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Dear friends!

Today I’d like to make an overview on a film by Leonardo Abraham «Room». To start with I would
like to note the fact that the picture has already been nominated for 4 Academy Awards. A film even
received a statuette for the best female role. But did the tape really come out so great?
At first glance the script of the motion picture is really simple. At the age of 17 a girl was kidnapped
by an unknown man. Till then, she was forced to live in a tiny room with her five-year old son Jack. He was
born and grew up while never leaving the limits of quad camera. Originality of the film is that the world is
depicted through the eyes of a small child. Later, getting out of the room, Jack witnesses incredible miracles.
He sees trees, people, animals ,the sky… The boy begins to realize for the first time that the life introduced
on the TV really exist…
Actually, the film touches on a number of social and psychological problems.It is primarily a
problem a person's place in the world and an issue of spatio-temporal connections.You can remember how
the boy is asked the question why is the earth so big but there is never enough time in it. Although such
issues are quite popular in a modern cinema, it’s not common to show the world perception by the eyes of a
Without any doubt, the acting is really impressive. Brie Larson managed to reflect the pain,
bitterness of resentment for her own son. Jacob Tremblay simply amazes with the acting skill. The only
drawback of the film can be considered the musical accompaniment, it was very small and it has not been
remembered by anything.
In conclusion, I’d like to say that it’s a good picture by Leonardo Abrahamson, which remains in the
memory for a long time.Of course, the film has its own charm because it tries to reveal the problems of the
world through the eyes of a little boy. If for some reason you have not yet seen this picture, then you should
definitely do it.

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