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Name: Date:

Term paper First Semester, 10th Grade

I. Read the text and answer the questions:

Coral reefs have been called the rainforests of the oceans because of the rich diversity of
life they support. The plants in tropical rainforests are well-known for their healing powers.
They have given up to half of all the medicines in use in the world today. Now it looks as if
coral reefs may have their own medical use, not in providing drugs, but in supplying materials
for mending the human skeleton. Coral comes in a range of beautiful colours, among them red,
pink and gold. However, in recent years medical scientists have found coral to be useful for
bone replacement operations. Some coral species have a similar structure to bone. When
used to treat an injury, it strengthens the bone and is eventually absorbed into the body
once its role is completed. Medical coral is collected from the reefs in the warm seas around
the South Pacific islands. These reefs may provide another source of bone replacement as
well. Mother-of-pearl is the material found on the inside of certain shells such as that of the
oyster. Mother-of pearl's remarkable properties were known by ancient civilizations.

Mark the sentences True or False:

a) Coral reef is also called the forest of the ocean _____________

b) The coral is used in medicine today __________________

c) It helps with the human blood regeneration _______________

d) Some coral species appear to be similar to the bone _____________

e) Inside the oyster could be found a material such as mother-of-pearl _____________

1. Work out the meaning of these phrasal verbs and put them in the right

stay in, take back, fall over, lie down, cut out

1.Can’t we go out somewhere?I don’t want to……………all evening.

2.I was feeling so tired I had to……………….on the bed for a while.

3.There was an article in the newspaper that I wanted to…….and keep.

4.The pavement is very icy.Be careful you don’t…………

5.I’ll have to …….these books… the library.

2. Translate into English

1.Daca ploua in aceasta dupa-amiaza nu vom iesi.

2. Nu aș spune asta dacă aș fi în locul tău

3.Profesorul va fi foarte supărat dacă nu vă predați temele la timp.

4.Dacă alergi repede vei prinde autobuzul.

5.Aș fi venit la petrecerea ta dacă aș fi avut timp.

III. Translate into Romanian

Just a few years ago, Scott was a schoolboy in Australia who hated reading and was failing

English. Now he is a successful journalist and author of young adult fiction. Scott says that

he started writing when he was about 13. His English teacher gave the class a task to write a

20-page story with three months to complete it. Scott started work on the task and finished

it in three days. But he realised he had only written the beginning of a story, and over the

next three months he continued to write. From that moment on, he became addicted to

writing and started writing another story. Scott graduated from the University of Canberra

with a degree in journalism, although he says that he never really intended to become a

journalist.’I wanted to study law, but didn’t get the results, so I chose journalist instead. I

don’t regret it; it was an absolutely fantastic course’, he says.

IV. Write a short composition with the title: „Sport is the only way to stay healthy

and keep fit” Write between 80 and 100 words. Give reasons and examples to

support your opinion.


I. 1 1p( 0,2 x 5)
a) F
b) T
c) F
d) T
e) T

2. 1p( 0,2x5)

Rich- full, filled Drugs- medicine, pills

Injury - wound Seas- ocean, waters

Ancient – old,

3 2p (0,28 x7)

a) naïve

b) flocked

c) munched

d) trend

e) compassion

f) inspiration

g) overwhelming

II. 1. 1p (0,2x 5)
a) Portuguese is spoken in Brazil by people
b) A new road near my house is being planned by the government
c) This house was built by my grandfather in 1943.
d) Guernica was being painted at that time by Picasso
e) The office has been cleaned by the cleaner.
2. 1p (0,2x5)

a) the …….the

b) an

c) the

d) –

e) the

III. Continut 0,5

• scrie un text adecvat situatiei si tipului de text propus

• respectă limita legată de numărul de cuvinte indicat

• argumentează opiniile prezentate

Organizarea textului 0,5p

• utilizează o gamă variată de conectori pentru a evidentierea relatiilor dintre idei 5 puncte

• foloseste corect paragrafele

Corectitudine gramaticală: 0,5p

• foloseste corect structurile gramaticale

• foloseste o gamă variată de structuri gramaticale

Vocabular 0,5p

• foloseste vocabularul în mod corect

• foloseste un vocabular variat si adecvat temei

Matricea de specificatii

C1: C2: C3:

Competente 1.2 Identificarea 4. 1Transformarea unor 2.3 Redactarea de
corespunzătoare sensului global al unui mesaje din vorbire directă paragrafe / texte pe o
nivelurilor mesaj în vorbire indirectă temă de interes
taxonomice 1.3 Identificarea de (relatarea la prezent a
informaţii cheie din unor mesaje audiate)
texte autentice

Unităţi tematice

Adevarat sau fals X

Sinonime contextuale X
Text lacunar X
Diateza Pasiva x
Articolul nehotarat x
Composition x

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