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The bar charts compare the percentage of people

who watch reality shows and those who watch game

shows, based on their gender and age in Australia.
Overall, reality shows are more popular among
females than males, while similar proportions of
men and women watch game shows
while the proportions of men and women watching
game shows are similar.
. In addition, people from some specific age groups
enjoy reality shows more than game shows.
In terms of people who watch reality shows, the
percentage of females is double the figure of males
(70% and about 35% respectively). Meanwhile, about
60% of people from both genders seek game show-
related contents.
The data also revealed a similar trend that about 50%
of people from the 16-24 age group and about 70%
of viewers who are 45 or older enjoy both genres of
TV programs. However, while more than 60% of
people, who are from 25 to 44 years old, enjoy reality
shows on TV, only about 40% of people from the
same age group watch game shows.

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