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Telling The Time

it's twenty-five to1 it's 12 'o'clock

it's twenty to 1 it's five past 12
it's a quarter to 1 it's ten past 12
it's ten to 1 it's a quarter past 12
it's five to 1 it's twenty-five past 12
it's half past 12
what time is it?
it is almost 3 'o'clock.
what time should I come tomorrow?
Around 10 'o'clock.
what time is the meeting?
the meeting is at 3 'o'clock.
from 3 'o'clock till what time?
till half-past 3.
what time do you sleep?
I sleep at quarter past 10.
what time should I set alarm for?
set it for a quarter to 5.
when did you have lunch?
around 1 pm
it is almost 6 pm, aren't you hungry?
how long did you sleep yesterday?
from 12 noon till 12 midnight.
what is your plan for today?
today, I am going to watch Subrata's video.


Yesterday Today Tomorrow

what day is today?
today is Sunday.
what day was yesterday?
yesterday was Monday.
what date is today?
today is 15th August.
what date was yesterday?
yesterday 14th August.
what date is tomorrow?
tomorrow is 16th August.

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