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The purpose of this strategic communications plan is to recruit an elite creed through
coordination with the various officers. This plan will be undergone over a period of one solar
cycle and will be used as a trial period to determine the feasibility of the continued usage of
clone troopers within the empire. To communicate we will use a wide variety of holograms,
digital documents, and face to face meetings. This is very important because if the officers don’t
listen and respect them they will be eliminated.

Audience Analysis
The Empire was primarily human. With that, there was a large presence of discrimination
against non-human species and that would be prevalent within the empire (discussed in the
psychographic section).

Seen within the council room scene on the death star in Episode IV: A New Hope, there were no
females within the upper ranks1. (Wookiepedia, n.d.)

High- Ranking Officer

As a part of the program’s emplacement, the target audience for this string of
communications will be to higher ranking officers within the Empire.

Serving in the Empire

Serving in the Galactic Empire brings about its own subset of personality. This may
indicate a lack of empathy when under command.

Most officers will have had experience within their service under the galactic republic.

1 This webpage indicates slight sexism within the Empire

While reading through the personalities of each individual within the Death Star council room
scene within A New Hope, there are some consistencies that have arisen, here are a few of
those common personality traits:

Majority are risk-takers

Small minority is cautious

Racist/ Speciesism2
Racist attitudes can be addressed through the article about Tarkin, and also through real world
examples of Nazis.



In a sense of over-assertiveness, these men will want to do whatever it takes to make
themselves look better.

of Context

With the formation of a new empire, the ranks have not been completely solidified
creating a slight competition between officers all vying for a higher rank within the newly
formed system.

2 Wikipedia article as a guide for what it means to value one’s own species over anothers’.
Audience Findings

Within the newly formed Empire is a council that was created to help

direct/manage the many moving parts within. Amongst this panel are officers, moffs,

and admirals alike who lead their respective sectors within the Empire. Names like

Grand Moff Tarkin, Colonel Wullf Yularen, etc. All of which fall under very similar

demographics and yet give nuance to their general attitudes to the workings of the

empire itself (psychographics). You won’t be hard pressed to find that all of those who

are on this star wars equivalent of the Joint Chiefs of Staff are older, white, human men,

who serve as high ranking officials within the Empire. A majority of those men share

similar attributes when it comes to life and direction within the Empire. These arrogant,

speciesists have very extreme opinions, taking bold steps with their dominating

personalities. All these men in some way owe their political gains to the empire and the

Emperor Palpatine has ensured that they have more enemies among each other then
friends, this helps keep them in line.

Just as much as any part of context is important, it similarly necessitates a look

into the temporal context of the situation itself. The time is around 18 bby (think within a

year after Revenge of the Sith). Given the recent switch in power, it is understood that

many - if not all - of these chiefs and leaders formally served as influential leaders within

the various military and political structures of the Galactic Republic. While under the

Republic, many of these individuals' arrogant and domineering ambitions were held in

check, however, under the new galactic empire those same ambitions are not only

3 Imperial Ruling Council - States the origin and some attitudes of the members of the counsel.
allowed but encouraged in the pursuit of total control of the galaxy. This project provides

an opportunity for them to help the military transition from one faction of humanoid

figures to a more widely sampled population of humans from across the galaxy. Those

who help this transition might also find themselves in good standing for a future


Messaging Goals

● Clone troopers fought throughout the clone wars alongside many allies within an infinite
amount of battle situations. This experience is wanted to create a better fighting force for
the Empire compared to fresh recruits from the general population amongst the galaxy.
● However, clone troopers, because of their rapid aging process, are dying. The empire
would like to elongate their service. 4
● The creation of this program is to help aging clones by augmenting their bodies into
droid systems, to continue better use of their battle experience.
● Select of the already existing clone troopers for their emplacement
○ This is the program to reference

● Being assertive with this program might be a good way to become more favorable in the
eyes of the Emperor.
● Should be afraid to disappoint or fall-through, failure isn’t well received within the empire.
● New Stormtroopers, although many, are not as great warriors as clones. 5
● We must help elongate the combat effectiveness of these clone troopers.
● That they’re contributing to the bigger picture and long term success of the empire.

● To assign jobs to their individual sectors that would be included within this program to
prepare them for this.
● To persuade the council room of moving forward with the plans
● To oversee the growth and success of the program

4 Transition away from clones to other alternatives.

5 The addition of non-clone units to the imperial military
Channels/ Media Mix
● Council Meetings
○ Council meetings (especially the main target of this campaign- the members of
the death star council within episode 4) were used very often throughout star
wars and can be seen in almost every offshoot series or movie that comes from
that universe.
○ While all members of the council have a voice, they are st
● Holograms
○ Holograms were a personal communication (think personal facetime) to
individuals or small groups of people. This would be used between the higher-
ups to better discern information to others on a need-to-know basis.
● Videos are a possibility
○ Please reference this video for proof that screens existed in that universe

Branding Guide
Here’s a quick look at the color scheme, of which is subject to slight change. The green and
blue are more there for representation of font and design over holographics and things. The the
background will be some shade of black or dark gray. Consolas is for type writing fonts, it was
chosen more to be a sort of play on the idea that we, here on earth, intercepted these writings
(as seen in the font on the right) from another place. Among these will the Galactic empire’s
logo be prevalent in our final project.

Wookiepedia. (n.d.). Star Wars Fandom. Retrieved November 18, 2021, from

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