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English task

2 people conversation about planing

 Mela. Hy sis how are you today

 Rahma. Hy to mela, Alhamdulillah iam good,how about you?
 Mela. I'm very good. What are you doing today sis?
 Rahma. Today I'm just lying in bed, because this afternoon there is no more activity.
 Mela. It's bad,how about we go to the bathhouse?
 Rahma. Whoa, that's a really good idea mela,Because I really want to swim
 Mela. Yeah, where's a good place for us to swim?
 Rahma. If you're in a normal swimming pool, it's not that good, right?,How about in the
natural water pool, he's in the natural pool, more precisely in Malibo Padang Panjang?
 Mela. That's great, when do we go, today or tomorrow?
 Rahma. ok now,We invite widya
 Mela. It's so perfect, later I will invite Widya sis,What time can we meet?
 Rahma. Okey,If so, let's just get ready,Then let me know
 Mela. Okey,see yu latter
 Rahma. See you to

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