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Grant Heidmann

Prof. Saladino

Edu 214


Celebrity Gossip Article: Create a fake newspaper with stories about celebrities based on stories

that you and your classmates wrote.

What I Learned: During this project, I learned how newspapers format their pages, and how to

use bigger fonts to capture attention. I also got to proofread stories to check for grammar, and I

learned how to create a column row on Google Docs. This project was hard initially, as I had to

figure out how to format Google Docs like a newspaper, but I was able to figure it out rather

quickly. I also took massive inspiration from my favorite tabloid newspaper, Daily Mail.

ISTE Standard Addressed: 2.1 Learner: Educators continually improve their practice by learning

from and with others and exploring proven and promising practices that leverage technology to

improve student learning.

Application of Skills Learned For The Future: The most important skill I think in this lesson was

collaboration. Every student had a common goal that they were working on, and we were able to

take what other students had written and modify it to our liking. Also, I think that creating

projects that are reminiscent of a real art-form (newspapers) is extremely helpful for students

thinking about graphic design and or journalism. Also, I think that students get to use a lot of
creativity and storytelling in this project, so I think that it would be awesome in an English

classroom. I think that for me, who wants to be a history teacher, that I would have my students

create a newspaper on a specific day. For example, I would say “students, I would like you to

write a newspaper with five articles as if it came out on June 6th, 1944) Then the students could

of course write about D-Day, and maybe what else was going on at the time (Movies, celebrities

gossip) and things like that. Overall, a really fun way to get kids thinking about events.

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