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In my extended narrative, one thing I liked that I did was when I said, “It was like opening a

present on Christmas day— shocked at what you got, and really happy you got it.” I don’t really

use similes, but whenever I do I always have trouble using them because I make them cliché and

use boring similes that don’t make my paper more interesting. However, in this narrative when I

used a simile I didn’t use a cliché one or a boring one. I used a simile that is interesting and not

used by a lot of people to capture how my relationship with her really felt like. Even though its

an odd simile and not something that would usually be used I feel like it worked out pretty well

and described what I meant well.

One thing I didn’t like that I did and feel like I could’ve done better on is when I said, “She was

beautiful— beautiful blonde hair, beautiful blue eyes, a beautiful smile. She was a great person

everyone loved, and I wonder why I didn’t realize earlier.” I could’ve worded these couple

sentences better. It was really short and I could’ve went more in depth and used more figurative

language to describe her. I also don’t like when I said “I wonder why I didn’t realize earlier”

because it doesn’t flow that well with the rest of the sentence. If I could rewrite it, I would use

different wording for that part so it could flow better with the sentence and make more sense.

Another thing that I liked that I did is when I said “The things I was jealous about turned into

things that I liked. It wasn’t jealousy anymore; they were truly things that I admired. She was

perfect and amazing, and I loved that. She was likable, and I loved that. She was a beautiful

person, and I loved that about her.” In the second paragraph I said the same things but instead of

things I loved about her I had it as things I wanted to be as well and was jealous about. I liked the

comparison I did compared to when I didn’t want to be friends with her compared to when I was
best friends with her. It helps to explain how I felt about her as my best friend well, and the

change and transition to being friends with her instead of “enemies.”

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