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Rewriting > No. 190, Kampung Merah, 86800 i 18 February 2018 Dear Sai rer SEED Thanks for your letter and it was great to hear from you..| am doing great hereHowever,| just want to share about a thunderstorm at my place last week Before it happenegnft was raining cats and dogs-We could hardly go out of the houser> The rain was followed by strong wind and thunderstorrp-Everyone was: terrified and the electricity in the whole neighbourhood was cut offThe night was so dark and we can hear the wind howling so loudly.We used candles and | torchlight to see in the dark.On the next morning»the rain stopped and we can see a lot of rubbish scattered on the roa The big frees were uprooted and were blocking the roadry Luckily no one got huytThe neighbours called for an urgent meeting and decided to have a gotong-royong to clear the mess..Everything went back to usual in the evening-{t was such an experience for us have to dash now! hope to hear | from you soop-Don't forget to write about your new baby brother and send me his | Photo | ein Your friend \

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