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‘Some Issues in Teaching English for Specific Purposes (ESP) Kornelia Choroleeva, Bulgaria Komelia Choroleeva is « senior lecturer at the University of Food ‘eehnclogies, Bulgaria: She's interested in ELT methods English for Specific Purposes, trrslation theory and practice, and sociolinguistic Esai Introduction Linguists’ acknowledgement of the importance of English language Teatners purposes and needs with respect tothe laring process has led to the development of {he eld of study known as English for Specifie Purposes (ESP), Teaches and Fescarchers dealing with ESP are interested in the peculiarities of the English fanguage determined by the profession or branch of seienee where the language Teaners will function as second language users. Thus, itis possible t disinguish “mong English for Law, English for Tourism, Medical English, Business English, ete This suuivsion ofthe English language is useful because it draws the attention to the fhet that language eannot be taught or mastered in its entirety. That is shy, an teserton ofthe type “l know Spanish” or “I speak perfect Spanish’ is not ony told fat also utterly Ellacious because even native speakers eannot be deemed “w know” their mother tongue. Moreover, languages are not righ eonstrcts and are canstantly subject to change. “The hierarchy of types of Special English presupposes the existence of langage ‘nrtions, Regionally or socially determined language variations are refered (0 28 Unueets Depress of formality count for slate differences. The combination of feallife situations where a language is used is characterized by “a special set of Cocabulary {technical ermizology) associated. with « profession or occupation or Ther defined social group” [Spolsky: 33} which constitutes a specific jargon, This Combination of situations, also fermed domain, depends on social factors, namely the place where the interaction takes plae, the topic, and the roles assumed by the fnveractans [iba]. Gramley and Patzold (1992) point out that varieties of English are insances of Tealsters which are classified mainly on the basis of Held of discourse and purpose, Tals ae determined by sitions of use and ean be subdivided almost ad intum, fp: selenee > natural seience > biology > molecular biology, organic biology, cell Pelogy ste, This means that the boundaries of fields are quite eletic. The Clssiaton of Special English founded on purpose gives subtypes such es English for Occupational Purposes and English for Academic Purposes. English for Scienee and Technology belongs to the lter. Language learners’ needs the study of language varieties nartows down the foous of linguistic enquiry, from ‘which both teachers and language leamers can benefit. Teall, by identifying the ‘omain where language is wsed, e.g: the home, the workplace, the universitet. including the socal factors mentioned above, teachers will acquire an idea of what to teach and bow to teach it. Inthe eae of ESP, it should be kept in mind that Special netsh alls different from the so-elled General English in tems of preference of some erummatical stuctures (9 others, stylistic characterises, and fiel-spectic Socabulary, has nevertheless inherited the pattems of word formation, syntactic and Uiscourse organization from the lager system of language. This implies that: 1) the istinction between Special English and General English is not as clear-cut asi seems te be, and 2) the proundwork behind teaching ESP is provided by teaching English as 4 Second Language (TESL) and asa Foreign Language (TEFL). [All problems stemming fom the questions as to what to teach and how to wach it “pply both to teaching General English and teaching Spetal English. The diferenoe is probably inthe degree of problematiity. With ESP, these two questions ae further Complicated. The choi of content relevant othe purposes of learning becomes more ‘limieult to make, pally beeause language teachers usually do not possess inside ‘knowledge ofthe profession or science in which the language leaner: wil function as second language users “The Sst problem one encounters when teaching ESP isnot why their students need English. Ht might help them to become good computer engineers, for instance {Although passing examination is often the oaly objective.) It is more problematic to find out how students will use English in the relevant seting I the language learners ate university students who goto lectures and seminars in English, they wil yrobably have to develop thet listening comprehension skills, they will need practice in writing term papers in English, giving ofa preseatations in English, et. 1¢ tke language Teun uced Euglish for thsi proven or future job, the teacher shonld be eware of ‘what this job is supposed to be and what i will most probably ent Some authors [Tarone and Yule, 1989] suggest that needs analysis be conducted on the pat ofthe teacher so tha “the learners’ purposes in learning the second language” [ibid 40] are identified. Irthis can be done, teachers will knowin what situsions the Teams will need the language as woll as what kn of language-eated activities are Igpical of these situations. The concept of “situation”, however, is nct easly ttinable, as Widdowson [1973] points ou, Moreover, what is important is extract those features ofthe situation which are relevant fo the communication process and which govern the choice of certain linguistic elements; “We do not want hr [he the Tanguage learer to associate all ofthe language with jst one situation: we want him to recognize which features of the situation are relevant in making particular Hinguistie “ements appropiate ones to use.” ibid 223] Therefore, iis important to establish howe features of the situation functioning as conditions which determine the ‘Communicative value of linguistic clemens, Broadly speaking, what Widdowson {1973} proposes amounts fo the following: I llzation of language learners existing knowledge, namely knowledge ofthe formal properties of English and extea~inguistie Knowledge embracing knowledge of various sciences, and 2) an extension of language learers™ experience in language, that is in English and in their mother tongue, This means that language earners with some depree of formal instrcton in English wil be able to transfer what they know of the way their native language is ‘used as means of communication in science tothe foreign language, i. to English In this way, “English sructres, previously manipulated as formal objets, >an be ‘used to fulfil functions previously only associated with the other language [.e, the mother tongue]” (Widdowson, 1973: 228] Needs analysis and the idea of language teaching materials based on linguistic funetions rather than stractres, seem fo be quite relevant to teaching ESP. Hewever, roods analysis will be mote superficial when learners share the sme broader ‘eld of language usage and use but diffe in their specializations. Consider a student Specializing in commercial law and a student majoring in intemational law oF two Food Technology students, one specializing in wine and beer production, the other ‘one in the production of bread and baked goods. In both cases, teachers of Snelish snl probably stick to those areas of language usage and se which will be of help to both students and which characterize the broader field, This means thet oer areas will certainly be neglected and this is something teachers and latners are to be aware of [A related problem is the degree (o which ESP teachers are acquainted with the fespective seienee of occupation, Are they aware of the functions eating ‘communicative value in spevslized discourse? Teachers of English are not expected fo be experts in every sphere of knowledge but their stulens do not always tunderstand this. (This is quite applicable (© some societies where teachers are potceived as ommiscient figures in accordance with the traditional view that sey are fhe ultimate authority in the classroom) A simple prof is some students" expectation that language teachers ate obliged to knov every single word in the dictionary and Iranslate isolated words into and from the foreign language. Similarly, language Teamers studying Business English, for instance, might expect their teacher o know Something about company types and thet diferences, company managertent. © ‘paki ete. In addition, tall language teachers are acquainted with the Fingnisic ‘conventions characterizing, let us say, busines letters. It tums out that in the ESP Classroom its the Language learners who possess the necesary real-world kn»wledge Felevant to the language learning process. [cs obvious that English teachers cannot famass all exta-linguistic knowledge they need to design a success ESP syllabus ‘The queston, which i rather a mater of degree, is evidently unanswerable: What is the minimal knowledge language teachers should have in orlr to choose content pertinent tothe purposes of leming? “The question of fild-specific extrringuistic knowledge also applies to language Tears studying some subfype of ESP Because it is preferable for them tobe at least ‘asieally acquainted with the profession or science they need the second language for they ave university stdents, its relevant to decide in whieh year oftheir niversity ‘education they should be enrolled for the ESP course. Otherwise, it may ture out that English classes introduce specialized knowledge before the seminars and lectures in the respective discipline, This i an important decision sine it seems thatthe greater the experience ofthe language learners in the given seience or occupation, the les the pressure on the language teachers 10 possess a sufficient amount of felé-specitic Tnowlge, (Although such knowledge is only an advantage.) In is obvious that ESP teachers have plenty of issues to address before picking up appropriate teaching materials, When dealing with university students, language teachers sometimes face the problem of designing an ESP syllabus for language Jeamers whose General English proficiency is quite underdeveloped. In some cases, the situation is aggravated by students lack of sufficient specialized knowledge Since language functions asa system, ESP cannot be taught in isolation, i, language Teamers are supposed to be able 10 communicate in English, however rudimentary thei steategie competence may be. Very often the adressees of ESP courses are the so-called Frnglish language beginsers. Depending on the science or ocespation totivating the language leamers, teaching ESP to beginners will be feasible in ‘varying degrees. For example, with English language beginners majoring in Cheese Production, the language teacher cannot always use visual aids in the classroom ‘What kin of picture or photograph will he or she choose in onde to elicit "Ths is whey", et alone explain what whey is, of make the students identify the arts of Cheese-making equipment? The language teacher might opt for an introductory Tanguage course first or base the course onan easier-co-grasp general-science content See, for example, Luizova-Horeva’s [2010] textbook for freshman Fnglish language learners majoring in Food Technology and Food Engineering. In view ofthe students" diferent majors, €.: Biotechnology, Fermentation Produets Technlogy, Infustial Heat Engineering, ete, as well as their varying communicative abies in English the author has opted fora gradual introduction of specialized content “1. Going Places Routines ‘The University Geometrical Shapes Measurement and Calculations Descriptions Objects and Functions ‘Actions in Sequence Food and Drinks 10, Food Preparation Appliances 11. History and Inventions 12, Atthe Plant” [Luizova-Horeva, 2010: 3. Language teachers also have to decide whether they ean eoopetate with specialist in the relevant fields of knowledge in onder to design syllabi. Usually, this will not be possible due to time constraints at least but if tis, such specialists or professionals Fight help language teachers come up with s number of typial situations characterizing language usage and use in the specific field, complemented by’ basic jargon and text types, eg: mtemoranda, scientfie abstracts, busines eters lum for just satisfction ete. Then, lMnguage teachers might’ design an ESP syllabus rounding it on the theoretical framework of a teaching method, e.p.: Total Physical Response, Audiolingual Method, Communicative Language Teaching, et. ot on & combination of several methods, depending onthe language lermets' needs, Ie should also be pointed out that language lamers are nt always aware of what they need to lean in the second language. Therefore, it might be more expedient © couple the language leamers? needs analysis with the study af individuals who have already begun fo use the second language 10 communicate in their job or enhance their professional development in the field in which the language learners will noed the Second language. ‘Classroom activities Having conducted needs analysis, ESP teachers ar 10 decide what kind of classroom setivites are most suitable for the language learners with respect to their age, their presen or future career development, their needs and ther expectations regard ng the Teaming process. The issue here is whether these activities should be based on a ‘onerete teaching method. IS, which one should the language teacher select most appropriate? Are innovative methods to be prefered to more traditional ones? It ‘eons that teaching ESP can sometimes follow more downtrodden paths: language teacher may choose to employ the Grammar Transation method if he or she knows that the language learners sill noed English not as a means of interpersonal fommunication but in order t0 update their profesional knowledge by teading specialized litertue, However, it might be better to adopt what Tarone ani Yule [1989] describe as an eclectic approach. It consists in picking procedures, exercises, fand techniques from different methods, This is what is actually done with mixed- bility groups of language learners because language teachers try to make their Tessonssefil to everybody in class Despite the posible disadvantage of devising “a hodgepodge of conilieting casstoom activities assembled on whims rather than upon any’ prineipled basis (ibid: 10), the telesti approach in ESP classes might not allow the development of one skill or tility to the detriment of another. Moreover, to dstegand particular aspects of language usage and use in language teaching is potentially dangerous because Tanguage learners’ needs are not fixed or unchangeable, They are fluid and depend on socal factors, especialy on the roles individuals assume in their everyday lives, ©: Student, father, computer engineer, etc It also goes without saying that some skills ‘and abilities are best mastered before ot after other skills and abilities, eg: one femnnt eam how to wete business letters in English before learning to read and ‘compretend simple texts in this language Therefore, ESP teaching materials ae likely 10 be more productive when they pay attention to both language usage and language use. According to Widdowson [1978], the former demonstrates the language user's knowledge of linguistic rules, whereas language use manifests the language user's ability to communicate effectively. Language use is thus connected with what has been defined as statepic competence: the ability to transmit information to a listener and correctly interpret infomation received” together with the ability “io deal with problems which may arise in the transmission ofthis information” [Tarone and Yule, 1989: 103] In ESP teaching materials, language usage is reflected inthe presentation and drilling fof those features considered typical of occupational or scientific discourse: felde specific vocabulary, adherence 10 certain conventions when sircturing. and composing written texts and participating in face-to-face interaction, syntactic and morphological constructions which ave perceived to appear more frequently in such discourse, As regurds EST, classroom activites focusing on language usage uswally practice the Passive Voice, modal verbs, conditional sentences, the Simple Present ‘Tense and the Simple Past Tense, the article, Greek and Latin plurals, specific paler of word foratin, ee, [ee Gramley and Patzold, 1982}. To disgant linguistic cules by focusing solely on communicative abilies is dangerous because the language learners might stop paying attention to rules if they Think that they ean communicate effectively without producing comest and appropriate utterances, Thetefore, ESP teaching materials cannot disregard gammar together The question is how linguistic rales should be presented, having in mind that they do not usually have a categorical character but a probabilistic one tecause more often than not there are exceptions, This is an example of how grammatical rules ate waditonally presented: In English, monosylabic adjectives fom the ‘Comparative degree by adding -er; small is & monosyllabic adjective; hence, the Comparative is smaller. The teacher usually goes on to explain that thre are txeeptions fo the rule, eg the eomparative of good is not gooder, as the rule above implies, but better, ef. In tur, the deductive presentation of linguistic usage ean be dangerous if it makes language learners ative at wrong rules, It seems best, he, 10 present linguistic usage explicitly as regards word formation syntaetic and discourse frganization (although with ESP formal knowidge of rules ean be practiced in ‘vatious ways, a8 Wil be seen below), ‘The traditional way of presenting grammar has been widely criticized. See, for instance, Wilkins [in Coulthard, 1992] who raises the question as to how much tention should be pid to grammatical rules and proposes a functional Communicative syllabus based on the following. six functions: judgement and valuation; suasion; argument rational enquiry and exposition; personal enotions; “and emotive relation, each of which is sub elasifie bid: 151]. Apart from the fact that it isnot quite clear what aTunetin i, one might ask oneself why the teitional ‘way of dealing with linguistic usage, ie. present > dill > practice in contest ibid 156) is perceived 30 inadequate, especially having in min that so many have studied foreign Tanguages “the old-fashioned way" and hive achieved a satbfactory prociuey level Some authors, eg: Wills [in Couthard, 1992}, point out that some classroom favtivites such as discussion and roleplay are considered communicative but hey are, in fact, pseudo-communiative. Subsumed under simulation, such actives are ‘compared with replication ones, e.g: solving problems or playing games, which are thought to create situations “in which there isa real need for communication in order to achieve something ese” [bi 158). The so-alled cation activites like repeating, feombining. and transforming (ibid 157} are suggested a the second step in the Tearing process consisting in the sequence replication > etalon > simulation (iid 138), the stage at which certain linguistic items are taught explicitly snd then practiced in simulation exercises. As an example is given a replication exercise PEoncerned with distinguishing and matching shapes” which “will naturally lead ito citation exercises eoncered with the specific lexis of size and shape and the srammar fof nominal group structure” [Wiis in Coulthard, 1992: 159} ‘Along these lines of thought, one wonders if itis at all possible to devise ESP Classroom activities which imitate closely real-life communication, ‘This eannot Inappen simply because these activities willbe performed inthe classroom, Teachers ane unlikely to possess so much me and resources to beable to take ther students 0 business meetings, production plats, chemistry lboratories, ef. in onder to “punge™ them in rea-life situations and monitor they way they communicate. In adlton, the ‘ery presence of the teacher gests artificiality Italo seems that simulation exoreises are useful in ESP classes and are intereing to language leamers. Provided thatthe teacher manages to control the topi, he or she ‘may witness heated discussions in which students express 2 few of the fusetions ‘Wilkins talks about, For law students, for example, it willbe helpful to pariizate in ‘mock trials in English forthe same reason. Language lesmers forget the ati ciaity tf the communication task if ti in aeordance with thei reali interests. In this fase, classroom activities wil have a communicative ovteome and will be trought loser to real-life situations. “The replication/citation/simulation sequence might prove to be suitable for some ESP assem, expecially with some types of replication activities, as in Wills’: example, hut it is unclear whether language teachers can apply replication exereses to everything they want f feach and with every language leamer. If for various reasons the language leamers do not have the capacity to perform the replication activity, eg solve a mathematical problem, i will not lead “naturally” 10 the citation exercise introducing the lexis of mathematical operations. Language teachers might also face treater difficulties thinking of replication activites for mixed-abilty groups of Teamers or a class of professionals working forthe same company, inthe same branch oF industry, who do not share the same occupation. 1 might be beter to envisage a compromise via which Ianguage learners’ newts end expectations coupled with the purposes of each individual lesson will deemine ‘wheter citation, replication, oF simulation activities willbe used. Certain aspets of [rammar or contmunication might go well wih specific types of activites, Culthard [1992] makes a point that greetings, closing, invitations, and presequences ex only he practiced though simulation. The communicative value of citation setivits like {tansformativn eqsicaes, eg: turning sentences from Active into Passive Voie, and conversion exeteies, eg? changing tenses, can be manifested by their ‘ontextualization. This appears to be applicable to teaching ESP, especialy EST, hecause elation activities can be used 0 teach language leamers to create various Kinds of discourse units. Widdowson (1978), for example, talks about a procedure called gradual approximation consisting in the development of @ series of simple ‘ocounts, considered to be genuine instances of discourse, their complexity gradually ineresing. One of Widdowson's suggestions i this Tr the language learner i asked todo a completion exercise, e.g a sequence of topie~ related sentences with present-tense forms of verbs to be provided; the senerees ean be based on diagrammatically presented information sue asa chart, 2 the language leamer is asked to do a transformation exerese, ep: combine the ‘completed sentences in pais, one of them becoming relative clause; 3 the language leamer is asked to create a simple account, i. arrange the sentences into paragraph [ibid]. Gradual approximation can be useful in ESP clases because itis based on a linguistic and a non-lingustic source of information, the former showing the language leamer the linguistic usage and the latter the communicative content ofthe aetvity In teaching ESP, it seems that most motivating and productive is the strategy 0 use ‘visual aids when possible because they invoke associations with the exirtfinguistie realty determining the language leamers' needs to study Special English. Such ‘cercises may necessitate extralingustc knowledge and wil thus be less atficial Communicatively if one follows the seale of artificiality mentioned above with feference to citation, replication, and simulation classroom activities. Visual ils {clude maps, ables, formule, various types of chats, and pictures and photographs fof objects, apparatus, ete, These are especially useful when teaching EST tecause they consitute. some of the most typical means of presenting and orgenizing Jnformation in written scientific discourse. Here are some suggestions as 19 how (0 tse visual aids inthe ESP classroom, Arranging terms in tables canbe used to cist vocabulary items and can be combined ‘with the presentation of new lexis. For instane, the headings of the table columns may denote qualities of foods and lerers may be encouraged 1 think of meas and ‘rinks possessing these qualities. The activity can be combined with practice of the Stricues “I disikehate/detestlloathefean't stand... because it is (aot)..” and “1 Tikellovefdore,..beeause its (no)..”, 8 Temp ey Ts soar “ion cota sowso [sweets beet Tema | eury tater Doing crossword pussies may be used (0 recall definitions and specialized vocabulary. Crosswords refer Io extre-nguistic knowledge and practice speling. ‘ere isan example of a askin which leares have to fil in the erossword inthe way itis shown below. “IV. De the follwing ersswod puzle with won fo the fet Horzomall TT iymnilistion, a method of devine in which the material is frozen and subjected 10 igh vacuum) fn syonyan of “costae” (.) a synonym of appear” (:) the verb denoting te thease operason in 4:22 (7) ato, spreads cause pails to separate uniformly thoughout soli, liquor ra) the motu influence of chemical agents (n.) th est of divisions de numberof anes ane quantity i onaind in another 0) svar content, wetness (1) release by seertion (7) 10 ake hoe, ite, perforate.) 11. theres of water evaporation 0.) 12, existing within the eal a) 13, spoilage, eof fod (0) 14 immerse fds salty soltons wo protet tem rom spoilage.) 1S, nut fungi on vegetable or animal mater (0) 16. the quality of being bard and easily breakable the opposite of being soft and wited i) Vericaly: 1. You vil gst the group of methods protesting food from spoilage.” [Chorleeva, 2009: 16, 17] FIRIETE IZED Ik YI ee] Ceforr fo Iw te yr ofc Te ute Dv [ote] Penis tr fetes te ete fate [ti TON) feo pe IN Mio [i_[s_[r we Te ste te te te lt Te) Per ee Wate [o [UTR GOI ea epee ee Ta Te] DET eter ofa ta lr ToT] Pile |K Ic Te Mo jU[L|D Cems iste ts ts. _Attrativly,Iearers may be asked to create ter ovm erosswords for other Iarers tosole, raving can be used to practice defining concepts or objects undo check istening oF reading comprehension skills. For example, laiguage leurers may be asked i draw the objest oa the basis ofthe definition they hear or read, ¢-g.: This isa cone-shaped ‘tensl with a tube atone end, oF they may be given a picture ora photograph of the ‘object in onder to give a definition, In both eases, there is non-verbal presentation of fafornaton and tansition trom verbal (0 non-verbal mode or vice sens a procedure "Widdowson [1978] calls information transfer. Information transfer cvelops comprehension and interpreting when it is oriented fom verbal non \ethal moder in the reverse direction, it practices writing and composing. Here is nother example practicing lexis denoting shapes and location: “Read this description and draw the digram which it describes: [At the top ofthe diagram there are two horizontal parallel straight fines. A the hottom there isa horizontal spiral n the middle there isa cirele, On each side ofthe diagram there is a eros, Thete are two inverted triangles diagonally tbove the eitele, one on the Tel he other on the right. The triangles ae below the parallel lines. In each triangle there iss dot. Above the spiral und below the circle there is square.” [Bates and Dudley-Evans, 1976: 30) Pletwres or photographs can be used for leamers 0 label constituent parts of ‘apparatus and various object or provide descriptions. Widdowson [1973] suggests an fctvity in which a specialized text is accompanied by an unlabelled diagrim. The teacher may ask the class to read the text and label the diagram, i. transfer Snformation from the text to the diagram, in order t9 check the Teamers’ reading comprehension skill. ‘Tarone and Yule (1989) offer another example of how language teachers ean wse pictues and photographs: “The speaker secs only one objest (on video or in a [Photograph and is instructed to desribe that object so thatthe Hstener can identify ‘he objec roma St of similar objects “The listener has a set of three photograph, labeled A, B, and C, and, following the speaker's deserption, fas f0 ehoose which ane ofthe photographed objects is being described” ibid: 181), ‘Another option isto wse pictures and photographs to illustrate sequences of events, as in "Read Row the Tay Bridge collapsed, Match the sentences (1-5) withthe diagrams {are} below” [White, 2003: 23]. Tarone and Yule [1989] suggest a task in which a language leamer watches on video (or on the computer) how a proces, such a8 the assembly ofa piece of equipment, i being erred out and then hs o give an account Of the process for another leame, The latter is shown a set of several photcgraphs {elated fo the process, Some ofthe photographs depict stages inthe process, others do pot. The second language leamer, being the listener inthis task, has to choose only those photographs which are relevant tthe deseribed process. Maps and various types of charis can be used to check the language learners’ Comprehension skills, to practice numbers, decimals, ete. The teacher may ask Teamers to rea a text ora St of sentences onthe bass of which they have todraw a ‘map or label a char, For example, Ieamers might be given the Following text titled Population “There were twelve point one milion ehikien aged under sixteen in 10 thousand: six point two milion boys and five point nine million gil This is fewer than in nineteen seventy-one, when there were fourteer point thre million children Into thousand, tiny per cent of children In the UK were under five, thisty-two per cent were aged five to nine years and thirty-eight per eeit were aged ten wo file. These proportions ‘were similar inthe nineteen seventies.” [White, 2003: 29] The leamers then have 1 abel a har chart showing the munber of children in the UX inthe respective years and a pie-chart illustrating the properion of ‘Hike indifferent oge groups. Concerning specialized terminology, language teachers must be aware that some terns are used in several fields ofsience and contextual presentation of sense, rather than ditionary meaning, iS preferable. Also, itis easier to study vocabulary in context, 101 in isolation, Specialized terminology tends to be standardized avd clear, fot vague, which means that ers can be translated into the native Tangusge, so that ro room set for ambiguity Specialized and “catchy” vocabulary can be presented, for example, via sentence puis, Ifthe language leamers are students majoring in Milk and Dairy Products Technology, the teacher might present them with a sec of sentences conextalizing some terms a ask the students to ik those sentences where the terms ae plicable In thie sense tothe production of cheese, eB: |. Egyptians were the fist to hn items of clothing: among the earliest known examples ae colourful wool fragments and coton socks. 2 Lager beers usally take mor time to brew and are aged longer than ales 3, The Professor invited me int his office to lary why my erm paper had received ‘abd mark, 4. Lull mis the starter and order the main meat instead because Tam starving. 5, Mouids are fang used inthe production of bread and wine The sentences in which the ialiized terms are used in sense in which they will most probably appear when talking about cheese production are 2 and 5: some Choesge are aged and some cheeses have a mouldy ind. Afr that, the students might be asked to read another st of sentences where all ofthe italicized terms are wsed in the context of cheese production, eg. 1. After being drained, the curds are allowed to kn so that the desired cheese rmoisture and texture canbe achieved 2 The hydrolysis of protein during ageing contributes to the development of softer ‘body and aromatic Mavour of cheese 3 Milk is clurified because inthis way extrameous matler ean be removed and the texture and favour ofthe cheese will be improved. 4 Astarter (culture) of lacie aeideprodueing bacteria is added to warm milk 5, Blue cheeses Ike Roquefor are produced by adding the Pencilium mou tothe ‘curd or by injecting it int the cheese. “The second set of sentences is compared with the first one, in which the itiized terms in examples 1,3 and 4 were used in a sense irelevant to the context of cheese pruuction. The second set of sentences may be presented in the form of jumbled Bhrases to be arranged, The students might then be asked to put the sentences in the ‘rder in which the respective tages in the manufacture of cheese will appear. The forret onder of the sentences is 3, 4, 1 5, and 2, ie milk clarification, addtion of Storer culture, knitting of curds, addition of mould, and ageing of cheese, The Students may also be asked to think of the missing steps in cheese preparation, which inthis case will be cutting, cooking, salting, and pressing the curds. (Draning is ‘mentioned in sentence 1.) In this way, the ‘eacher will introduce the unfamiliar tems ‘by making the students use their ext--linguistie knowledge. Conclusion {In summary, teaching ESP is inspired by teaching EFL. and ESL but the peetfrities ofthe various types of Special English may give rise to great many approaehes © the Teaming process especially having in mind the Nuid needs of the language lamers, The problematic aspects of teaching ESP may come from: 1 the teachers insufficient extalingustc knowledge relevant othe earning process “whieh may be accompanied by their insufficient awareness of the fanetions having ‘communicative valuc in specialized discourse; 2 the language leamers” insufficient strategic competence in General English which may be accompanied ‘with insufficient extet-linguistic knowledge relevark 10 the earning process: 4 the lack of adequate teaching materials in ESP andthe necesity to design a needs- ‘oriented ESP syllabus; 4 the hoioe of field-oriented content in the teaching materials; 5. the selection of appropriate classroom activities: 6 the necessity to pickup teaching materials suitable for mixedabilty goups of learners as well as for proups of learners with different ndviduat needs [Notwithstanding the problems mentioned above, one hopes that applied linguists insights and the undiminished motivation of teachers and language learners will Contribute to the enhancement of ESP teaching methodologies because teaming Tanguage is always leaning with a purpose. References Bates M., T, Dualey-Evans, (1976) Nucleus. English for Science and Techrology General Science, Longman CChoroleeva K., (2009) English for Food Science, UFT Academie Publishing louse, Plovdiv ‘Coulthard M., (1992) An Introetion to Disourse Analysis, Longman, Graney S.,K. Patzold, (1992) A Survey of Modern English, Routledge Luizova-Horeva T:, (2010) English for Technology and Engineering Student a the UPT, UT Academie Publishing House, Plovdiv ‘Spolsky B., (1998) Sociolinguistics, OUP ‘Tarone E, G. Yule, (1989) Focus on the Language Leamet. Approsches 10 Identifying and Meeting the Needs of Second Language Learners, OUP. White. (2003) Engineering Workshop, OUP Widdowson H. G..(1973) An Applied Linguistic Approach to Discourse Analysis, Unpublished PAD. thesis, at

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