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Nama : Agisni Sekar Dwi Hanggini

NIM : 2110144
Course : Bahasa Inggris
Date : 18th November 2021

This week, we mentioned the item and task final week. If discover the query “what has led
the author to jot down the item?” It's a query approximately background. We can discover
the solution withinside the introduction. Reading technique:
1. Quick reading
2. Understand name and abstract
3. To discover “what's approximately?”

Consider one sentence and a beyond sentence. On movie, if need to discover “what
approximately” has to be watched from commencing till finishing and we have to make
Teaching technique:
1. Every baby is unique. So, be all out trainer and train with scholar passion.
2. Teaching with love
3. Equality. Don’t discriminate towards everyone.
Difference among article and movie
1. Article extra truth and explicit. In the query normally with word “What”
2. Movie extra a lot “Why”

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