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The delivery is by mere consent or agreement of the contracting parties, here the

seller points out to the buyer the object of sale without the need of actually delivering
a. Legal formalities
b. Symbolical tradition
c. Traditio brevi manu
d. Traditio longa manu

19. This occurs when the would be buyer had already the possession of the object
even before the contract of sale by virtue of another title which is not ownership (like
a lessee in a Contract of Lease), and pursuant to a contract of sale, he would now
hold possession in the concept of an owner Oike a buyer of a house where he was a
former lessee of the same house).
a. Legal formalities
b. Symbolical tradition
C. Traditio brevi manu ni
d. Traditio constitutum possessorium

20. On January 2, 2018 S sold to B his only car with the payment to be made on
January 10, 2018. However, on January 6, 2018, S sold the same car to C who
immediately took possession thereof. Decide:

a. B can file an action to rescind the sale.

b. B may recover the car from C because the former was the first buyer.
C. B may claim damages from S for breach of contract of sale
D. B can file an action to annul the sale.

21. This is opposite of constitutum possessorium

A. Legal formalities
B. Symbolical tradition
C. Traditio brevi manu
D. Traditio constitutum possessorium

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