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Part 1

I. Complete the following sentences by putting the verbs in bold into the correct
1. I meet Eric at the pub last night.
2. All my life I love traveling.
3. He works up to twelve hours a day. I not/understand how he does it.
4. Why are my eyes red? I peel onions, that’s why!
5. We watch television when suddenly there was a knock at the door.
6. Yesterday I met Dan. I be surprised when he greet me like a friend, because I not/see
him for ten years.
7. I went abroad for the first time last month. I never leave the country before that.
8. Do you realise it not rain for almost four weeks?

II. Correct the mistakes in the following sentences.

1. I’ve been knowing Val ever since we went to school together.
2. I don’t like living here because I’ve got a few friends and so my social life is extremely
3. When have you started work here, last year or the year before?
4. Who was break my computer?
5. She smokes too much. She’s already been smoking two packets this morning.
6. In my opinion, no other country is exciting or interesting as Cuba.
7. No matter how hardly he ran, he couldn’t keep up with her.
8. This film has been made into a brand new serie.
9. There aren’t many money left. Those on the table are mine.

III. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first
sentence. Do not change the word given.
1. He only recognised two or three people in the crowded room.
There _________________________ he recognized in the crowded room.
2. I have to look after the office in the afternoon.
I _____________________________ after the office in the afternoon.

3. The train left at 7 o’clock. We arrived at the station at quarter past seven.
The train ________________________the time we arrived at the station.
4. I think it’s going to rain.
It ______________________________ it’s going to rain.
5. I prefer watching football to playing it.
I’d _____________________________ play it.
6. She’s very clever. However, she’s also very lazy.
She’s very clever, but _______________________ she’s also very lazy.
7. The food in this restaurant is much better than the food in the other restaurant.
The food in the other restaurant _____________________________ as the food in this
8. She started to make up all sorts of silly excuses, but I wasn’t deceived by that.
She started to make up all sorts of silly excuses, but I wasn’t ______________ by that.
9. I think the concert will probably not take place.
I think it’s ___________________________ the concert will take place.
10. I don’t know the meaning of this word. Could you check its meaning in the
I don’t know the meaning of this word. Could you ________________________ in the

IV. Choose the correct alternative.

1. I look as/like my mother, but in other respects I take after my father.
2. She started work at the company as/like a cleaner, and over the next fifteen years rose
to become the manager.
3. My brother isn’t as tall as/like me.
4. I’ve always thought of English as/like a very colourful language.
5. You look as like/though you could do with a holiday.
V. Read the following topic, decide on the plot line, then write your story in about
250 words.
A magazine is running a competition for the best short story starting with the
“Who can this man be?” Sheila wondered as she looked at the stranger standing
at the front door.

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