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SELF | De 1000 TOEIC WORDS Pham Huong Lién www (0985 708 584 Contents N4K eS CAM ROFOZEO AHA RAAB ONS Pham Huong Lién www. 0985 708 584 i [able to V abl adj_[o6 kha ning Fam gi 2 [ability t0V abla noun[ kha ning fim gi 3 [abroad = overseas_[/abra:d7 adv _[ 6 nude ngodi absolutely = Freebsolurtl an toin, tye a6 See hen adv_| hosin toin, tuyét a : “aw | eon 5 | accept ok’ sept verb | >< refuse / turn sth down, decline: tir chdi & [access Takses verb | iruy cfp, titp edn sth 7 [access to N rakses noun_[ suriuy cdp sth [accessible tosb | /k’sesobl adi_—| 6 thé duge idp cin baisb 9 Paccident zksidont oun _[ tainany 10 [accommodate sb | /"ka:modeil verb [eng cfp ch 6, cung cp dich vu cho ai it [accommodation | /o,kaimo'deyfar | noun [cho 6 12 | #ecomplish = a'ka‘mply verb | hoan than 2 | achieve, complete_|/* Kerri | hod thin 3 [accomplishment — | 7o"kaimphymont | noun | thanh ty according to ; va | Aesord a" kovrdiy tl theo nhur sbisth iS [ accordingly... [Jo kordinhi adv | = therefore, ..: do dd, vive 16 [ accounting "kant inoun_| cOng vige ké.toan,s6 sich 17 [accurate xkjarol adj_| chinh xéc, ding 1s [accuracy Faekjarosi noun | tinh chink xe achieve = accomplish, attain | . «oi khé kha ; » omen 2'Ul verb | hodn thanh vige gi khé khan, dat doe thinh ty acquire acquire = achieve, 20 | attain, accomplish, | /0°kwaror/ verb | hoan thinh vige gi kho khin, dat duge think tu gain, obtain at | act ek verb | hinh déng 2 [actually kul adv ge ra Th y: digu chinh 2 | adapy verb | 9) = adjust: thich nghi a [add verb_[ thém vio, bé sung « | oMasonenes ‘a dijon smvio ba 2s | additional= extra | “4/90 adj | them vio, bé sung viadi 26 | adequate ‘edikwat! adj | >< inadequate: thiéu, khéng dit ; T. digu chinh 27 | adjust 2" dgasti verb [9° ~ to sth: thich nghi véi sth 2 [adjustment a dgasimend mmoun_| sw difu chink sur, vige quan ; 2 | administration | /od,mum'streyi’ | noun | MBA: Master of Business Administration: Bing Thae sf Quan tr Kinh doanh ; sa [t ngim, chiém nguéng 30 | admire Jd masor 1 ea Ree mda ; : ~a | thita nhin >= deny: phu nhin at | admit fod! verb [2. admit sb toa concer: cho ai vo 7 laamission ‘atm oun |} Sti nin >< dena: pha an sur cho qua cita, cho vo T Pham Huong Lién www. 0985 708 584 33 [advance jad veens! verb [tiga 66, di lén 34 [in advance adv _| = ahead of time, ~ early: lam ti som, ti rude T én (lign quan dén technology: cong nghé), as | advanced nd veenst adj , 2._cao, trinh d6 khé xe | advantage ~ advent noun) thé, digm manh strength >< disadvantage ~ weakness ay | Advantageous (0 sb en adj | c6 loi, tét cho ai 38 [advertise ‘edvartaiz verb _| quing fo 39 | advertisement zedvar tarzmant)_[ noun | dean, mau quang co a0 [advice ind vals noun_| Tei khuyé ‘41 [advise sb to V___| /od'varzi verb | khuyén ai nén Fim gi ‘anh hudng, tac dong dén ai/edi gi 42 | affect Ja'fekt/ verb | ~ influence, impact # effect (noun) sy anh huréng, tic dong @ | afford toV Tatar verb _| dit kha nang (tai chinh) gi a4 | AMtordable ~ a adj _| (wid ea) phai chang, hop I, khong dit . . Tang, di Ty 4S | ageney cxdgonsi ent (noun) ngui eda hing, dai hy 46 | agenda Ta'dgendal oun _| chuong trinh hop a7 | agree io grit verb | dong y a | agreeable 2° grab ‘adj | e6 thé chip nhin duge ay | Aareement = een noun | hop ding, théa thugn so | agriculture ‘egrikaltfor7 nnoun_| nong nghiep st | aid ~ support pe 7 noun. | syrhd tra, si tro gidp, sy ciru tro (tién, thie fn...) sz | simatsth fem verb | nim t6i aigu gi =: | airline erlaun/ foun _| hang hing khong Toi di gita 2 hing ghé/gid hang (ren may bay, (au, sx | aisle an noun | ¥®!6p he, nb tho - church, siu ti) « aisle seat: ché ngdi canh Idi di >< window seat: ché ngéi canh eta s6 55 [alarm ip la: ‘noun_| chuéng bio dong sy hoing sg, hot hoing alarm sb 3 fi lok se | war verb | lam ai sg hai, lo ling = worry sb 57 [allow sb to V "Taw verb_| cho phép ai lim gi thay the s8 | alternative Joil'ts:motiv/ adj | « take an alternative route: di tuyén dirdng khéc thay thé 9 baad e ‘em buf! adj | day tham vong «oe | amount maont! oun | Hismg, mén (ign, thoi gian,.. - ede dank ti khong, dém dirge) ot entertalaing Pg teint adj | khién nguéi khéc vui, gay cud, tigu khid @ [analysis a" nalasi-zd ‘noun | Bai, sy phan tich «a [analyze ‘enalaz verb_| phan tich 64 [analyst ‘enalist! noun | nha phan tieh Pham Huong Lién www. 0985 708 584 ‘Sut, doan thong bio 6s | announcement _| /a'naonsmant/ noun «make an announcement c [announce a naUHS verb [thong bio 7 | annoyinj ‘nom! adj [gay kho chia oe F'aenjual adj | thudng nién, hang nim 9 | anticipate ~ expect iReeke verb | Luong trade, dy doan trude diéu gi sé xdy ra 7a [anxious Faenk[os! adj_[1o Ting 71_| apologize for sth __|/a'pa:lodyarzi verb_[xin [oi vidigu gi 72 | appeal to sb a pil verb [= attract sb, thu hit ai, Khign ai hing this 72 | appeal noun | site hit 74 | appetizer ‘epilaizar ‘noun_| mon khai vi 75-| appli a‘platons! noun_| home appliance, dd gia dung 1 | candidate (xin ‘eplikont noun | ngudi ding ky, img tuyén vige) 77 | application ‘epi kein roun_| don xin vige, don ding i 78 | apply for sth Jo'plaw! verb_[ ding ky, lim don xin sth 72 | apply to sth verb_[p dung vio sth s0 | appoint sb (as) sth_|7a'pomnt ‘verb | bo nhigm ai vao Wi gh 1. sw bd nhigm a1 | appointment >" pomtmant noun | 2. cudc hen make an appointment: d3t lich hen ‘appreciable = i prijabl A | esersve —_[faawsndaau | | dine, kn 2 | appreciate 3 prifieit! verb_| tran trong, dank gi cao 84 | appreciation a, pri: fea Tnoun_| su tran trong, sw din gid cao 8s appreciative of 9" pri:fouv! adj | thé hign tran trong, dinh gid cao déi véi 6 | apprentice a prentis nnoun_[ ngudi hoe vide #7 | approach #N 3 prot verb [tien gan dén, tigp cfm ss | approach noun’ appropriate= | />'proupriat ; * ding din 8 ee Lepraspad adj | phithgp, hop ly, ding a oa | approve pray verb | PRE duyét, chap thuiin ‘* approval (noun) sit phé duyét, chp thuan | xp xi, Khodng ot | approximate ‘o'pracksimat adj |. approximately + Sé: khong bao nhiéu 27 [area Tevial noun | khu vye ot [argue Pa:rgj ver’ | tranh lun, rank et o« | argument ‘axrgjumant noun [Iugn diém 9s | arrange a'reindy! verb | sip xép 96 | arrangement rremdgmant rnoun_| su sip xép o7 [assemble ia'sembl verb [Lip rap Ta'ses/ ‘nih wid os | assess = evaluate | ei ew verb | dinh gid 99 [asset Fase noun | ii sim assign sb sth vie 100 | ea Sth to sb [2/8200 verb | giao cho ai edi gi, vige gi ior [assignment Sammon” noun | ahigm va duge giao 102 [assist a sist verb [rg git 103 | assistance a sistane noun | sy try gid Pham Huong Lién www. 0985 708 584 104 [assistant sistant noun | neudi we ly 10s | assume sum! vert» | cho ring 106 | attach ja'teth verb | dinh kem, gin, dink 107 | attachment Fatt mon rnoun_| fle, thir duge giti kém cing thu 108 | attend +N tend ver | tham gia, tham dy 109 | attendance a"tendons noun [sw tham gia 110 | attentively a tentivli adv _| mt eich day chit ¥, chi tim int [attract "trek ver’s_| thu hit 112 | audience Fa:dions noun khan gid, thin gia 13 | audit adit! ny _[ kiém toin 114 | authority a Da: ratl noun | quyén le us | authorize sb to V_|'o:Baravz verb | iy quyén cho ai lim gi 116 | availability a, ela bilat noun | sur cé sin 117 | available a'veilabl adj_[ 66 sin /ranh 118 | avoid Ving Ta'voudl yer’ [tinh lim gi 119 | awareness a wera noun | su nhén thio, ¥ tire 120 | aware of sth wer! adj_[ nbjin thie duge digu gt 121 [awkward arkwardl adj | gay bat tién, khé khan / gay nguwgng ngin B xuat than 122 | background bakgraund! noun | « educational background: nén ting hgc van (hoc truimg gi, ngnh gi...) 123 | backpack bakpak noun ba 16 12s | baggage elaim | /"baegrdy kleam/ | noun_| Khu vye nbn hanh ly ky gi (sau chuyén bay) T. sy can bing has | balance i"baelons/ noun | 2. so dur tai khoan / si én ng (trong credit card) fas | bank Thank noun hang 127 | bankrupt baenkrapti adj_[ pha san 128 | barcode a:rkood/ noun_[ ma vach 129 | bargain baregan’ noun | mén hai 120 | basie Tbe adj_[eo bin 131 | behave ‘br hey verbs | ev xi, han xi 6 dae, cia cai 132 | belongings (or lo-niae noun | « personal belongings: dé dae cf nhan 153 | beneficial to sb | [beni fi adj | £6 Ii d6i véi ai 134 | benefit ‘benufit/ ny [ieich £6 durge Iyi ich 138 [beverage= drink _ | Tbevandy) noun [dd uong : ‘subo thu (dé nhan duge dy an gi 46) 136 | bid fox noun | « put ina bid: tham gia déu thiu 137 | bil Teil oun_| héa don, gidy tinh ti 138 [ binder Phaidon noun 129 | blanket "blaenkat ‘noun 3. khOi nha ok ok son |* domains 02 ne ig sgiita hai nga tw nita li t6i,) vers | Tén may bay, len tu, xe 111 | board (boxed noun_| hoi ding quan tri, ban gidm déc Pham Huong Lién www. 0985 708 584 112 [ boarding pass ‘boxrdiy peal noun _[ the [én may ba 143 | boardroom ‘boxrdrom/ noun phing hop eta ban gidm de 144 | boast sth oovst verb | nr hao, hah dign vé digu gi 14s [ book Tou verb | dft tnrde 146 [ boost bust verb thie day, Tam ting Ten Rhich Te 147 | bored ibo:rdl adj [eam thay chan 148 | borrow ‘ba r00] verb mgm 9 | bother sb ‘ba:dar verb-_[ lam phign ai 150 | bottom line Tba:tom “Tal noun | diém mau chdt, dia quan trong nh 151 [branch raentf7 noun | chi nhinh 182 [brand jreend noun [hin higu, abn hing 153 | briefease ‘risfkes? noun | ep dung tai ligu 1s4 | briefin ri:iy noun busi huéng din 155 | broadcast Fbro:dkest truyén thong 156 | Broaden Fbra:dnl mérong 157 [browser bravzar? irinh duy@t sss | brush ral ny | ban chat, ¢9 159 [ budget ‘badgit noun 160 | bulletin ‘bolotin/ noun | doan tin ngi (adio, TV) to | Dulletin board bolatm bor] oun | bang tin = noticeboard novtisboird hd 7 ea [cabin erew abn rw ‘noun [doi ip vign iin mot chuyen bay 163 | cafeteria Ti kaeto tral noun | quan An/udng theo kigu ty phue va, ein tn 164 [calculate Taelkjulen” verb [tinh todn 16s [calculation eelkju'letfin noun [sw tinh toan 166 | calculator ‘kelkjulertarl—|-noun_| may tinh 167 | campaign keem pein noun | ehién dich 168 [cancel = call off | keen: verb | hiiy 169 [cancellation keens9 Tey noun | sy hiiy bo 170 [ candidacy keendidosi noun [hr efch img vign 1m | candidate keendidot noun tng vign, thi sinh 1 | capa o' peesoti noun |} Ste chia 2._ning le 173 [capital Tkepill noun thir d6 [iz [career 7k! noun | nghé nghigp, synghigp 17s [careless kerlas/ adj 176 [eash Kae oun [tien mit 177 | eashier kee fi noun thu ngin 7 ha quy ing | caterer / ‘kertoror/ noun | céng ty / dich vu cung cp d8 an cho sy kign catering service vw | cause ow noun [nguyen al verb_| gay ra ino | cautious Tap adj__[ thn tron isi [celebrate selibrew verb [én mimg, Ky nigm isa | celebration 7 selt brea? noun [swan mimg, 1€ ky nigm 183 [cell phone 7 sel Foor noun [dign thoei di ding 184 [certificate or fikal noun[chimg chi, bing chimg nin 185 [certification saul kein noun vige edp chimg chi 16 [chain fem’ noun [xich /chudi 5 Pham Huong Lién www. 0985 708 584 187 | chain store ‘Jem stu! noun [ova hing nim tong | chudi ‘i noun | ghe 1s | chair fer! verb _| chii trl (budi hop... nag | Chairman ‘fermen! noun | chit tich / chit toa = chairperson ‘ferpa:esn/ iso | characteristic cerokta nist) [adj _| de trang, rigng o 101 [characterize sbisth |/'keeroktorarz verb_|tiéu bigu cho, de tamg cho sbisth 7 Mand: noun | phi 192 | charge ifarrdy reat | ber phi isa | charge? Tiards verb sae pin in charge of saviee 1% | = responsible for _ | /erspa:nsabl adj [ dim nhigm vige gi ios [charity Ferati/ noun _|[eahign 196 | cheap yepl adj | re — 197 [cheek in iafek i verb [lam thi tue vao 198 | cheek out efek aot verb | tra phong (hotel), thanh toan (sign th...) 199 | chef ef rnoun_[bép trvong, dau bep 200 | circumstance 7's Komstns noun tinh huong 201 | claim sth Tkleun! verb [di sth an | classification ‘lest kaya’ | noun su phan loal aus [ classify Kleestfa! verb | phan loai 1. thi ky 204 | clerk Kssrki noun | 9° shop assstantsles assistant, nud bin hing as | elient ‘Kaioni? noun | hich hing aus | climate klaumat noun | khi hiiw 207 | elosure Tklovgar noun_| sy-déng eta cond 1. hui luyga view 208 | coach ikout// noun | xekhien ae [code oud noun | mi [avo [collect 7k lek verb | thu thip, sw tip au | commence 7ka' mens verb | bit abu = begin br gin’ [212 | commission /ko' mijn ‘noun_| tién hoa hn; 213 | committed to Ving | /ko'mtid? adj tan tim vai vide gi 214 [committee ko muti ‘moun_[ ay ban 2s | common ka:mont gj [Je Heng hue, pho ren ia [commute ka just verb [di lai thuang xuyén gitta nol 17 [eommuter ka’ mju:tet noun | ngudi di lei thuimg xuyén gitta 2 nol fais | company ‘kamponi noun | céng f e | town sth Kamporsbl/ aaj | reomg ne rath simalar 20 [compare Team pe verb_[s0 sinh at compatible with] jkom’ pactabl/ adj | twong thich vai faz | compensate "kampensei verb | din bi, bar thutag. a3 [ compensation ‘ka:mpen’ sey? | noun[ thi lao 22s | competent ka:mprtonti adj | e6 ning Ive, gi0i, tinh thao fas | competition 7 ke:mpo' tf Troun_[ sy eanh tranh / cube thi 22s [ competitive kom petativ adj [e6 tinh eanh tranh 227 | competitor Tkom'petitar noun | di thi 6 Pham Huong Lién www. 0985 708 584 = rival raivl a8 | complain kom’ pleral verb _| phan nin 229 | complaint kom'plemt noun_| loi phan nan i verb | hoan thanh 230 | complete ‘kom’ pli: adj_| tron ven, day da, toan dign ; adj |= complicated, phic tap st | complex: "ka:mpleks! noun_| té hop (shopping complex, apartment complex) 232 | complexi Tkom’ pleksoti noun_| su phiéc tap compliment "ka:mphmont verb | khen nggi 283 |= praise commend _|/k¢-™plmont | Ken ngs iments mer T. thé hign sw khen nggi 234|/complimentary |/,ko:mph'menti’ | adi |” “ree of charge, mich phi | comply with sth | kom'plai? verb | tun thi theo 85 | = conform ta/with sth_| /kon' fo:rm/ | tain thi ths comprehensive | 1 ka:mpr‘henst fay du, toan dign 36 | complete ka:mprr'hensv’ | adj | diy da, toan dig 237 | compromise Tkesmpromarz verb | thoa higp compulsory kom’ palsari/ adj | bat bu 28 | = mandatory U'mandato:ti! dj | baie 239 | concern sb an’ ss:ra/ verb _| Tau wi bin tim, To ngal 240 | concerned about sth_| Vken’sa:endi adj | lo ngai vé chuyén gi ar | Concerning sth ean se:mnn) rep | 1ién quan dén ngi dung gi = regarding sth | /rr'ga:rdin — y ae naz | conclude kon’ Klusd verb | Rétlugn digu gi 243 [ conclusion kan kl noun | két ludn 24s [ condition kon’ dif noun_| dieu kign as | conduct ‘kon’ dak verb | hve ini, tién hn i +a surveyrinterview/experiment 2ae | confirm sth Team’ Frm? verb _[ xe nbén sth 247 | confirmation 7.kanfor mein’ | noun | sy xée nhan 248 { confusion kan’ fiugn! noun | sy boi roi, nham Tin a9 | confused [Pkan'fju:zd ~adj [boi di 250 | connect sth ko nekt verd_| ket noi sth 2s1 | connection ka’ neki noun su ket noi 252 | consequence Fka:nsakwens) | noun | hau qua ass | consider kon’ sidan verb | 1+ én nbic, xem xét 4 an 2._ consider AB: coi A 1A B considerable Tkon’ sidarabl7 = appreciable f'pri:fabl adj | tone dine ké PS = Significant sig nifikont/ | on, ding ke bstantial sab'steen/l! vz | Consist of sth kon sist verb | bao gm s inh tr 5s | pSrompesedafsth_| kom pouzd! ferb | bao gdm sth, duge tao thanh tir sth 256 | consistent with sth _| /kon'sistont! adj_| nhat quan, trade sau giong nhau , 1. khong ngimg 257 | constant ‘ka:nstant/ adi | 3. pat bién, khong 258 [ constantly Tkacnstonth adv_| constantly change: lign tue thay 40 239 | construction kon’ strakgi noun | S¥ thi cong, xay dimg . + under construction: dang thi cénj 260 | consult with sb on sth_| 7kon’ salt? vero __| xin loi khuyén, tur van ca sb vé sth 261 | consultant on’ saltanti noun | chuyén gia te van * financial consultant = financial advisor Pham Huong Lién www. 0985 708 584 aaa [consume ikon’ sui verb _[figuthy, tiéu diy aes [consumer kon’ suimor! noun | ngudi tu ding 26s | contain Ton temn/ verb | chia, dung, bao gm 26s [continual 7m unjual adj ‘ue xay ra, [ip Jai niga Fin 266 | continuation kon tnju’eifa?’ | noun [sw ti dig 2s7 | continue kon tnju verb _[tigp te, lign ue ass | contribute fo sth —_|/"kontribju verb_| déng g6p vao sth 269 | contribution Ka:ntrrbjujn? | noun | sir ding gop : verb kigm soat 270 | control kon trool noun_| under control: nam trong tim kiém soat ft | convenient Tkan'viniontl adj [thu tign : * be conveniently located + dia diém: toa ae @ 2 | conveniently ikon‘ vizniontli/ ady_|* be conveniently convince sb to W | Tkan' vine a 2”? | = persuade sb to V | ipar'swerd/ verb _| thuyét phue ai kim gi 74 | convincing 7k vist adj [66 tinh thayée phue 27s | corporate "kosrporat adj [ign quan dén cde edngty, ap Joan, business 276 [corporation Kouapo reifa noun [eng ty Ten, tap doan | cost ost verb | cost sth: tn bao «en noun chi phi quay 27s | counter kawnitor noun | « cashier counter: quiy thank ton + check-in counter: qudy kim thi tue i | courier Teoria Tout} ngusi /eGng ty da thu, giao hing ano | cover letter Kavor Teta noun_[ thir xin vige am | coverage ‘avon noun | L- insurance coverage: mife bio higm chia id 2._ (news) coverage: sy dua tin (bo, TV) ama | coworker ou watt noun | déng nghigp colleague katlisg/ e , vad [aim aes | erash ry noun_| vu dam nhau / a computer crash: sy c6 méy tinh tv [evedeatiatsorstn |e Genge’ | noun [Phim chit ning huyén men, Kink ght ph \op véi cong vige gi as | eriteria Tera tri noun tigu chi dénh pid (96 ahi€u) as | critical kritik agi |} cé,tinh che bat, chi trich , 2._critical to sh/sth: quan trong déi véi sbisth I. ché bai chi trich (igu eve) 287 | eriticize Pkritisarz/ verb | 5° She bin bint okee ‘any lap) ass [crowd Thad? noun_[ dam dng av [crowded with sth_ | "kravdidl adj | déng dic, chia nhigu sth crucial to sb/sth | /"kru:/l i éi voi sl | = critical to shisth_| /*kritikl ad [ quan trong doi veri sbisth avi | eruise rz noun | chuyn di bign 202 | eurrency Fks:ronsi noun [tin a3 [current Keron adj__[hign ta, hign na agg | customer kastomor! noun | khich hing ~ patron peutron/ 2s | customs kastoma noun | thue nbép khau 2._hai quan ae | eutting edge Textin “ed adj__[hign dai nhl, 161m av [ eyele sak verb_| dap xe Pham Huong Lién www. 0985 708 584 Dd adj] hing nga 29 | duty ea adv_[oncea day /every day 299 | damage ‘deemids/ verb Re hong hoe 00 | deadline dedlaml inoun_[han chét [so | deal ai noun thyong vi, vy giao Keo, Fam [302 | deal with sth verb | gid quyét, xiely [soa [debe Tae inoun_[mén no sou | decide sand verb | quy&t din isk , quyét dinh as | decision ar stg noun |. make a decision: dura ra quyét dinh oe | decorate dekard verb [ang ti 07 | decrease a'kriss noun | sy glam xuong verb_| gidm xuéng dedicated to Ving | dedikerad ax | = devoted to Ving | /dr'voutd! adj] tan tam, tam huyét véi vige gi = committed to Ving _| /ka'mntid 00 | deduct i’ daku verb) Rid tn, iret 210 | deduction dv dakin noun | sy kid tri aii | defect av Fok noun | khuyét dim, Io; 12 [defective Tar fektwv adj__| + merchandise: hing [oi 3 [definite F delinav” adi [rS ring, dit khoat sts | definitely definat adv | mot cich r6 rang, m6t each chic chin 1. d6 (45 6, dF) sis | degree di gr noun | > Hees ; noun | swchém wé ss | delay leu noun sg chan sir | delete Ta verb xéa is | delight ft la noun niém vai thich si | delighted to Vi /dr land adj__[ vi thich khi durge Tim gi 20 | deliver jar atl verb | giao hing at | delivery dv hvaril inoun_| sir giao hing 22 | demand dv‘ mend verb | d6i hei i nroun_| nhu edu, sy doi héi [as | demanding Zar meendiy adj [66 tinh doi hoi cao 24 [ demonstrate Fdemonstre verb | gidi thich, trinh bay (ve eich hogt dng, lim vige) sas | demonstration demen’streyfi’y | noun | sy, bai trinh bay, didn gi (demo) “ - - fae [depart arpa! verb_| kei han [27 | departure dpa rifar noun _| sy kha hn as | department Ta'pa:rtmani noun | phing ban, b6 phn 29 | depend on T"pend! verb [dya dim, phy thuge vio 30 | dependence i" pendons ‘noun [sir phu thude bs [arse ipeaw [me [i sa | describe sera verb [mo ta 3 | description ar'skripfiv noun | sy mote 34 | designate dezignett verb _[ chi dink sas | desperate F desparat adj tuyét vong sae | dessert Tan'ze:et ‘oun | mén tring migng 9 Pham Huong Lién www. 0985 708 584 337 | destination dest nexphl noun | dim dén 338 [ detail teil noun | chi tiét 339 | detailed 7dr terld adj [ew thé detect Tar tek hie 4° | ~ discover fdr’ skavor verb _| phat hign ra sai | deteriorate far uriorest! verb _| xu di, 15116 dh a2 dv ts:rmun/ verb | xée dinh ro sas [determined to V__| /dr'ts:rmund/ adj | quyét tim, rit mudn lim gh saa [ develop dr velap/ ver’ phat trién sas [ development dr-velopmant noun_| sw phat trig sae [ device 7a vats noun _[thiet bi 347 | diagnose arog nou7/ verb _| chin dogn saa | director ida rektar/ noun _| chu tich/ dgo diga [sao | disagree isa’ grit? verb _[khdng ding tinh 350 | disagreement isa gri:mant noun | sy bat dns 381 | disappointing " ign vat amg bay 32 | expand ik spaendl verb | mé rong (tbusiness: mé rng kinh doanh) [433 | expansion ik’ speenfin] noun | sy mé rong s34 | expect Fak’ spekt verb | mong doi 435 | expectation .ckspek teyja/ noun_[ su mong doi 36 | expenditure ik’ spenditfar/ noun _| chi tiéu (government expenditure: chi iéu chinh phi) «37 | expense ik spens! noun _| chi phi «38 | expensive ik’ spensivi adj_[ dat dd 139 | experience ik sprrions noun_[ kinh nghiém (danh tir ko d&m duge) +40 | experienced ‘Ak’ sprionst/ adj _[¢6 kinh nghiém 441 | experiment ik’ spermont noun_| thi nghiém, thir nghigm a2 | exploration ‘ekspla ‘rey/i! noun _| sy khdm phi «a3 | explore ik splot verb _[kehdm pha 444 | express ik’ spres; verb | 1+ chuyén phat nhanh ” p 2._bay t6, thé hign Ké0 dai 44s | exten ‘ik’ stend verb , Hs [extend + extend the deadline: gia han sas | extension ik stengal noun_| sir kéo dai (sy gia han) ; ‘ben ngoai >< internal: bén trong, noi bo 447 | external ikstsenl 4) | 5 external affairs: hoat déng déi ngosi F sas [ facilities fa silatia! noun [ee sé vat chit I dia digm (gdm nhiu ta nha), ding vio mue dich facitt sth hat dinh #49 | facility ose noun | researeh facility: co so nghién ctu + health care facility: co so chim sbe sthe khoe 450 | factor Teektar noun_| yéu t6, nhan +5 451 | factory Teektri/ ‘noun [nha ma 452 | fail fell verb _| that bai 153 | failure 7 feiljaw noun _[ su that bai sa | fair = [noun [hi chg ~ job Fair: hGi chy vige Tam adj_| cong bang 43s | fare fer noun | euée phi (taxi, thu, xe, may bay...) fault ld 356 | erect safe noun | khiém khuyét Faulty foilti/ . a 157 ee etective dexire adj | 06 15i, khiém khuyét cava St gilp dG, an hug 458 | favor fervari noun | Go sha favor: giip i &6 ss mroun_| fax machine: may fax 499 | fax: (ivks. verb_| giti fax cai gi dé s60 | feature Pictfor noun_| dic tinh, die diém s61 | fee Tf noun _| phi, ch 462 | feedback fidbakl noun | phan hdi 463 | field fil noun | linh vue soa | figure 7 figior noun_[s6 ligu noun | tai Hw +6 | file fat verb_| xép tai ligu vio dig chd 66 | fill out i verb _| dién vio cai gi 167 | finance famaens! noun [tai chin 2

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