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New Weapons

By Shiba Toma

Boken 0k2
A wooden sword, slightly thicker than a metal blade so as to have a similar weight. The
“cutting edge” is blunt and rounded. Make no mistake; in the hands of an expert this weapon is
every bit a deadly as a katana. It is wielded using the Kenjutsu skill, and being considered a
“sword” it may be used in duels.

Kusari-gama 2k2/1k1
A kama with a weighted chain (5’-6’) attached to the end. The kama (2k2) is used with
the Kama or Nofujutsu skill, the chain (1k1) with Kusarijutsu. (If ninja exist, they use the ninjutsu
skill to use either portion.)

Manrikigusari 1k1
A length (around 6’-8’) of chain with weights attached at either end. Because the chain is so well
suited to entangling swords, it is sometimes called the “sword’s natural enemy”.

Saya 0k1/1k1
The scabbard for a katana or no-dachi can be used as a weapon as well. The first
damage is for just the saya, the second is when a sword is still in it. While the damage is not
substantially greater than bare hands, the saya is used with the Kenjutsu skill, which may be
preferable to the character’s Jiujutsu. Saya are not normally treated as or used as weapons, and
may be damaged by such rough use.

Shinai 0k1
A slotted bamboo rod used to practice swordsmanship; it is easily recognized by the
distinctive “crack” sound of its blows. Normally the shinai causes only bludgeoning damage. A
raise is required to do lethal damage.

Whip 0k1
A length of woven hide tipped with a metal weight. Like the fleshcutter arrow, this
“weapon” is nearly ineffective vs. armored opponents. Double the modifiers for human armor
and increase monster armor by one half, rounding up. Wounds from a whip are far more painful
that actually damaging (wound levels dice penalties apply even if the level is not completely

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