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The Urban

Giantism Problem
Lesson 4.3 to be discussed by:
Adliana Colin Amistoso
discussion flow
1. Explain what are the urban big
2. first city bias
3. causes of urban giantism
Explain what are the urban big problems
topic 1
in the case of Developi ng countrie s, main
transportation are often a legacy of

theorist of the de pend en ce sc hool co m pa re co loni al

transportation netw orks to dr aina ge sy stem em phas izing
ease of extrac tion of co un tries na tura l reso ur ces
in United States, developers frequently internalize the
externality by creating a new "edge city" wiwthin a
metropolitan, financing and building a new center
where land is still relatively inexpensive.
first city bias
Topic 2
A form of urban bias thgat has often caused considerable
distortion might be termed first city bias.

The countries largest or "first-place" city recieves

disproportionately large share or public investment and
incentives for private investments in relation to the country's
second-largest city and other smaller cities.
causes of urban giantism
topic 3
why have first cities often swelled to such a large
multiple of second cities in developing countries?
One argument, featured in the work of Paul Krugman, stresses that
under import substitution Industrialization, with a high level of
protection , there is much less international trade, and population and
economic activity have an incentive to concentrate in a single city,
largely to avoid transportation cost.

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