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Nama : Wildan Subagja

Nim : 41820266
Class : IK-7


CHANGE the following sentences into their interrogative forms (yes-no questions).

1) Each student of Communication Science Department submits his/her English

assignment once a week.
Does each student of Communication Science Department sumbit his/her English
assignment once a week?

2) Each student of Communication Science Department completed his/her quiz 1 on the

seventh meeting.
Did each student of Communication Science Department complete his/her quiz 1 on
the seventh meeting?

3) IK students are learning about types of sentence via the Zoom meeting.
4) Are IK students learning about types of sentence via the Zoom meeting?

5) IK-6 and IK-7 students have discussed twelve topics of English course so far.
Have they discussed twelve topics of English course so far?

6) The second quiz will be done on the fifteenth meeting.

Will the second quiz be done on the fifteenth meeting?

COMPLETE the following sentences with the correct forms of conjunctions (and, but, or,
so, although, if, after, before, unless, so that, etc.) and MAKE the verbs capital and bold.

1) ALTHOUGH the students of Communication Science lack vacation, they keep

studying English enthusiastically.
2) I will spend my two months in London this coming semester vacation IF my saving is
more than enough.

3) AFTER my bachelor study is completed, I am going to run my own counselling

business in language and speech disorder therapy.

4) So far my loyalty and sincerity for my roommate, Anna, have never changed even just
a bit UNLESS she gradually becomes somebody else.

5) Should I leave my best friend OR just keep sharing the same room?

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