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Meal Planning Tips

A helpful guide to planning meals before making a

grocery list!

Map out your
Look at your calendar when planning
meals. What will you be doing this
week? Knowing your plans for the
week helps to decide what meals you
will make and when you plan to eat

02 Find Balance
Try to incorporate many types of
food into your meals. If you have lots
of carbs like bread, cereal, and
sweets, try to add some fruits or
vegetables. A well balanced diet
includes carbs, protein, fruit,
vegetables, and dairy.

03 Check your
Before you start meal planning,
check your pantry, fridge, and
freezer to see if there is anything
you'd like to use up. Many fruits,
vegetables, and dairy products spoil
quickly after purchase, so it is
important to use them up before
you buy new food.

Create a
04 budget
It is important to know how
much money you can spend
before you start to choose
different meals to make,
because some ingredients are
more expensive than others.
Using a budget helps make
the most of your money.

05 Eat Leftovers
If you don't want to cook everyday,
you can make one large meal and
eat it throughout the week. This is
great if you need to save time or
simply don't enjoy cooking. Just be
sure that you store leftovers
properly in a sealed container and
it is refridgerated so that food
doesn't spoil.

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