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Free Elective 2


Name: Kenneth I. Arcasitas Course/Section: BSIT - 3B

Deadline: 1st week of December Submit/Send /via
Exercise # 4
1. Self - Assessment : You distinguish what Intelligence do you possess based on the
Multiple Intelligence of Howard Garner and What particular career you’re going to
pursue after you graduate?
- My Intelligence would be Logical-Mathematical Intelligence, cause I’m good with math
and my career would be an Accountant

2. How important is body Language in our daily lives?

- It is important because of body language we can express our emotions more fluidly.

3. Compare and Contrast: You're going to Compare and Contrast the Problem
Solving and Decision making. Give an Example to support your answer.
- Both Problem Solving and Decision Making requires critical thinking - Critical thinking
is a process by which you question your own assumptions – as well as those of others - in
order to decide on next steps to solve a problem. The difference between them is that
Problem Solving is an analytical process used to identify the possible solutions to the
situation at hand. Making decisions is a part of problem solving.
- For example: A company produces too much carbon footprint and is too big and costly.
Solution: Implement green initiatives
- While Decision Making is a choice made by using one’s judgement.
- For example: The company now must decide what type of green strategies they would

4. How are you going to handle your Conflict and Stress in different situations? Give
an Example.
- If I have a conflict with a classmate, I would have to first know what causes the conflict
in the first place. If I know that I’m the cause then I would apologize, if the cause is the
other person then I would talk to them and try to resolve the conflict.
- If I have a stress like I overthink too much about my grades then I would read or watch
something I like and try not to think too much about my grades.

5. If you're given a chance to use a Time Machine, what particular event or situation
in your life do you want to go back to in the past or future? And Why?
- I would go back to the time in my elementary days and try to listen to my parents more
because if I listen or obey them more they would be happy.

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