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Ladies and gentleman first i say welcome to smega tour and travel surabaya at the morning we shall

go to museum. This museum have any traditional instrumental his sample angklung,gong,tifa,
kecapi,gamelan.dll but this meeting me shall to explan traditional instrumental angklung because me
and my tim not yet introduce allow me introduce first my name andik fahtoni all tourist can call me
mr.andik my job is tour guide if all tourist have one ask please ask me next people wich ride this bus
he is mr.heri and his friend mr.soni so introduce stage done we better pray for safetly this trip go to
museum or go back museum. Before begin this trip if tourist want wait one people i can allow
because yet departure schedule

Actually indonesia have any traditional instrumental beetwen angklung form jawa barat, sasando
form nusa tenggara timur, kendang some also say from sunda and one people some also from jawa

Angklung from jawa barat wich made from bamboe and his play it's with shake his angklung have
the arraggement of tunes 2,3 until 4 Whether in large or small angklung play usual As bridesmaids
type song keroncong,jazz,hip hop and dangdut

According to the book “Dictionary of the sunda language” from jhonatan rigg Discovered in 1862
write angklung that made from bamboe pipe wich cut and his as pipe in one group and tied up in
one frame, shake to make sound

Here is me shall a little history about traditional instrumental angklung wich believe sunda people

In era 12 until 19 in sunda kingdom there society believe that palying angklung can make Goddess of
fertility happy she godnes her name nyai sri pohaci It is said that it came from eggs that came from
the tears of the dragon god anata Living together in a fantasy world until god theacer die he request
to nyai sri pohaci in grave at people world because her character is nature teh land around make
fertile and make his harvest satisfy

Ok tanks you for use smega tour and travel surabaya service if tourst want do trip go to bali,raja
ampat, or lombok can infrom me. May all tourist can get discoun For that I leave my name card with
our neighbor here in case of interest I'd like to thank you for using our service please check the top
of the bus, tanks you and Welcome back to the next meeting all tourist

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