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Codes and Standards that have an impact upon piping design.

series of B31 Codes for Pressure Piping have a lengthy history:

The ASME B31 Code for Pressure Piping:

The original ASME B31 Code for Pressure Piping was tentatively introduced in
1935 as a single all inclusive document for piping design. Beginning in 1955,
various sections were "split-off" to address the designs of specific piping
systems. The group that is now ANSI has in the past been know as ASA and
USASI. For a number of years the terminology was ASA/ASME B31 and
ANSI/ASME B31 and now just ASME/B31.

B31.1 Power Piping is intended for piping associated with power plants and
district heating systems. It also covers geothermal heating systems. Generally it
addresses the steam-water loop in the generation application.

B31.2 was the Fuel Gas Piping Code until it was withdrawn in 1988 and
responsibility for that piping was assumed by ANSI Z223.1. It was a good
design document and although it has been withdrawn ASME makes it available
as a reference.

B31.3 Process Piping (once was called the Chemical Plant and Petroleum
Refinery Piping Code) is perhaps the Code with the broadest coverage.
Because the B31.3 coverage is so broad it has several "fluid categories" to
assure the proper degree of rigor is assigned to various types of piping.

B31.4 Liquid Transportation Systems for Hydrocarbons, Liquid Petroleum Gas,

Anhydrous Ammonia and Alcohols holds the record for the B31 Code with the
longest title. Basically it is a buried pipeline transportation Code for liquid

B31.5 Refrigeration Piping is rather self explanatory.

B31.6 was at one time going to be the Chemical Plant Piping Code but the 1974
draft document was so parallel to the existing B31.3 that the decision was taken
by B31 Main Committee to fold it into B31.3 before it was published.

B31.7 Nuclear piping was withdrawn after two editions and responsibility was
assumed by ASME B&PV Code, Section III, Subsections NA, NB, NC and ND.

B31.8 Gas Transmission and Distribution Piping Systems addresses the

transportation of gasses and it too is largely a buried piping Code. The Code of
Federal Regulations (49CFR) has assumed the force of law for these types of
piping systems.

B31.9 Building Services Piping addressed typical pressure piping systems that
are designed to serve commercial and institutional buildings. Basically it
addresses systems that require less design and fabrication rigor than does, for
example, B31.1. There are various limits on the design parameters (e.g.
temperature, pressure, pipe size, etc.) that this Code includes in its scope.
B31.10 Cryogenic Piping Systems was also (like B31.6) in the process of
development when the Committee recognized that the 1981 draft was very
parallel to B31.3 and the decision was taken to also "fold it into" the B31.3
Code. You can see haw the B31.3 Code grew to have such broad coverage.

B31.11 Slurry Piping Systems is another transportation pipeline Code that

applies for the most part to buried piping systems that transport slurries.

B31.12 will be the new Hydrogen Piping System Code when it is released by

Each of the surviving B31 Pressure Piping Codes includes a scope of what is
included and what is explicitly excluded (e.g., B31.1 excludes pulverized coal
fuel piping).

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