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Exercise 4: Confined Aquifer, Multiple Pumping Wells Page 1 of 12

Exercise 4: Confined Aquifer, Multiple Pumping Wells Top Previous Next

In this exercise you will learn how to use AquiferTest to not only determine aquifer properties
using discharge and drawdown data, but also how to use these values to predict the effect that
an additional pumping well will have on drawdown at the observation well, and also, how to
predict the drawdown in a well at any point in the effective area of the pumping well(s).

This exercise is divided into 3 sections: To begin, you will create a Theis analysis to determine
the aquifer parameters. Then, you will examine the effect a second pumping well will have on the
drawdown at the observation well used in the first section. Finally, you will predict the drawdown
at a well at any point in the effective radius of the pumping wells.

Determining Aquifer Parameters

[1] Start AquiferTest or, if you already have it open, create a new project.
[2] Complete the fields in the pumping test tab, as follows:
Project Information frame
· Project Name: Exercise 4
· Project No.: 4
· Client: ABC
· Location: Your Town
Pumping Test frame
· Pumping Test: Theis - Multiple Pumping Wells
· Performed by: Your Name
· Date: filled in automatically
Units frame
· Site Plan: ft
· Dimensions: ft
· Time: min
· Discharge: US gal/min
· Transmissivity: ft /d
· Pressure: mbar
Aquifer Properties frame
· Thickness: 40
· Aquifer Type: Unknown

[3] In the Wells table, complete the following information for the first (pumping) well:
Well 1
· Name: Water Supply 1
· Type: Pumping Well
· X: 350
· Y: 450
· R: 0.3
· L: 50
· r: 0.25
Next, create two additional wells.
Click Click here to create a new well, to add a new pumping well
Well 2
· Name: Water Supply 2
· Type: Not Used (this pumping well will be activated later in the exercise)
· X: 350
· Y: 100
· R: 0.3

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Exercise 4: Confined Aquifer, Multiple Pumping Wells Page 2 of 12

· L: 50
· r: 0.25

Click Click here to create a new well, to add a new observation well
Well 3
· Name: OW-1
· Type: Observation Well
· X: 350
· Y: 250
· R: 0.06
· L: 50
· r: 0.05

[4] Click on the Discharge tab

[5] Select Water Supply 1 from the well list
[6] Select Variable in the Discharge frame
[7] Enter following values in the Discharge Table:

Time Discharge
1440 150

[8] Click on the Water Levels tab.

[9] Select OW-1 from the well list. For this exercise, the data set will be imported from an excel
[10] From the main menu, select File/Import/Import Data.
[11] Browse to the folder
“...\Users\Public\Documents\AquiferTest Pro\Exercise Files" and select the file
[12] Click [Open]
[13] Enter Static Water Level of 4.0

[14] Click on the (Refresh) button in the toolbar, to refresh the graph. The calculated
drawdown appears in the Drawdown column and a graph of the drawdown appears to the
right of the data.

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Exercise 4: Confined Aquifer, Multiple Pumping Wells Page 3 of 12

[15] Select the Analysis tab

[16] Select “OW-1” in the Data from window

[17] Click on the (Automatic Fit) icon, to fit the data to the type curve. The calculated
parameter values should be:
Transmissivity = 3.02 E3 ft2/d
Storativity = 7.06E-4

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Exercise 4: Confined Aquifer, Multiple Pumping Wells Page 4 of 12

[18] Since the automatic fit uses all data points, often it does not provide the most accurate
results. For example you may wish to place more emphasis on the early time data if you
suspect the aquifer is leaky or some other boundary condition is affecting the results.
In this case, there is a boundary condition affecting the water levels / drawdown between
700 - 1000 feet south of Water Supply 1. You need to remove the data points after time =
100 minutes.
There are several ways to do this, either by de-activating data points in the analysis (they
will remain visible but will not be considered in analysis) or by applying a time limit to the
data (data outside the time limit is removed from the display).
You will examine both options. From the Main menu bar, select Analysis / Define analysis
time range, or select this option from the Analysis frame of the Project Navigator panel

The following dialogue will be produced:

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[19] Select “Before” and type in 101. This will include all the data-points before 101 minutes and
will remove all the data-points after that period.
Click [OK].
[20] Click the Automatic Fit icon and see how the graph has changed. The points after 100
minutes are no longer visible (change the axes’ Min and Max values if necessary to see the

[21] The parameters in the Results frame have changed to

· Transmissivity = 4.48E3
· Storativity = 4.27E-4

[22] Now restore the graph to normal: select Define analysis time range again and selecting
Click [OK].

[23] Click on the (Automatic Fit) icon, to fit the data to the type curve.

[24] You will now exclude the points. Click (Exclude) icon above the graph. The following
dialogue will appear:

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Exercise 4: Confined Aquifer, Multiple Pumping Wells Page 6 of 12

[25] Type in 101 in the “Start” field and 1440 in the “End” field.
Click [Add]
[26] Highlight the added time range.
Click [OK]

[27] Click on the (Fit) icon, to fit the data to the type curve.
[28] The curve change is identical to the “Define analysis time range” option (as evident from the
calculated parameters in Results frame), however the points are still visible on the analysis
[29] The parameters in the Results frame should now be similar to the following:
Transmissivity = 4.48E3
Storativity = 4.27E-4

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Exercise 4: Confined Aquifer, Multiple Pumping Wells Page 7 of 12

7.4.2 Determining the Effect of a Second Pumping Well

In this section, the second pumping well will be activated, and AquiferTest will predict the
drawdown that would occur as a result of two pumping wells running simultaneously.
In the previous section, the aquifer parameters (Transmissivity and Storativity) were
calculated with the Theis method. In order to maintain these values, you need to “lock” the

[30] Click on the Parameter Controls icon , or select View / Analysis Parameters from the
main menu.
[31] Click on the both “padlock” icons beside the parameters.

[32] Click on the [X] button to close the Parameters dialog

[33] Click on the Pumping Test tab
[34] In the Wells table, select WaterSupply2 from the well list
[35] To “turn on” the second pumping well, change the type from Not Used to Pumping Well
[36] Click on the Discharge tab
[37] Select WaterSupply2 from the well list
[38] Select the Variable discharge option
[39] Enter the following values in the table:

Time Discharge
720 150
1440 0

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Exercise 4: Confined Aquifer, Multiple Pumping Wells Page 8 of 12

These values indicate that the Water Supply 2 well was turned on at the same time as the
Water Supply 1, however, whereas Water Supply 1 pumped for 1440 minutes (24 hours)
at a constant discharge of 150 US gal/min, Water Supply 2 only ran at that rate for 720
minutes (12 hours) and was then shut off.
[40] Select the Analysis tab
[41] You will see that the theoretical drawdown curve no longer goes through the observed
points; instead the curve is below the data, indicating that the predicted drawdown at OW-1
has increased as a result of activating the second pumping well.

AquiferTest calculates the theoretical drawdown curve, using the Transmissivity (T) and
Storativity (S) values calculated earlier in this exercise.
[42] The Theis analysis assumes a Constant discharge, however, AquiferTest allows you to
change the model assumptions in the tests, as you will do now.
[43] Expand the Model Assumptions frame of the Analysis Navigator
[44] In the drop-down menu beside “Discharge” change “Constant” to “Variable:

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Exercise 4: Confined Aquifer, Multiple Pumping Wells Page 9 of 12

and click anywhere in the Assumptions panel to apply the changes.

[45] You will notice that now at 720 minutes the curve rises sharply which is equivalent to a
sudden decrease in drawdown. This coincides with WaterSupply2 being shut off after 720
minutes. As a result, the total discharge from the two wells decreases to 150 gpm (from 300
gpm) and the resulting drawdown is less.

NOTE: You may need to modify the max value for the drawdown axis to see the entire
Using this procedure, AquiferTest allows you to predict the effect of any number of pumping
wells on the drawdown at a well.

Predicting Drawdown at Any Distance from the Pumping well

In this section, an imaginary observation well will be added at the property border, close to
the pumping test site. The following procedure will allow you to predict the drawdown at that
well (or any well at a given set of coordinates).
[46] Return to the Pumping Test tab, and locate the Wells table.
Create a well with the following parameters:

· Name: OW-2

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Exercise 4: Confined Aquifer, Multiple Pumping Wells Page 10 of 12

· Type: Observation Well

· X: 700
· Y: 850
· R: 0.30
· L: 50
· r: 0.25

[47] Select the Water Levels tab

[48] Select OW-2 from the list of wells.
Enter the following “dummy” data points for this well.

Time Water Level

1 1
200 1
400 1
600 1
800 1
1000 1
1200 1
1440 1

[49] Enter the Depth to static water level of 0.

NOTE: These values are dummy points. They are used to establish the time period in which
you are interested - the water level values are irrelevant since you are going to PREDICT
them. AquiferTest simply requires Water Level data to accompany the Time intervals.

[50] Click on the (Refresh) button in the toolbar, to refresh the graph.
[51] Return to the Analysis tab
[52] Check the box beside “OW-2”

[53] Click on the (Automatic Fit) icon, to fit the data to the type curve.

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The calculated values for the Transmissivity and Storativity for “OW-2” are different from
those for “OW-1”, since the automatic fit attempted to fit the curve to the dummy values you
entered for the drawdown. To calculate the predictive drawdown curve, you must change
the Transmissivity and Storativity values for “OW-2” to match those of “OW-1”. You will
assume that the aquifer parameters at OW1 are the same as those at OW2.
Match your Results panel as shown below.

[54] Click anywhere on the Results navigation panel to apply the changes. The following graph is

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Exercise 4: Confined Aquifer, Multiple Pumping Wells Page 12 of 12

The upper curve is the predicted drawdown in the well at the new coordinates.
The actual data points for OW-2 have no bearing on the new drawdowns curve. The curve
is the predicted drawdown that would occur, if there were two pumping wells, one running at
150 US gal/min for 24 hours, and another with the same pumping rate, but for only 12
hours. You can see that the drawdown at OW-2 is less than that observed at OW-1. This
occurs because OW-2 is located further away from the pumping wells, so the effect is not as
[55] Print the desired reports by selecting the Reports tab and checking the boxes beside the
reports you wish to print.

[56] Click on the (Print) button in the tool bar, or select File/Print from the main menu.

[57] Save your project by clicking on the (Save) icon or selecting File/Save as from the main

This concludes the exercise. The next exercise deals with using data corrections - a new feature
of AquiferTest. You have a choice of exiting the program, or to proceed to the next exercise.

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