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Performing well

The way I see it, the most important factor for good performing is

A strong mind, with good self-confidence, focus and concentration.

Thereafter we have all the other factors, such as:

A good musical plan, plus enough quantity practicing of this plan

Good breathing technique + a strong, stable and flexible embouchure etc. etc.

and further down on this list:

A good mouthpiece and an OK instrument.

How then, does one strengthen the mind and the ability to focus and concentrate?
This is indeed an important question. Does one have good storytelling as the main
goal, thus working towards entertaining the audience, towards giving something
rather than getting something? (The story formed from musical sounds, no words.)

Or, is the main goal to not make mistakes, making the focus more on oneself and
less on the composer and the story? More emphasis on what one can get (good/bad
reviews, a job/not a job, praise, critique) as opposed to what one can give and
contribute, to the enjoyment of other people?

My recommendation is to go for giving rather than getting!

And – very importantly – the people that we decide to be involved with - including
teachers - have great impact when it comes to building up the self confidence. Is our
practicing and lessons mainly about correcting mistakes, or is it about working up
and sharing musical enjoyment and communication? The confidence building will
benefit from the latter.
Even if we at a certain age can be defined as adult persons, we all still have a lot of
the child in us, and most of us are sensitive for outer and inner influence. Get to know
yourself as well as possible, and if necessary, look for mental strategies that can
meet negative thoughts etc.

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