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“Virtual world is the first medium that actually allow us to experience it.

Books allow us to imagine what we read. Televisions were made to let us
see it. Virtual stuff had been an amazing discovery helping us to improve. Not only
by imagining it or seeing but also to give us the experience we wanted. The virtual
world had been exciting to look forward too, especially students and even adults.
Implementing the virtual world gives us a better life, helps the sick and disabled
and give us entertainment in a very amusing way.

The influence of technology indeed had given us salvation through the start
of the 21st century, and still it continues on to improve more. This improvement
had given the whole world an easier and better life. With this never ending
improvement, the development of the virtual world has contributed to this idea of a
better life. Just like what music and movies do to move our hearts, virtual worlds
can give us the opportunity to do things better. For instance, in military training.
Soldiers in training have the chance to train better because of better experience,
helping them to be productive in the real world.
The virtual world can also be a big help to those who are sick and people
who are disabled. According to an article, a doctor took a scan of a baby’s heart
and uploaded them to a computer and practice with this in a virtual reality headset.
He was able to plan out his surgery ahead of time and had saved the baby. Aside
from that, people who are disabled will have a little hope when they are involved
in a virtual world. Inside this, it would help them gain strength of having able to
perform activities they can’t do in the reality. The fact that this can help them give
them more chance of living their life to the fullest.
As for the world’s entertainment, the influence of the virtual reality can
upgrade gaming and watching, making it a reality. People have a lot chances to
experience interaction to other people with the help of the virtual reality world.

The virtual world can benefit us with these three things and many other
more. Even with the other things that cannot be beneficial, these negativities are
not enough reasons to take away what can be the foundation of the next generation
and can improve our dying world. Believe it or not, we can’t survive without
technology and one day, the virtual world might be our only last cling of hope to
continue living.

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