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D. Public Policy Considerations as Grounds for

Vacatur of the Arbitral Award at the Seat of the
Arbitration ................................................................ 530
E. Key Issues in Public Policy Limitations on the
Validity or Enforcement of Awards ......................... 532
1. Court Practice in the United States .....................535
2. Court Practice in France ......................................536
3. Court Practice in England ...................................538
4. Court Practice in Germany ..................................539
5. Court Practice in Switzerland .............................539
6. Public Policy of the European Union ..................541
7. General Considerations .......................................543
IV. Practical Relevance of Public Policy Considerations
at Different Stages of the Arbitration ............................ 544
A. Prior to Arbitration ................................................... 545
B. During Arbitration .................................................... 546
C. Post-Arbitration ........................................................ 547
V. Summary and Practical Considerations ......................... 548

CHAPTER 10 .................................................................................. 551

Preliminary and Final Remedies
David H. Herrington, Alexandra K. Theobald
I. Introduction.................................................................... 551
II. Preliminary Relief in Intellectual Property
Arbitration ..................................................................... 552
A. Available Preliminary Relief .................................... 553
B. The Power of an Arbitral Tribunal to
Grant Interim Relief and the Ability to
Enforce Such Relief in Court ................................... 557
1. Rules of Selected Arbitral Institutions ................558
2. Availability and Enforcement of Interim
Relief under National Laws ................................564
3. International Conventions ...................................568
C. Court-ordered Provisional Relief Pending
Arbitration ................................................................ 570
D. Requirements for a Grant of Preliminary Relief....... 573


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