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Chapter 4


4-4 Study Guide and Intervention 4-4 Study Guide and Intervention (continued)

Graphing Sine and Cosine Functions Graphing Sine and Cosine Functions
Transformations of Sine and Cosine Functions A sinusoid is a transformation of Applications of Sinusoidal Functions You can use sinusoidal
the graph of the sine function. The general form of the sinusoidal functions sine and cosine functions to solve certain application problems.
are y = a sin (bx + c) + d or y = a cos (bx + c) + d. The graphs of y = a sin (bx + c) + d and
y = a cos (bx + c) + d have the following characteristics. Example The table shows the average monthly Month Temperature
2π 1 |b| temperatures for Ann Arbor, Michigan, in degrees
Amplitude = |a|                   Period = − Frequency = − or − Jan 30°
|b| 2π period Fahrenheit (°F). Write a sinusoidal function that
c Feb 34°
Phase Shift = - − Vertical Shift = d Midline y = d models the average monthly temperatures as a
|b| Mar 45°
function of time x, where x = 1 represents January.
Apr 59°
Example State the amplitude, period, frequency, phase shift, and vertical The data can be modeled by a sinusoidal function of the form
May 71°
x π y = a sin (bx + c) + d. Find the maximum M and minimum m
shift of y = -2 cos − -− (4 )
+ 2. Then graph two periods of the function.
3 values of the data, and use these values to find a, b, c, and d. June 80°
Amplitude = |a| = |-2| = 2 1 July 84°
a=− (M − m) Amplitude formula
2 Aug 81°

Answers (Lesson 4-4)

2π 2π
Period = − =− or 8π y 1
|b| =− (84 − 30) or 27
⎪4⎥ 4
M = 84 and m = 30 Sept
1 |b| ⎪−14 ⎥ 1 d=−1
(M + m) Vertical shift formula Nov 48°
Frequency = − = − or −
2π 2π 8π 0 4π 16π 28π 40π x 1 Dec 35°
π 3 3 3 3
= − (84 + 30) or 57 M = 84 and m = 30
- -−
3 4π ( )
Phase Shift =- − = − or − Period = 2(xmax - xmin)
|b| 3 xmax = July or month 7 and
− ⎪4⎥

= 2(7 − 1) or 12 xmin = January or month 1

Vertical Shift = d or 2 2π π 2π
⎪b⎥ = − or − ⎪b⎥ = −
12 6 period
Exercises c
Phase shift = − −

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Phase shift formula

Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

State the amplitude, period, frequency, phase shift, and vertical shift c π
of each function. Then graph two periods of the function. 4 = −− π Phase shift = 4 and ⎪b⎥ = −

1 π π 1 π
1. y = 3 sin (2x + π) 3, π, −, - −, 0
π 2
2. y = cos x - − (
+ 2 1, 2π, −, −, 2
3 ) 2π 3

c = −−
Solve for c.
y y
4 4 π
Therefore, y = 27 sin − 2π
x−− (6 )
+ 57 is one model for the average
2 monthly temperature in Ann Arbor, Michigan.
0 π π 3π x 0 4π 7π 10π x Exercise

Lesson 4-4
−2 2 2 −2 3 3 3

1. MUSEUM ATTENDANCE The table gives the number of visitors in

Pdf 2nd

−4 −4
thousands to a museum for each month.
State the frequency and midline of each function.
Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug
1 3
3. y = 3 sin − 4π
x+− (2
+ 1 −; y = 1
3 ) 4π
4. y = cos (3x) - 2 −; y = -2

Visitors 10 8 11 15 24 30 32 29

a. Write a trigonometric function that models the monthly attendance

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Write a sine function with the given characteristics.

5. amplitude = 2, period = 4, phase shift = − , vertical shift = 4 at the museum using x = 1 to represent January.
Sample answer: y = 2 sin − x + − + 4 ( π2 π
4 )
y = 12 sin − x-−(5

+ 20
10 )
3π b. According to your model, how many people should the
6. amplitude = 1.2, phase shift = − , vertical shift = 1
3π museum expect to visit during October? 16,292 people
Sample answer: y = 1.2 sin x − − + 1 ( 2 )
Chapter 4 20 Glencoe Precalculus Chapter 4 21 Glencoe Precalculus
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Chapter 4


4-4 Practice 4-4 Word Problem Practice

Graphing Sine and Cosine Functions Graphing Sine and Cosine Functions
Describe how the graphs of f(x) and g(x) are related. Then find the amplitude 1. METEOROLOGY The average monthly 3. A student graphed a periodic function
of g(x) and sketch two periods of both functions on the same coordinate axes. temperatures for Baltimore, Maryland, with a period of n. The student then
1. f(x) = sin x 2. f(x) = cos x are shown below. translated the graph c units to the right
and obtained the original graph. Describe
1 1 Month Temperature (°F) Month Temperature (°F) the relationship between c and n.
g(x) = − sin x g(x) = - − cos x
3 4 Sample answer: c is a positive
Jan 32 July 77
The graph of g(x) is the graph of The graph of g(x) is the graph of multiple of n.
Feb 35 Aug 76
f(x) compressed vertically. The f(x) compressed vertically and Mar 44 Sept 69
1 reflected in the x-axis. The
amplitude of g(x) is − . Apr 53 Oct 57 4. SWING Marsha is pushing her brother
3 1
amplitude of g(x) is − . May 63 Nov 47 Bobby on a rope swing over a creek.
4 June 73 Dec 37 When she starts the swing, he is 7 feet
f (x) = sin x g (x) = 1 sin x g (x) = - 1 cos x
y 3 y f (x) = cos x 4 a. Determine the amplitude, period, over land away from the edge of the
1 1
phase shift, and vertical shift of a creek. After 2 seconds, Bobby is 11 feet
0 0

Answers (Lesson 4-4)

x x sinusoidal function that models the over the water past the edge of the creek.
π 2π 4π π 2π 3π 4π
-1 -1 monthly temperatures using x = 1 to Assume that the distance from the edge of
represent January. the creek varies sinusoidally with time
State the amplitude, period, frequency, phase shift, and vertical shift of each amplitude = 22.5; period = 12 and that the distance y is positive when
function. Then graph two periods of the function. Bobby is over the water and negative when
months; phase shift: -5
π 1 he is over land. Write a trigonometric
3. y = 2 sin x + − -3 ( ) 4. y = − cos (2x − π) + 2 months; vertical shift = 54.5° function that models the distance
2 2
1 b. Write an equation of a sinusoidal
amplitude = 2; period = 2π; amplitude = − ; period = π; Bobby is from the edge of the creek at

2 function that models the monthly π

1 time t seconds. y = -9 cos − t + 2
frequency = − ; 1 π temperatures. 2
2π π frequency = −
π ; phase shift = − ;
phase shift = − −; 2 Sample answer: 5. ROLLER COASTER Part of a roller
vertical shift = 2 π
(6 5π

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Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

y = 22.5 cos − x+− + 54.5 coaster track is a sinusoidal function.
vertical shift = −3 6
c. According to your model, what is The high and low points are separated by
y y
4 Baltimore’s average temperature in 150 feet horizontally and 82 feet
July? December? vertically as shown. The low point is
2 2 6 feet above the ground.
-2π -π π 2π Sample answer: 77°; 35°
0 x 0 x
-π -π π π
2 -2 2 2. BOATING A buoy, bobbing up and down
in the water as waves pass it, moves from
its highest point to its lowest point and 82 ft

Lesson 4-4
back to its highest point every 10 seconds.
Write a sinusoidal function with the given amplitude, period, phase shift, and The distance between its highest and
vertical shift. lowest points is 3 feet. 6 ft
150 ft
π a. Determine the amplitude and period
5. sine function: amplitude = 15, period = 4π, phase shift = − , vertical shift = -10
2 of a sinusoidal function that models
a. Write a sinusoidal function that
y = ±15 sin − π
-− - 10 (2 4 ) the bobbing buoy.
models the distance the roller coaster
6. cosine function: amplitude = − π
, period = − π
, phase shift = - − , vertical shift = 5 1.5; 10 s track is above the ground at a given
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3 3 3
b. Write an equation of a sinusoidal horizontal distance x.
2 π
y=±− cos (6x + 2π) + 5 function that models the bobbing buoy, y = 41 cos − x + 47
3 150
using x = 0 as its highest point.
7. MUSIC A piano tuner strikes a tuning fork note A above middle C and sets in motion b. Point A is 40 feet to the right of the
Sample answer: y-axis. How far above the ground is
vibrations that can be modeled by y = 0.001 sin 880tπ. Find the amplitude and period of π
the function.
0.001; −
y = 1.5 cos − (5 )
x the track at point A? 74.4 ft
Chapter 4 22 Glencoe Precalculus Chapter 4 23 Glencoe Precalculus

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Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

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