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Carpet Cleaning Tips: Tried and Tested

Don’t you feel exhausted after a tiring weekend? In a similar way, the carpet also
gets exhausted after bearing all the dust, dirt, bacteria and pet stains. It also needs
regular cleaning to stay healthy. If you want to gift a prolonged life to your
expensive carpet, then it is essential to understand some tips that can bring a huge
difference in the carpet cleaning results. These tips are easy to implement and
show amazing results. Let’s have a look at them:

 No Need to Use Scrub on the Carpet

The best solution for carpet stain removal is to book the carpet cleaning service
Adelaide. But if you still want to prevent the stain from becoming dominant, then
try some gentle method of cleaning. Using harsh brushes to rub the stain is only
going to impact the quality of carpet fibres. So, instead of rubbing, you can use wet
wipes, ammonia, white vinegar, soda bicarbonate, detergents and hydrogen
peroxide to get rid of various types of carpet-related issues.

 Gum Removal from the Carpet

Honestly, gum cannot be properly removed without the help of carpet cleaning
services. But in case you have invited some guests at home and your kids have
thrown freshly chewed gum on the carpet, then you can try a hack. You just need
some ice cubes for this method. Keep the ice cubes on the gum to solidify it. After
a few minutes, the gum will be frozen and can be removed easily.

 No More Pet Hairs

Do you have a pet cat or dog? If yes, then you must be aware of the problems that
a person faces while removing the pet hairs. The long hair can be easily removed
through vacuum cleaner but the problem arises with short hair. To deal with such
trouble, you can use a window cleaner. Have you seen those wipers with rubber
edges? The hairs stick to the rubber and can be cleaned from the carpet without
facing any difficulty.

 Wax Removal

If the quantity of wax is large, then you must reach out to professional carpet
cleaning services. When the quantity of wax is less, using ice cubes can work
well. The ice freezes the wax. This makes it feasible to pick the wax from the


The tried and tested tips can be great for resolving some minor problems such as
pet hair, little wax and gum. But when the problem worsens and DIY hacks don’t
work, it is better to book carpet cleaning services Adelaide.

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