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Overview-Before The PreWord

In the beginning, Thought in the Mind developed Desire in the heart, Desire called
forward the Word, Word made Flesh… Thought, Desire, Word and Flesh came into
existence from the Path of Ma’at truth justice balance harmony and reciprocity.
These Cosmic Characteristics were directed forward on the path of Ma’at by the
Divine Wisdom and Intellect of her partner Tehuti.

Just as a brief overview;
In the Before the Pre-Word, We will attempt to answer questions such,
What is spirituality? What is spirit? What is ritual? and What is religion?

The Next section of the book is called the Pre-Word. We will examine the
intellectual and spiritual development of Kushitic dynasties that would create these
philosophies and writings in Ancient Kemet (Egypt). We will look at the various
aspects of agriculture that became the natural example of conception, birth, growth,
aging, death, decay and resurrection. This process would develop an African
culture that became the writings on the walls, coffins and papyri. This Path became
the standard for the purpose of the Eternal Process of Life in the Cosmic Temple.

The IntroWord will study the various African Dynasties in Kemet (Egypt) that
created the carvings and writings on the walls, coffins and papyri that expressed the
brilliant spiritual philosophies of their times.

The Word will study the writings of The Memphite Text, as rewritten on the
Shabaka Stone around 710 BCE. What is said to be the oldest written evidence of
this spiritual journey is the Pyramid Texts, written at the end of the 5th Dynasty,
preserved on the walls of the Pyramid of Unas. From the Middle Kingdom, some of
the writings of the Pyramid Text were written on every part of the coffins. They are
named the Coffin Text. After a brief interruption, The New Kingdom presented the
Book of the Coming Forth to Day by Night which was a collection of the writings
of the Coffin Text, Pyramid Text and the Coffin Text. We will round out these
concepts of African Spirituality by revisiting the Shabaka Stone, the rewritten
version of the Memphite Text.

However, it is important that we look back to look forward. The Afterword will
examine these ancient writings to answer the spiritual questions that the human
family asks today. This section will bring it all together.

The EndWord is designed to initiate the readers Spiritual Journey…It does not
answer a question, it asks a question…Where do I go from here. No matter what
your religion or belief system, your philosophies, Thoughts, Desires, Words, and
Flesh were born in Africa.

Books Used For Before the PreWord-Click on URL for more

These books will support my book, Spirituality Before Religions: Spirit Before
Ritual. the work that we're doing I recommend
The African Unconscious: Roots of Ancient Mysticism and Modern Psychology
written by Edward Bruce Bynum published by Teachers College Press in New York
Another book by Edward Bruce Bynum titled Dark Light Consciousness: Melanin,
Serpent Power, and the Luminous Matrix of Reality, published by inner
traditions Rochester Vermont, 2012.
The Ethiopian Book of Life –The Lefafa Sedek, written by Dr. E. A. Wallace Budge,
Frontline Books, Chicago, 1929/2003. To wind this section down we used
The Spirit of Intimacy, written by, Dr. Sobonfu Some, published by Quill Publishers,
It is important as we move through this process that I give you the information so
that when the book is finally published for those of you who follow along on this
introduction to the book, Spirituality Before Religions: Spirit Before Ritual, will
be able to have a deeper sense of the work. Once the book is completed, I look
forward to visiting various communities to discuss the dynamic, Extra ordinary,
Super Natural inner workings of the Cosmic Temple. I look forward to this
monumental journey.

Research Notes
Who Is This King of Glory?, Alvin Boyd Kuhn, Academy Press,
NJ, 1944, P xiii.

“No matter how emotionally, how fanatically the worshipper pours out adoration to
a person in objective life, the work of his own evolution is not accomplished until he
effectuates the ultimate divinization of the nuclear potentiality of deific fire within
his own self-controlled area of consciousness…The balanced forces of human uplift
would be thrown into immediate chaos if it were in the end possible for a man to
achieve his apotheosization (deification of a person) vicariously, or in any other way
than through his own effort. Man was provided from the start with the presence of a
unit of divine fire within the heart of his own way to the goal of glory. All efforts are
driven towards the cultivation of the God within man.”

Research Notes
The Spirit of Intimacy: Ancient African
Teachings in the Ways of Relationships,
Sobunfu Some, Harper Press, NY, 1997.

Chapter 2 – A Song of Spirit – p 12-21

P 12 - Intimacy (Self-Concept) in general (personal) terms is a song of spirit inviting
two people to come and share their spirit together (within a human being).
-Relationships are spirit-driven…spirit is to be the driver, to monitor our
relationships (direct our personal lives) for the good.

P 13 – Its purpose is to help us to be a better (people) person (body (temple
doorway), mind (thoughts), spirit (animation) and soul (unique sum total of the
unification of the body, mind and spirit), it makes us who we are), to bind us in such
a way that we maintain our connection, not only with ourselves, but, also with the
great beyond. Spirit helps us fulfill our own life’s purpose and maintain our sanity.

-When indigenous people talk about spirit, they are referring to the life force in
everything, spirit helps us accomplish our life’s purpose and maintain our
connection to the spirit world.

-Each of us is seen as a spirit who has taken the form of a human in order to carry
out a purpose. Spirit is the energy that helps us connect, that helps us in ritual and in
connecting with the ancestors.

-Ancestors are also referred to as spirits (collective unconscious). The spirit of an
ancestor has the capacity to see not only into the invisible spirit world but also into
this world, and it serves as our eyes on both sides.

P 13-14 – Ancestor spirits can see (hear, taste, feel and smell) future, past, and
present (space-time continuum)). The can see inside of us and outside of us.. They
can see cross-dimensionally (and intergenerationally). They are lucky not to have
physical bodies as we do, because without the limitation of the body, they have the
fluidity of an eye that sees (hear, taste, feel and smell) many different ways, many
different directions.

P 14 – (Neters) There are many different spirits in Africa, and each of them has a
particular role to play.
-Spirit is everywhere.

P 14-15-We must maintain our connection to spirit through prayers
(invocation/evocation), through walking in nature and dealing with natural forces,
thorough connecting with the earth, the mineral, the fire, or the mountains.

P 15 – We can strengthen to spirit through ritual (libation).

-There is such a thing as a pool of Ancestors (Nun/Collective Unconscious). It
doesn’t have to be a person.

P 16 – When you express support of an Ancestor, you will attract a lot of Spirits.

-We might think that the confusion (paralysis in our analysis) we experience in our
daily life happens in isolation, but in reality it has something to do with our lack of
connection to our ancestors.

-Many times emotions, grief, happiness, sadness, anger, amazement and shock, is a
way for us to bridge the gap between ourselves and our Ancestors.

P 17 – When two spirits can commune and really share at the deepest level without
having the mind interfere, the two people are bonded in a very strong, sincere and
loving way.

Kaba Thought – (Men are born with two brains; one in the head and the other in
the reproductive organ. Women are born with two brains; one in the head and the
other in the heart. This is purpose of the Rite to Pass at puberty, to have a Brain

P 17/18 – People involved in a solely sexual relationship, carry within themselves a
huge energetic hole from early childhood wounds that completely cuts them off
from their true selves. Their hope is that the person with whom they are involved
might give them the connection they crave. More often than not, the person they are
reaching out to does not have a connection to the self either. And so you have two
people who are disconnected at both the spiritual and the personal level.

P 20 – Whether it’s a romantic, family or friendship relationship, it will flow from
the recognition that spirit is the driver.

-Separation from spirit, creates a greater emphasis on romantic love.

P 21 – Life is the search for Spirit. It is an intimate journey. (The Body (vessel) dies
when the Spirit (animating force) dies. The Spirit does not die, when the Body dies.
When the spirit is captured by the body, the soul is born. The soul is the Personal
energy that each living thing possesses.

-We must educate our children towards spirit. When they already know they have
spirit, everything else becomes comprehensible. Acknowledge that there is a
powerful spirit present that should be honored.

Chapter 4 – Ritual – The Call to Spirit – P 40-54

P 40 – A ritual is a ceremony in which we call a spirit to come and be the driver, the
overseer of our activities. The elements of ritual allow us to connect with the self,
the community, and the natural forces around us.

P 41 – Ritual is like an energy that creates a type of euphoria in the participants.

-Every ritual has a specific purpose. It must solve overcome an obstacle and meet a

P 44 – Every participant must trust in him/herself, Believe in their ability to “Hear,
See, Taste, Smell and Feel Spirit. (“Be Still and Know that You are God having a
human experience.”).

P 45 – To have a Ritual, you must create a Safe Space, a Shrine. Then call in Spirit
with an Invocation. You must set the intention with the greatest intentions in mind.
-No two Rituals are alike, they each have their own flavor. It’s best to look at each
situation with care , and determine the elements that are needed.. The best outcome
is when everybody adds their own ingredient to the Ritual. A Ritual is like a meal
when everybody brings their own ingredient.

P 49 – Nothing can be intimate outside of Ritual.

(There are three sections in the Brain, The Brain Stem, Limbic and Neo-Cortex. The
Brain Stem Protects, the Limbic Feels and the Neo-Cortex Thinks. The Brain Stem
does not feel or think…The limbic does not Protect or Think and the New-Cortex
does not feel or Protect. However, working together they protect, feel and think.)

P 54 – Spirits love to hear that you don’t know something, because they do. By
calling Spirit into the Ritual, you call them into service for you.

-Every time you speak form the heart, invoking or telling a being form the other
world that something is going on in this world, you are in ritual. You are doing
something here that includes others who don’t have flesh and bones like you do.
Spirits/Ancestors are our eyes, ears, nose, tongue and skin in the other world. We
are their eyes, ears, nose, tongue and skin in this physical world..

-When we do not call on our Ancestors/Spirits we run the risk of wasting precious
time on things that are Other-Worldly Allies are equipped to handle and our real
purpose is left waiting.

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