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The Cruise Industry underwent popularization, becoming one of the leading sectors of the
tourism industry, and reaching a status of great significance all over the world as an economic
facet. This industry offers all kinds of positions from careers requiring professional skills to jobs
without prior experience. With a wide range of job offers and popularity worldwide, cultural
diversity is apparent.

Cultural Diversity is about the variety of cultural groups within a society. These
distinctions share different characteristics such as ones’ religion, language, nationality, sexual
orientation, disability, etc. It brings great benefit to the workplace as diverse cultural perspective
inspires creativity. The diversity of the staff aids the diversity of the passengers resulting in
productivity and better performance. But these can also lead to problems such as prejudice,
harassment, and language barriers producing poor teamwork and disharmony which can
develop grave damages not just to the vessel or the company’s reputation, but chiefly to the
environment and its steward; humans.

While there are continuous advocates regarding cultural differences, it’s important that
the cruise management, do not simply promote but uphold these dues. As unsettled grievances
can bring huge problems, the management should conduct seminars and team building to
strengthen the relationships of the crews. Also, they must prioritize providing counseling for
their employees as mental and emotional wellbeing is as important as physical. Moreover, to
introduce the staff to international languages and practices, they should facilitate training on the
fundamentals. Language barriers should be tackled seriously to dissolve this simple problem
creating complex issues. Lastly, while showing appreciation boosts the morale of the seafarers, it
is also crucial that the management show denunciation to any form of abuse as it upheave one’s
esteem. This way, they can provide security for their staff’s welfare and the assurance of a
healthy workplace.

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