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1. You can always see leaves falling from its tree but are you wondering why this happens?
Change in season makes it difficult to adjust to the climate. Even though we're cold-blooded
animals, we cannot deny that there is still a problem when it comes to coping with the
seasons, but how do plants cope with it? They do not detect the change in season by
temperature but use daylight to know the length of the day. Photoperiodism is their coping
mechanism to seasonal changes. It makes the plant react by letting it see the size of
daylight, and by that, the reaction will start such changing colors and falling of their leaves
from the stem.

Reference :

2. There are many food supplements available on the market that use chlorophyll as an
ingredient. If you read the label, you couldn't find that as chlorophyll; instead, they are
calling it chlorophyllin. Some manufacturer claims that their supplement having chlorophyll
as an ingredient helps in losing weight and healing damaged skin. Based on my prior
knowledge, chlorophyll came from a plant, and basically, it has copper and sodium that may
help us to absorb the food easier and lighter. It is also an antioxidant that may help us to
release toxins in our bodies. The benefits of consuming chlorophyll are unsure, but with
some scientific facts and proof, we can believe that some of their claims are true.


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