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CHRIST IN CHRISTIAN TRADITION VOLUME ONE From the Apostolic Age to Chalcedon (451) SECOND, REVISED EDITION by ALOYS GRILLMEIER, S.J. translated by JOHN BOWDEN B JOHN KNOX PRESS ATLANTA Imprimi potest: Nix. JonK, 8... Praep. Prov. Germ, Inf. Coloniae, die 20 Iulii, 1964 Jou Ginrer, Gernartz, S.J, Praep. Prov. Gernt, Inf. Coloniae, die 25 Novembris, 1974, pro editione altera Nihil obstat: Ricarpus J. Foster, 8.1.1., L.S.S., censor deputatus Tmprimatur: Xe Franciscus, Archiepiscopus Birmingamiensis Birmsingamiae, die 21a Augusti, 1964 ‘The Nihil obstat and Imprinatur ave a declaration that a book or pamphlet is considered to be free from doctrinal or moral error. It is not implied that those who have granted the Nihil obstat and. Iuprimatur agree with the contents, opinions or statements expressed, Published in Great Britain by A. R. Mowbray & Co. Limited and in the United States by John Knox Press. © A. R. Mowbray & Co, Limited. First edition 1965, second edition 1975, Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Grillmeier, Aloys, 1910- Christ in Christian tradition. Bibliography: v. 1, p. CONTENTS: v. 1. From the apostolic age to Chalcedon. (451) 1. Jesus Christ—History of doctrines—Early church, ca, 30-600. I. Title. BT198.G743 1975 232 75-13456 ISBN 0-8042-0492-6 098765432 Printed in the United States of America IN GRATITUDE TO THE LATE PROFESSOR F, L. CROSS TO WHOM THIS WORK 1S MUCH INDEBTED AUTHOR’S PREFACE Tuts book is a full revision of my article ‘Die theologische und sprachliche Vorbereitung der christologischen Formel von Chalkedon’, which was published in A. Grillmeier-H. Bacht, Das Konzil von Chalkedon I, ‘Wiirzburg 1951, 1959%, 19623, 19734, 5-202. The original plan, suggested by the Rev. John Bowden, was simply for a translation oh this study and an expansion of the bibliographical notes on the basis of the corrected reprint of 1959. Mr Bowden also took upon himself the troublesome task of translation, which steadily increased as the scope of the revision en- larged. I am especially gratcful for his help. I have been particularly concerned to describe the transition from the apostolic age to the time of the emergence of the christological problem proper, ie. to give an account of the christological development of the second century. This calls for still greater consideration and more adequate treatment than can be offered here. On the whole, I have tried to under- stand and to describe cach stage of the development in its own particular character and to avoid introducing later dogmatic concepts. In my opinion, however, this does not exclude the stressing of the rudiments of later developments where these rudiments are really present. As far as is possible, this investigation is to be continued, first of all as far as the end of the patristic period; the preliminary work is already quite far advanced, My thanks are also due to the publishers, John Knox Press, who under- took to publish the work and have waited with great patience for its completion. Finally, I should like to take this opportunity of expressing my grati- tude to Dr F. L. Cross and the Oxford International Conference on Patristic Studies, to which this work is much indebted. FRANKFURT, 24 MAY 1964. PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION Mors than a year’s work has been devoted to the preparation of this new edition of Christ in Christian Tradition (Vol. 1). As far as possible, details have been given of the literature which has appeared since 1965, and the results of research have been incorporated into the text. I have been par- ticularly concerned to give a new account of the theological development between Origen and the Council of Nicaea (325). The council itself now has a chapter of its own. There is an extended account of the christology of Marcellus of Ancyra which, thanks to research into the Marcelliana, can now test on a relatively broad foundation. In this connection I am particularly grateful to Dr Martin Tetz of Bochum, for a great deal of advice. In this new section it has been possible to give a more clear-cut and more reliable account of the history of the Logos-sarx christology. The section on Didymus of Alexandria has also been reworked. The account of Origenism has been expanded as far as Aponius. Finally, the christological development between Ephesus and Chalcedon has been enlarged and made more precise. There are still some gaps, but these can only be filled at a later stage. Work is needed above all on the christology of Pelagius and the Pelagians. Farther work, however, must first be done on christology after Chalce- don, The second volume of this work will cover the period from 451 to the death of Gregory the Great (604). The third volume will then describe developments as far as the iconoclastic dispute and Spanish adoptionism. Iam grateful for help on this second edition from Dr Gerbert Brunner, who has been awarded a grant for his collaboration from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft. Particular thanks must go to Mr Bowden, who has undertaken the demanding task of translation for the new edition with great patience. Thanks are also due to the publishers, A. R. Mowbray & Company, for venturing on so considerably enlarged an edition of my work, I am especially obliged to my friends Richard Mulkern and John Stockdale. AG. FRANKFURT-MAIN, 21 MARCH 1974 TRANSLATOR’S PREFACE Meerinc old friends again is always a pleasure. Christ in Christian Tradition was the first book Lever translated, and that the late Dr Cross, Mr Neville Hilditch of Mowbrays and Professor Grillmeier himself should have encouraged an inexperienced young graduate who knew less German than he imagined to embark on what has since proved a highly enjoyable carecr of translating is one of the immense pieces of good fortune which has come my way and over which I shall always be surprised as well as grateful. Certainly I never expected to return to the book again, but when the first edition sold out and a revised edition was planned, the prospect of sharing in the new work was irresistible. English readers of Christ and Christian Tradition are perhaps luckier than they know. It is certainly the only book to my knowledge written by a German-speaking, author living in Germany to have appeared first in England; moreover, we now havea second edition before German readers have even had one. The revision has been very thorough indeed: biblio- graphical details in the notes have been completely updated, and large sections of the text have been completely rewritten to take new research into account. The equivalent of a small book has been added to the length. In its new form, Christ in Christian Tradition now seems good for at least another decade. The pacan of praise which greeted its first appearance certainly deserves to be repeated. Once again, Dr Grillmeier has proved the most helpful of all authors for a translator to work with, and he has been indefatigable in pursuing the revision through all its stages. Margaret Lydamore did not know juite what she was letting herself in for when she agreed to help with the indices, but persevered to the end with her usual determination and thoroughness. Finally, in these competitive and economically difficult days it has been a delight to work for another publisher and to pass on problems to a good friend, Richard Mulkern of Mowbrays, who has probably had more sleepless nights over this revision than I have. Joun Bowpen SCM PRESS LTD, ST VALENTINE’S DAY 1975 AAA AAS AbhGSuGw ABBREVIATIONS Acta Apostolorum Apocrypha, post C. Tischendorf denuo edd, R. A. Lipsius-M. Bonnet Acta Apostolicae Sedis, Romae 1909ff. Abhandlungen der Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Gattingen, philosophisch-historische Klasse, Géttingen AbhMinchARW Abbandlungen der Bayrischen Akademie det Wissenschaften, philo~ ACO ACW AnalBibl AnalBoll AnalGreg Angel AnLovBiblOr Anton ng ‘AugMag BGBE BGBH BHistTh BJRL BLE Byz ByzZ BZ BZNW CCL coD CQR CSCO CSEL DitAL DiatBibl(Suppl) DidtHGE DictSpirit sophisch-philologisch-historische Klasse, Miinchen Acta Conciliorum Oecumenicorum, ed. E. Schwartz, Argentorati- Berolini-Lipsiae Ancient Christian Writers, ed. J: Quasten-J. C. Plumpe, Westminster, Maryland Analecta Biblica, Romae Analecta Bollandiana, Paris-Bruxelles Analecta Gregoriana, Romae Angelicum, Romae Analecta Lovanensia Biblica et Orientalia, Louvain Antonianum, Romae Augustinianum, Romae Augustinus Magister, Congrds International Augustinien 1954, Vols. I and. I Communications, Vol. III Actes, Paris 1954-55 Beitr’ige zur Geschichte der biblischen Exegese, Tubingen Beitr’ige zur Geschichte der biblischen Hermeneutik, Tiibingen Beitriige zur historischen Theologie, Tiibingen Bulletin of the John Rylands Library, Manchester Bulletin de Littévature Ecclesiastique, Toulouse Byzantion, Paris-Lidge Byzantinische Zeitschrift, Leipzig-Miinchen Biblische Zeitschriff, Freiburg im Breisgau Beihefte zur Zeitschrift fiir die Neutestamentliche Wissenschaft, Berlin Corpus Christianorum, series Latina, Turnholti Concilioram Occumenicorum Decreta, Edidit Istituto per le scienze religiose—Bologna, curantibusJ. Alberigo, J. A. Dossetti, P. P. Joannou, C. Leonardi, P, Prodi, consultante H. Jedin, Bologna 19733 Church Quarterly Review, London Corpus scriptorum christianorum orientalium, Paris-Louvain Corpus scriptorum ecclesiasticorum latinorum, Wien Dictionnaire d’Archéologie Chrétienne et de Liturgie, ed. F. Cabrol-H. Leclercq, Paris 1924ff. Dictionnaire de Ia Bible, ed. F. Vigouroux, 5 vols., Paris 1895-1912, 19263f.; Supplément 1920ff Dictionnaire d'Histoire et de Géographie Eccléstastiques, ed. A. Baudrillart, Paris ror2ff. Dictionnaire de Spiritualité, Ascétique et Mystique, Doctrines et Histoire, ed, M. Viller, Paris 1932ff. xiv DomStud DOP DTC DThP EO EphThLov ET EtBibl EvTh Folia FrancStud FRLANT Gcs Kyriakon Lig LTAK Mansi MiscF MSR Mus ABBREVIATIONS Dominican Studies. A Quarterly Review of Theology and Philosophy, Oxford Dumbarion Oaks Papers, Cambridge, Mass, Dictionnaire de Théologie Catholique, ed. A, Vacant-E, Mangenot- E, Amann, Paris r909ff. Divus Thomas, Piacenza Echos d’ Orient, Paris~Constantinople Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses, Louvain English translation Lrudes Bibliques, Paris Evangelische Theologie, Miinchen Folia, Studies in the Christian Perpetuation of the Classics, New York Franciscan Studies, New York Forschungen zur Religion und Literatur des Alten und Neuen ‘Testaments, Géttingen Die Griechischen Christlichen Schriftsteller der ersten drei Jahrhunderte, ed, Kirchenviter-Kommission der Preussischen Akademie der Wissen- schaften, Leipzig, now: Kommission fiir spitantike Religionsgeschichte der Deutschen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin Geschichte der Gkumenischen Konzilien, ed. G. Dumeige-H. Bacht, Mainz The Greek Orthodox Theological Review, Brookline, Mass. Gregorianum, Rivista di studi teologici e filosofici, Romae Histoire des Conciles Occuméniques, ed. G, Dumeige, Paris Handbuch der Dogmengeschichte, Freiburg—Basel-Wien Historisches Jahrbuch der Giértes-Gesellschaft, Miinchen—Freiburg Historische Zeitschrifi, Miinchen. Irish Theological Quarterly, Maynooth Jahrbuch fiir Antike und Christentum, Miinster i. W. Journal of Biblical Literature, Boston-New Haven Journal of Ecclesiastical History, London Jahrbuch fir Liturgile und Hymnologie, Kassel Journal of Theological Studies, London-Oxford Festschrift J. Quasten III, Miinster 1970 Liturgisches Jahrbuch, Minster i. W. Lexikon fiir Theologie und Kirche?, ed, J. Hofer-K. Rahner, Freiburg im Breisgau 1957. Sacrorum Conciliorum nova et amplissima Collectio, Florence 1750f.; Venice 1769ff.; Paris~Amhem-Leipzig 1901-27 Miscellanea Franciscana, Romae Mélanges de Science Religieuse, Lille Le Muséon, Louvain PS PSyr PTSt PWK RAC RAM RB RevBén RevEtAug RevEtByz RevEtGrec RevEtLat RevHistRel RevOrChr RevSR Rev Thom RGG RHE RivStorLittRel RSO RSPT RSR RTAM RomQ ABBREVIATIONS av Neue Folge Nachrichten von der Gesellschaft dex Wissenschaften zu Géttingen, philosophisch-historische Klasse (until 1940); Nachrichten der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Gottingen, Gottingen roqxff. Novum Testamentum, Leiden Nouvelle Revue Théologique, Tournai New series Neutestamentliclie Abhandlungen, Minster i. W. New Testament Studies, Cambridge Nederlands Theologisch Tijdschrift, Leiden Orientalia Christiana, Romae Orientalia Christiana Analecta, Romae Orientalia Christiana Periodica, Romae Oriens Christianus, Leipzig 1901-41; Wiesbaden 1953ff. Patrologiae cursus completus, ed. J. P. Migne, Series gracca, Pacis 1857-66 Patrologiae cursus completus, ed. J.P. Migne, Series latina, Paris 1844-35 Patrologiae Latinae Supplementum, ed, A. Hamman: I, Paris 1958; Tl, 1960; III, 1963 Patrologia Orientalis, ed. R. Graffin-F, Nau, Paris Realencyklopadie fiir protestantische Theologie und Kirche3, ed. A. Hauck, Leipzi Patrica Sorbonensia, Paris Patrologia Syriaca, Paris Patristische Texte und Studien, Berlin Pauly-Wissowa-Kroll, Realencyclopadie der klassischen Altertumswissen- schah Stuttgart Reallexikon fiir Antike und Christentum, ed. T. Klauser, Stuttgart 19soff. Revue d’Ascétique et de Mystique, Toulouse Revue Biblique, Paris Revue Bénédictine, Maredsous Revue des Etudes Augustinicrnes, Paris Revue des Etudes Byzantines, Paris Revue des Etudes Grecques, Paris Revue des Etudes Latines, Paris Revue d'Histoire des Religions, Paris Revue de V'Orient Chrétien, Paris Revue des Sciences Religieuses, Strasbourg-Paris Revue Thomiste, Paris Die Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwart, ed. K. Galling, Tubingen r9s7ff. Revue d'Histoire Ecclésiastique, Louvain Riviste di Storia e Letteratura Religiosa, Florence Rivista degli Studi Orientali, Roma Revue des Sciences Philosophiques et Théologiques, Paris Recherches de Science Religieuse, Paris Recherches de Théologie Ancienne et Médiévale, Louvain Roimische Quarialschrifi fiir christliche Altertumseunde und fiir Kirchen- geschichte, Freiburg im Breisgau xvi SBGesGott SBMiinchAk SBT sc ‘Schol SPT sT StudPat SymbOst TD TDNT TG Theo-Phil TheolStud ThLZ ThR TQ TR Trad TThZ TU TZ ABBREVIATIONS Sitzungsberichte von der Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Gottingen, philosophisch-historische Klasse, Gottingen Sitzungsberichte der Bayrischen Akademie dec Wissenschaften, philosophisch-philologisch-historische Klasse, Miinchen Studies in Biblical Theology, London-Naperville Sources Chrétiennes, Paris Scholastit, Freiburg im Breisgau Les sciences philosophiques et théologiques, Paris Studi ¢ Testi, Roma-Citrd del Vaticano Studia Patristica, ed. K. Aland-F. L. Cross, EVI (TU 63-4, 78-81), Berlin 1957~-62ff. Symbolae Osloenses, Oslo Textus et Documenta, series theologica, Romat Theological Dictionary of the New Testament, ed, G. Kittel-F. Gerhard, ET by G. W, Bromiley, Grand Rapids 1964ff. Theologie und Glaube, Paderborn ‘Theologie und Philosophie, Vierteljahresschrift, Freiburg im Breisgau Theological Studies, Woodstock, Maryland Theologische Literaturzeitung, Leipzig Theologische Remdschan, Tiibit Theologische Quartalschrifi, Theologische Revue, Minster i. W. Traditio. Studies in Ancient and Medieval History, Thought and Religion, New York Trierer Theologische Zeitschrift, Trier Texte und Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der altchristlichen Literatur, ed. O. V. Gebhardt—A. von Harnack et al., Leipzig-Berlin Theologische Zeitschrift, Basel Vetera Christianorum, Bari Vigiliae Christianae. A Review of Early Christian Life and Language, Amsterdam Vox Theologica, Assen, Nederland Zeitschrift fir Kirchengeschichte, Gotha-Stuttgart Zeitschrift fir katholische Theologie, Iansbruck-Wien Zeitschrift fiir die iewlestanenticve Wissenschaft und die Kunde der dilteren Kirche, Berlin Zeitschrift fir Religions und Geistesgeschichte, Marburg Zeitschrift fiir Theologie und Kirche, Tiibingen CONTENTS AUTHOR'S PREFACE page vii PREFACE TO SECOND EDITION ix TRANSLATOR’S PREFACE xi ABBREVIATIONS xiii INTRODUCTION xxiti PART ONE THE BIRTH OF CHRISTOLOGY CHAPTER ONE: BIBLICAL STARTING-POINTS FOR PATRISTIC CHRISTOLOGY 3 1. The Present Situation 3 2. New Testament Outlines 9 (a) The christology of the primitive community 9 (b) The synoptists II (c) Pauline christology 15 (d) Pauline christological formulas 17 (c) The ‘Word made flesh’ 26 CHAPTER TWO: FIRST GROWIH: THE CHRISTOLOGY OF THE SECOND CENTURY 33 1. Christological Variants 37 (a) An archaic heritage: Christ and Jewish-Christian theology 37 (b) A popular picture of Christ 53 (c) Myth, legend and belief: the popular theology of the mysteries of the life of Jesus 64 (d) Solvere Christum (x John 4. 3): on the christological heresies of the second century 76 (c) Martyrdom and apology 84 2. The Testimony of Pastors and Teachers of the Church from Clement of Rome to Irenaeus 85 (a) Clement of Rome 86 Ignatius of Antioch 86 {6 Justin, philosopher and martyr 89 d) Melito of Sardis 94 3 Trenaeus of Lyons 98 CONCLUSION 104 xviii CONTENTS CHAPTER THREE: FROM HIPPOLYTUS TO ORIGEN: THE FOUNDATION OF CHRISTOLOGY AS SPECULATIVE THEOLOGY AND THE EMERGENCE OF HELLENISM . The Logos Doctrine of the Apologists . Hippolytus ~ Tertullian (a) Tertullian’s christology in its historical context (b) Sermo in carne . Novatian 5. The Alexandrians (a) Clement of Alexandria (6) Origen CONCLUSION wpe = PART TWO THE FIRST THEOLOGICAL INTERPRETATIONS OF THE PERSON OF CHRIST From Origen to Ephesus (431) INTRODUCTION: TOWARDS FOURTH-CENTURY CHRISTOLOGY (a) The interpretation of the incarnation SECTION ONE THE ‘ONE GOD’ AND HIS ‘LOGOS’, THE ‘LOGOS’ AND HIS ‘FLESH’, THE ‘LOGOS-SARX’ CHRISTOLOGY CHAPTER ONE: THEOLOGICAL TWILIGHT 1. Eusebius of Caesarea (a) The Logos doctrine of Eusebius before Nicaea (6) The incarnate Logos (c) The historical influence of Eusebius 2. Sapiens Religio—Religiosa Sapientia: On the Christology of Lactantius (a) The historical and intellectual background (b) The one God and his Son (c) Lactantius and spirit christology (d) Lactantius as a binitarian (c) Lactantius as a subordinationist (f) The second birth of the Son of God 106 108 113 117 118 12 133 133 138 148 153 163 167 167 169 177 185 190 190 193 198 201 202

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