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Considering rl1e consu.,,incs it was decided to conduct the

study based on sample size of JOO people in specific age groups.


Jn the project work Primary data secondary data (both) sources of darn
has been used .
I.Primary data coll ection:

In dealing \Vith real life proble111 i1 is otlen found tlmt dnrn n 1 hnnd are
inadequn.te and heuec, it bec.on1cs necessory 10 co1lcc1 dnta lli:H is
appro1,riote. There are several \v::iys of collecting the appropriate d::ita \i.•hich di
ffer conside-rably in context of 1non('y cos1s.1iu1ettnd Olhcr resot•rcsat 1h
di$posal of 1he rese3ri:her

Primary data can be coUected either th rough experim ent

or lhrough survey.

The data collection for this study was done in the following manner.

Through J> Crsonal lnlen•Jews:-

A rigid procedure \VtlS followed and \Ve \VCfC seeking answer.; 10 111any 1>rc
conceived quesLions through 1>ersonnl intervic\VS.
Through questionn11ire:-
lnfonnation to find ou1 tl1c investment potential ond goal was found ou1
Lhrough questionnaires.

Through Tele-C:illlng:-
SI 1 1' 1t g1i.•

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