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The complex object

The complex object consists of two elements: an objective with infinitive construction, a participial
construction and by some others. They form a unite that cannot be divided there for its regarded as one
part of the sentence - an object. The complex object nearly always corresponds to a subordinate object
close in Russian. The complex object may be expressed by an objective with the infinitive construction.

In these constructions the FIRST ELEMENT is a NOMINAL element expressed by a noun (in the
common case or a pronoun (in the objective case)) the SECOND element is expected by an INFINITIVE
or by a Participial

! The complex object may be used only after curtain verbs:

a) The infinitive (without the particle to) or participle 1 can be used:
 See
 Hear
 Feel
 Watch
 Noticed
 Observed
EX: We saw him cross/crossing the street
EX: I heard him sing a song/singing a song – participle draws attention to the action in progress.

b) The infinitive (without the particle to) is used after the verbs make (in the meaning заставлять) and
let (in the meaning позволять)
EX: What made you believe it?
EX: He didn't let me pay for the taxi.

c) The infinitive with the particle to is used after the verbs:

 Want
 Wish
 Like
 Dislike
 Love
 Hate
 Intend
EX: I want you to live me alone

d) The infinitive of the Verb TO BE with particle to is used after the verbs:
 Believe
 Expect
 Suppose
 Consider
 Find
 Know
! The infinitive “to be” cannot be omitted in the complex object after the Verbs: believe, suppose,
know, but it may be omitted after: think, find, consider
EX: I know him to be clever
EX: I think him clever

! Participle 2 often use after the Verb to have and suggest an action performed not by the person
denoted by the subject of the sentence (выражает действие но не подлежащие)
EX: Did you have your dictation checked?

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