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Organogenesis – 7-8 week 2.

Psychoactive drugs – is a chemical substance

that damage the nervous system function and
Mesoderm – inner layer
result in mood, consciousness, and behavior
Ectoderm – outer layer
3. Environmental hazard – wet floor, air
Placentia – the D shape at the back of the fetus pollution, chemical hazard, food and drinks
or baby contaminated, weather-related disaster

Fatal (fetus) Stage/Period 4. Other maternal factors – rubella (German

Measles) syphilis, genital herpes, AIDS,
A. 3 months – 3 inches and weigh about 1 nutrition, high anxiety and stress, age (too early
ounce or too late, beyond 30)
- active movement (arms, legs, mouth, Prenatal Development
Latin word “natalis” = “relating to birth”
B. 4 months – 6 inches and weigh about 4-7
ounce Topically – by Organ

- spurt movement in the lower part of Chronologically – by Time

the body

C. 5 months – 12 inches and weigh and weigh

close to a pound

- more active

D. 6 months – 14 inches and weighs at ½ pound

- grasping reflect is present and

irregular movement

E. 7 months – 16 inches and weighs at 3 pounds

Teratology and Hazards to Prenatal


Teratology – investigate the causes of

congenital (birth) defects

Teratogen -cause birth defects

Greek word “tera” = “Monster”

Cluster of Hazards in Prenatal Development

1. Prescription and nonprescription drugs

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