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Paleolithic Neolithic

35,000-10,000 B.C 10,000-3,500 B.C

Old Stone Age New Stone Age

Historical Context: Historical Context:

-Nomads moved from one place to another in -Sedentary established in one place and found
search of food, water, and shelter villages
-live in clans -developed agriculture
-invented the first tools made from animals’ bones. -domesticated animals like dog, sheep, and pigs
They learned how to make and use fire -used advance tools made from stone
-developed weaving skills and made pottery

Art theme: Art theme:

Symbols, Animals and Human hands Human figures and small animals
Believes: Magic world Believes: Spiritual they start loving and respecting
the dead
Formal characteristics: Formal characteristics:
Materials charcoal, chalk, and clay painted on cave Materials: Natural colors like charcoal, chalk, and
walls clay
-figures were all over the cave wall without any -They tried to make a composition
order -Antinaturalism: it does not look like the real world.
-Naturalism: They tried to imitate the real world Flat figures and geometric shapes
-The figures were big, with different colors and -Monochromatic: they use one color
tried imitating movement -tried to imitate movement

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