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Bodoland University

Sessional Test for PhD Course Work

Paper-V (Research and Publication Ethics)
Full Marks: 20 Time: 1 Hr.

1. Answer the following questions within 100 words: 4x1=4

a. The definition of “Research Misconduct” developed by OSTP, Washington
DC, USA, is regarded as the most efficient one. What does OSTP stand for?
b. What do you mean by “Salami Slicing” in research misconduct?
c. Write any four ethical principles to be followed in doing research ethically.
d. What do you mean by ethics?
2. Answer the following questions between 100 and 200 words: 3x2=6
a. What do you mean by morality?
b. If a researcher suppresses the negative or undesirable data while reporting,
in which category of research misconduct does it fall? Why is it research
c. How does a departmental requirement of a researcher encourage to do
research misconduct? Explain.
3. Answer any two of the following between 300 and 500 words: 2 x 5 = 10
a. While we talk about research misconduct, we often refer to FFP. Explain in
detail about FFP.
b. Why privacy and confidentiality are regarded as an ethical principles in doing
research ethically? Explain.
c. Why do redundant publications regard as research misconduct? Explain.
d. What is science? Explain.


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