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Have you ever made a decision and afterwards regret it because of its
result/outcome? And wanted to change it but it’s too late?
Life is full of choices everything that we do, we make choices that may result into
something good or bad. As far as we want too, we do something good for us not to hurt
someone else, but there are evil in this world that will always temp us to do bad thing.
Helen Keller once said “we cannot freely and wisely choose the right way for ourselves
unless we know both good and evil”
So what does good and evil means good is the lack of self-centeredness wherein
you prioritize other before yourself. On the other hand evil people are those who care
about their self every time and in every decision that they make they don't think about
its effect to other people, even their action will hurt someone else this would not stop
them from doing it.
Good will not exist without evil because without knowing what is evil you
wouldn't know what is good. Let me give you an example Look at yourself in the mirror,
or at your phone, just look at yourself think about yourself just focus don’t think about
someone else but think about you. Now look at your seatmate. My question is, who
looks better? Some of you says him some says me some says both. It simply implies that
you wouldn’t came up in that decision when one of you doesn't exist. You can't say that
you look better if there is no one else for u to compare yourself with. Just like good
wouldn't exist without evil because if this happens how could you determine if the
things that you are doing is good or an evil thing.
Another example loving someone else that can't love you back. How on Earth can you
form a relationship without him/her loving you back? In our nature life should be
balance, everything have an opposite partner. Like from my example the one that you
like might not like you back or you might not have any relationship but trust me there is
someone else for u just wait for it because God created someone that really belongs to
To sum it up, good would not exist without evil because if one doesn’t exist then
we would not be able to differentiate whether their action is right or wrong.

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