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Name : Dewi Ferbyna Br.

Prodi : D3 Farmasi
Study : English Language

Dialogue 1
Q : “What is the cause of the child's illness?”
A : “Because she eats seafood”
Q : “What disease does the child’s illness?”
A : “Because she has seafood”
Q : “What are the effects of the child’s allergies disease?”
A : “She feel so itchy and she feel a little dizzy”
Itchy : gatal
Dizzy : pusing

Dialogue 2
Q : “What is the child's disease??”
A : “He has asthma”
Q : “Whatis mean by asthma?”
A : “Asthma is respiratory condition where spasms in the lungs cause difficulty in breathing. An
asthmatic uses an inhaler to calm the spasms ”
Q : “What advice does the doctor recommend for asthma?”
A : “You need to sit up ringht. Take long and deeps breaths. Stop exercising or get away from
the cause of the asthma, most likely is smoke from the tobacco”
Symptoms : gejala
Tobacco : asap rokok
Spasms : kejang
Dialogue 3
Q : “What does he feel backache?”
A : “Because he sitting for two hours working on his project”
Q : “What to do so that his backache doesn’t hurt anymore?”
A : “I think you should rest for 15 minutes”
Q : “What is the doctor recommendation for taking the drug?”
A : “He should have to drink every morning and before going to bed”
Prescribe : menetukan
Frequently : sering

Dialogue 4
Q : “Why does he fall while playing football?”
A : “Because his feet stumbled”
Q : “What did his friend do when he saw his fall?”
A : “They have to take the school health officer”
Q : “What does he feel when he falls?”
A : “He feel leg broken”

Dialogue 5
Q : “What disease does uncle tom have?”
A : “He has chronic dry cough and chronic headache”
Q : “what is the cause of uncle tom's disease?”
A : “Because he always smoke”
Q : “What did the doctor suggest to uncle tom to?”
A : “The doctor suggest to stop smoking as it is gradually damaging tom lungs”
Swallowing : menelan

Dialogue 6
Q : “How Mike feels?”
A : “He feel a cold, sore throat, fever, and headache’”
Q : “What is the body temperature Mike?”
A : “It’s 38oC”
Q : “Why Mike didn't go to school today?”
A : “Because he has a fever and headache”
Sneezing : bersin

Dialogue 7
Q : “Why he use the toilet for so long?”
A : “Because he has a diarrhea, water stools and frequent loose”
Q : “What does diarrhea mean?”
A : “An illness in which faeces are discharged from the bowels frequently and in a liquid form”
Q : “What is her mother doing?”
A : “She prepare some diarrhea medicine”

Dialogue 8
Q : “what is the complaint of illness Mrs. White?”
A : “She feel so cant hear very well. It’s not because she’s older. Everything just happened this
Q : “what is the body temperature Mrs. White?”
A : “It’s 38oC. Higher than usual”
Q : “what causes earache Mrs. White?”
A : “Because, last night her next door neighbors were so noisy that he could even hear them
playing loud instruments”
Noisy : berisik
Neighbours : tetangga

Dialogue 9
Q : “what symptoms does the patient experience?”
A : “He have fatigue although he don’t work hard these days. He have also a dry cough and fells
feverish since last week”
Q : “Before deciding to go to the doctor, where does the patient go?”
A : “He went to the drugstore to take some medicines”
Q : “why patients have to go to the hospital for further treatment?”
A : “Because it’s hard to tell the difference between the influenza and COVID-19”
Recently : baru saja

Dialogue 10
Q : “What can cause heartburn?”
A : “It can happen when we just lie in bed after finishing our meal”
Q : “What does his brother say when he is heartburn?”
A : “His brother ordered him to sit up straight. When he called their mom”
Q : “What does he do every day after eating?”
A : “He just lie in bed everyday after finishing his meal”
Sit up straight : duduk tegak

Dialogue 11
Q : “When does measles occur?”
A : “It usually happen during winter”
Q : “What the matter with the baby?”
A : “The baby has red rashes full of her face and a little feverish”
Q : “Where did the parents take the child??”
A : “Her parents took him to the hospital”
Weather : cuaca
Rashes : ruam
Measles : campak
Dialogue 12
Q : “What’s wrong with Millie legs?”
A : “He has a sprain in his left ankle”
Q : “Why he has a sprain?”
A : “He has to work intensely for the running competition at school. Maybe he ran so fast that
he feel on the street. He couldn’t move and hear a ‘pop’ sound at the tome of the injury”
Q : “Was there anyone to help Miliie?”
A : “His PE teacher took him to the school health office and his friend took him to home”
Sprain : keseleo
Intensely : sangat
Dialogue 13
Q : “Where did he vacation from?”
A : “He just took a vacation from Hawaii”
Q : “Why did her skin burn after returning from Hawaii?”
A : “Because he forgot to wear sunscreen”
Q : “What was his father's reaction when he found out his son's skin was burned?”
A : “He was annoyed and reminded his son not to forget to wear sunscreen. Then get some
Pain reliviers : penghilang rasa sakit

Dialogue 14
Q : “Why does she have a toothache?”
A : “Because she eats too much sweet food”
Q : “What does she do after school?”
A : “She went to the dining table and ate all the sweets that belonged to his mother”
Q : “Where did she go after the toothache?”
A : “She and her mother went to the dentist”

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