Prof. Cook

English 1201.508

30 October 2021

equipment that is safe for them to easily access, built low to the ground, and that provides

safety rails or harnesses. Older children enjoy more challenging playgrounds, including rock

walls, large web playgrounds, and more. This can be a scary thought for some parents,

especially parents with young children. By having administrators read this site it forces them to

check their playground for any hazards which might give parents a sense of discomfort. This

website has tabs of other safety situations for people to review. I think that it provides a

balanced amount of information for parents and teachers. While reviewing this website, I

learned that I would recommend it to others who are looking for information on how to make

sure their child is safe on the playground.

Being a kindergartener on the first day of school can be a scary experience, leaving

home and getting on the big school bus for the first time. Many parents find school

transportation very stressful and unsafe. In the document titled, “School bus Safety Tips for

Parents.” on recommends and guides parents with helpful tips when sending

their children to the bus stop. Talking to children about what is expected of them on the bus is a

great idea for parents to keep their kids safe. It is important for parents to understand that the

children are expected to get on and off the bus at their designated times and stops, keep low

volume voices on the bus, keep things out of the ailes, and many other things to help keep them

and the other children safe on the bus. School bus drivers are required to get their CDL licenses

and meet many yearly requirements on their driving records to become a bus driver. This

ensures that qualified drivers are transporting children safely to and from school. Parents are

able to find all of this information on sites about school transportation and safety procedures.
Staples 6
Lizzie Staples

Prof. Cook

English 1201.508

30 October 2021

Another informative tool that I reviewed are the videos on TEDx Talks. Ted Talks are a

great tool used to give real life examples and information to others. The Ted Talk titled,” How

Can We Improve School-Based Mental Health Support?” by Jordan Wells, provides viewers with

information from a student who suffered from mental health herself. She expressed that she

found comfort in her school by trusting a teacher and knew that teacher always had her back

whenever she needed it. In seventh grade she was told to do a mental health research project.

She knew that it was an important project for her to share her story to others. It soon became

more than just a school project. In this Ted Talk she discusses that she hopes the audience can

take what they learn and assist their own kids and students. She worked hard to find low cost

ideas that schools could implement, like a check- in list with councillors, zones of regulation

methods, and many other things. These are tools that both parents and teachers can apply in

the classroom and at home. Many students feel uncomfortable asking for help when it comes to

feelings and emotions. By implementing these tools it makes sure all students feel safe and

comfortable talking to someone. Mental health is a hard and scary thing that many people don’t

feel comfortable discussing. It is important that parents know their child is being treated fairly at

school, even if they suffer from any emotional problems. This Ted Talk is very educational and

provides viewers with a real life example of a student who understands what others are going


Making schools a safer place for students includes the help of parents. School districts

are working hard to make their students feel safe by using different procedures in the
Staples 7
Lizzie Staples

Prof. Cook

English 1201.508

30 October 2021

classrooms and halls. They are also providing safety by keeping police forces in the schools to

maintain safety in the building and monitor what is being put online. Playgrounds, transportation,

and teachers guidelines are important ways that schools are focused on while checking their

safety requirements. These are all very important things that are being done recently in school

districts all over the United States. To find more information on what is being done to provide

safety, parents and guardians can access any of these sites and videos

to learn more about this topic. So, what would make schools a safer

place for students? All of the articles and videos I listed are some of the

common things that people are afraid of, in and around schools. The

school systems are working hard to minimize these fears and allow

children and parents to feel comfort in their school district. I recommend

these articles and videos to many people who question how their child is

being treated at school and how different situations are being supervised.

It is important that authority is in the schools to be the first action of

defense in case of an emergency. As a future educator I have learned

that I have many things to learn and be aware of while being a role model to students.

Another tool that would help provide a safe environment for students and parents is

good communication between parents and school administrators. Schools should implement

quarterly or semester based seminars for parents who are interested in knowing about what is

going on in the school district. This is important because many first time parents are worried

about missing events and concerned about what's going on in the building. Principals and staff
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Lizzie Staples

Prof. Cook

English 1201.508

30 October 2021

should send emails to parents about what is being activated and practiced to ensure correct

safety drills. Allowing parents to get involved and have helpful input lets them know that their

opinions are valued and their concerns are prioritized. This tactic is a great way to help parents

feel safer about their child's school. It is important for people to realize that even if the safety

measures that are put in place don't work effectively, there is time to alter them and work on

creating the most effective safety measure. If the safety procedures fail to work in a situation,

that will help provide the schools with data on what they need to alter to make sure their

students are most protected. Including the administration in real life scenarios of lockdowns,

intruders, and bullies is a necessity in making students realize the importance of school safety.

These are the most important parts of having a good foundation for extra school protection.

Having a good relationship between staff, parents, and students is a key part to creating a safe

and trusted foundation for the school. I think that this is one of the most important aspects of a

safe school environment.

A key factor in maintaining a safe school is having trusted teachers and administrators.

Many schools have hundreds, even thousands of students. A rise in enrollment means that

there needs to be a rise in the number of staff members, the students of Manor High also

expressed that this was a factor at their school as well. Not only is it important for there to be

staff members in the building, but it is also important that they are people that can be trusted by

the students. Students should feel safe being at school and trusting that their teachers are there

to help them succeed and feel safe. Many kids find that they

are at school with administrators who don’t really know them.

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Lizzie Staples

Prof. Cook

English 1201.508

30 October 2021

The students feel that they aren’t honestly there to help them along, nor do they feel as thought

these administrators genuinely care about them. Schools should stress the importance of

having trusted administrators in their schools when hiring their staff members. By having

teachers and administrators that are genuinely interested in their students' lives, this gives

students the feeling of being wanted and included. Many students who come from broken

homes or who might even be homeless, feel that having trusted teachers and administrators

make them feel like a part of a community. These kids value the safety, love, and security of

being at school with people who they feel comfortable with and who they feel love them.

Making schools a safer place for students includes the help of parents, teachers, and

safety officials. Parents need to keep themselves informed of what is going on and stay active

within the district. They need to foster open communication with their children as to how to

handle situations. School districts need to continue working hard to implement any new or

needed safety measures in the classrooms and halls. They should also continue to keep police

forces in the schools to monitor activity, both on the school grounds and online. And safety

officials need to do their part by not only monitoring, but also building trusting relationships with

students and personnel. Playgrounds, transportation, and teachers guidelines are all important

checkpoints for schools when it comes to safety requirements. To find more information on

what is being done to provide safety, parents and guardians can access any of these sites and

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Lizzie Staples

Prof. Cook

English 1201.508

30 October 2021

All of the articles and videos I listed discuss the common things that people are afraid of

in and around schools. The school systems are working hard to minimize these fears and allow

children and parents a feeling of comfort. I recommend these articles and videos to people who

question how their child is being treated at school and how different situations are being

supervised. As a future educator, I have realized that I will have many responsibilities for my

students’ safety, while being a role model to them at the same time. I am looking forward to

my students feeling comfortable talking to me and other staff members. In the future I hope

parents and students feel safer being at schools and comfortable following different safety

procedures that are put in place.

In conclusion, implementing safety drills in the halls, monitoring student activity online,

checking playground hazards, tracking transportation requirements, demanding supportive

administration, and developing a trusted relationship between parents and staff, are all key

aspects of creating a safe place for students. Applying all of these things in a school district will

hopefully minimize the threats, anxiety, and fears that many parents and students face when

going or sending their children to school. Referring to the websites and articles listed above

can help relieve worried parents and make sure schools are using the tools they have to provide

safe environments.
Staples 11
Lizzie Staples

Prof. Cook

English 1201.508

30 October 2021

Work Cited

Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs (ASPA). “Build a Safe Environment.” StopBullying.Gov, 5 2019,

Argus Agents, Inc. “Ohio Catholic School Dramatically Improves School Safety With The

Addition Of Wireless Panic Button.” Cision, 28 June 2018,


“How Can We Improve School-Based Mental Health Support? | Jordan Wells |

TEDxYouth@BeaconStreet.” YouTube, uploaded by TEDx Talks, 23 Jan. 2019,

Tips for Parents - NC School Bus Safety Web.

McNamee, Kai. “US Cities Rethink the Role of Police in Schools.” Financial Times, Financial

Times, 20 June 2020,

“Playground Safety - National Safety Council.” National Safety Council, National Safety Council, Accessed

16 Oct. 2021.
Staples 12
Lizzie Staples

Prof. Cook

English 1201.508

30 October 2021

Richmond, Emily. “Access Denied.” Parents Fear for Kids’ Safety in Schools Reaches

Two-Decade High, 17 July 2018,

n-schools-reaches-two-decade-high. SchoolSaftey.Gov.

“School Safety.” Go to Highland Elementary School,

Student Reporting Labs. “Protecting Students.” Vimeo, uploaded by Kimberly Hernandez, 14

Oct. 2021, Zhang, L., Wu, J., Deng, C., Zhang, M., Li, C., &

Wang, Q. “Shibboleth Authentication Request.” Sinclair.Edu, Accessed 16, October


Yuyuyi. “Teacher and Student Stock Vector. Illustration of Concept - 139560616.”

Dreamstime, 19 Feb. 2019,


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