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Jalan Mujahidin Nomor 1, Temanggung, Kode Pos 56225, Telepon 0293-
Faksimile: 0293-491529, Surat Elektronik:



Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/Peminatan/Program : X / Umum
Hari, Tanggal : Jum’at,28 Mei, 2021
Waktu : 09.15-11.15 ( 120 menit)

Read these texts carefully

TEXT 1 ( NO 1 – 3)
Gita Gutawa is one of the famous female singers in Indonesia.She was born on August
11, 1993 in Jakarta. She is Erwin Gutawa’s daughter. Her father gave her complete name
Aluna Sagita Gutawa which means Alunan Sebuah Lagu( the strain of a song )
Since she was a little girl, she has been fond of music. She learned music vocalizing
since she was on the second grade of the elementary school. As a singer, Gita Gutawa
released many songs. Some of them are Yang Terbaik Bagi mu (2004, feat Ada Band), Salam
Ramadhan (2005,feat Haddad Alwi), Bukan Permainan, Doo Bee Doo (2007), Sempurna, Dua
Hati Menjadi Satu ( 2007, feat Dafi ), Jalan Lurus (2008), Tak Perlu Keliling Dunia (2008),
Aku Cinta Dia, Parasit (2009), Meraih Mimpi (2009), Mau Tapi Malu (2010, feat Maia) and
Lelaki Sempurna ( 2010).
Beside a singer, Gita Gutawa is also an actress. She has played in some movies, such as
Meraih Mimpi ( Sing to the Dawn) and Love in Perth.

1. What does the text tell you about ?

A.Famous Female Singer
B. Erwin Gutawa’s Daughter
C.Gita Gutawa’s Career
D.Gita Gutawa’s Song
E.Gita Gutawa’s Hobby
2 .The text belongs to ….
A. Recount
B. Descriptive
C. Report
D. Narrative
E. News item
3. These statemens are True, except ….
A.Gita Gutawa is Erwin Gutawa’s daughter
B. Aluna Sagita Gutawa means the Trains of a song
C. Gita Gutawa is a singer and an actress
D.The song of Jalan Lurus was released in 2009
E. Gita Gutawa liked music since she was a kid


Page 1
Text 2
My school held a special event this morning. This event was for dads and kids. There
were many outdoor games prepared by the school. According to the school principle, this event
was held to involve the fathers in their children’s educational lives. If a father isn’t available,
children can bring an uncle or other adult male.
Many pairs of dads and kids played outdoors games. My dads and I were very happy. I
hadn’t played games with my dad before, he was always busy at his office. Therefore I enjoyed
my time with my dad at that time. There were five outdoor games that we should participate such
as running, dancing, singging, building a sand castle and a question games. We should answer
some questions. It was funny because many dads could not answer the questions, so they
answered freely. I enjoyed all the games with my dad.
Even though we didn’t win any games. I was very happy. When there is such game like
this, I will practice more with my dad so we can win.
4. The text above belongs to…
A. Recount Personal
B. Recount Biography
C Recount History
E. Procedure
5. The text tells you about …
A. The writer’s activity
B. The writer’s school activity
C. The writer’s experience
D. The writer’s father
E. The writer’s hobby
6. Why did the writer enjoy the game? Because...
A. He loved the game very much
B. He didn’t win the games
C. He could win the games
D. His father usually was busy at the office
E. His father couldnot answer the questions
7. We can conclude that …
A. The event was for parents and children.
B. There were three games for the participants
C. The writer won the games
D. The writer always practiced the games before the events
E. The writer asked his uncle
8. What is the purpose of the text?
A. to tell the past event of the writer
B. to inform about the writer’s hobby
C. to describe about the writer’s activity
D. to entertain the reader
E. to tell about interesting story


Page 2
Ki Hajar Dewantoro was born in Yogyakarta on the second of May, 1889, with a name
Raden Mas Soewardi Soerjaningrat. He is the pioneer in the field of education in Indonesia. He
founded Taman Siswa, an institution that provides an educational opportunity for indigenous
commonders which otherwise was limited to the aristocracy an the Dutch Colonials. He was
confimed as a National Hero of Inonesia by Indonesia’s first president Soekarno, on November
28, 1959. Now, his birth date is celebrated as National Education Day in Indonesia.

9. What does the text mostly tell you about ?

A. Ki Hajar Dewantara’s Biography
B. Ki Hajar Dewantara’s childhood
C. Ki Hajjar Dewantara’s friends
D. Ki Hajar Dewantara’s spirit
E. Ki Hajar Dewantara’s school
10. What is the purpose of the text ?
A. to entertain the readers with a fairy tale.
B. to tell the reader about the past events.
C. to inform the reader about the writer’s feeling.
D. to describe the readers about the writer’s childhood
E. to persuade the readers about the writer’s home.

Read the dialogue below (5)

Shanty : You won’t believe this, but twenty one people were killed in a road accident
Putu : Are you serious ?
Shanty : The were killed when two vehicles collided.
Putu : I don’t believe it
Shanty : Well, the accident happened when a vehicle carrying …. Wait a minute, let me count
….. 16 passengers tried to avoid a police checkpoint by going around it, and rammed
into an incoming car carrying five passengers
Putu : How terrible
Shanty : Yes , it’s awful. And do you know what ? 4.000 people die each year in road accident.
Putu : Oh, no. that’s not true! Where did the accident happen ?
Shanty : it was on a highway near the red sea port city of Jeddah
Putu : Jeddah? You mean …. Saudi Arabia
Shanty : Yes, it is.

11.The conversation above belongs to ....

a. Narrative
b. News item
c. Report
d. Descriptive
e. Recount
12.What are Shanti and putu talking about ….
a. a road accident
b. an accident
c. an aeroplane accident
d. a tragic accident
e. a police check point


Page 3
13.The accident happened because ….
a. There was a vehicle trying to avoid a police checkpoint
b. There was around 4.000 people die each year
c. It happened on a highway near the Red Sea port city of Jeddah
d. There was a highway near the Red Sea
e. It was on Jeddah Saudi Arabia

Once upon a time, there lived a poor woman and her son on the village near a coast. Her son was
called Malin Kundang. He was a skilful boy. He always helped his mother to earn money.
However, they lived in poverty.
One day, Malin Kundang, asked for a permission to go overseas, but his mother refused
it. Malin persuaded his mother to allow him that he wanted to be successful oerson. His mother
cried, but finally she allowed him to go.
In the next morning, Malin Kundang was ready to go. He was offered to join a succesful
ships crew. Malin kissed his mother’s hand before he went to the ship.
It had been a year since Malin left his mother. Every morning, Malin’s mother wished to
see the ship that brought Malin home. She also prayed to God for her son’s safety. However,
there was ni news about Malin Kundang.
After several years Malin’s mother was suddenly surprised by the arrival of big ship. She
saw a handsome wealhty man stepping down a ladder with a beautiful woman. She recognized
him. He was Malin Kundang, her son. Then she ran to close him. She hugged Malin Kundang.
However, Malin Kundang didn’t show any response.
He was embarrassed to admit his mother to his wife. “ You are not my mother. I don’t
know you. My mother would never wear ugly clothes like this,” said Malin Kundang while
releasing his mother hug.
His mother was surprised. “ I’m your mother. You don’t recognize me, Malin?’’ said his
mother sadly. Then Malin asked his bodyguard to expel his mother . Malin’s mother cried and
called his name, but Malin ignored him. Her heart was hurt. She cried and said, “ God, if he isn’t
really my son, please let him have a safe journey. But if he really my son, I cursed him to be a
Suddenly, the wind blew hard and a thunderstrom came. Malin Kundang’s big ship was
damaged. He was thrown by the wave and fell on a small island. Then, suddenly, his whole body
turned into a stone. It was punishment for not admitting his own mother.

14..Where did the story above come from ?

A. East Java
B. Central Java
C. West Java
D. West Sumatera
E. North Sumatera

15..Why Malin Kundang wanted to go overseas ?

A. He wanted to be a successful person.

B. He wanted to be a fisherman


Page 4
C. He wanted to get a beautiful wife
D. He wanted to visit another country
E. He wanted to be a ship’s crew

16..What did Malin Kundang’s mother do at the edge of the coast ?

A. She looked for some fish.

B. She waited for big ship which brought her to go overseas,
C. She sold fish to find some money for her life needs.
D. She wished to see the ship that brought her son home.
E. She was looking for her son who had lost.

17..Why was Malin Kundang cursed ? Because ....

A, He didn’t give his mother money

B. He didn’t recognize his own mother.
C. He became a very rich person
D. He didn’t admit his own mother.
E. He didn’t introduces his beautiful wife.

18. What is the moral value of the story ?

A. We must not forget our parents.
B, We must be a skillful person.
C. We must be a ship’s crew
D. We must go overseas to be rich
E. We must not go overseas while we still have parents.

Once upon a time in Bali, a man and ( 19)......wife were praying. They had been married in a
long time, but they did not have any children. They (20) .......regulary to God to give them a
child (21). .........their prayers were answered. They had a baby boy, their houses was filled
with happiness. The baby was very much different from other babies. He ate and drank a lot.
Day after day, he ate more and more. His (22) ........grew bigger and bigger. And by the time,
he was teenager, he was as big as a buffalo. People then started to(23) .........him “Kebo Iwa “

19. A. her
B. him
C. its
D. his
E. their
20 A. prayed
B. hoped
C. suggested
E. asked


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21. A. Lately
B. Unfortunately
C. Fortunately
E. Luckyly
22 A. Mouth
B. Body
C. Strength
D. Brain
E. House
23. A. Mention
B. Tell
C. Call
D. Shout

Read the lyric below

Twinkle twinkle little star

How I wonder what you are
Up above the world so high
Like a diamond in the sky
Twinkle, twinkle little star
How I wonder what you are
When the blazing sun is gone
When he nothing shines upon
Then you show your little light
Twinkle twinkle little star
How I wonder what you are

24. What does the song tell you about ?..

A. A wonderful star
B. A beautiful sky
C. A warmest sun
D. A cool cloud
E. A brightness moon
25. The sinonym of the “ blazing “ is...?
A. Shining
B. Brightening
C. Shimmering
D. Rainning
E. Lighting

Good Luck ! Be honest


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