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ONCE upon a time there was a man named Lahilote. He was well respected. People said
he had a supernatural power. He could change himself into anything. He was also able
to talk to animals and trees.

Lahilote loved hunting in the jungle. One day while he was looking for some animals,
he heard some noise in a lake. He carefully went to the lake. He hoped he could flnd
some animals. Well, he was wrong! He did not see any animals in the lake. Instead,
there were some beautiful girls having fun in the water.

Lahilote changed himself into a rooster He slowly approached them. Who were the
girls? Well, they were angels from the heaven. They were sisters and they occasionally
went to the earth to have fun. The girls put their wings on the ground. Lahilote took
one wing and went away.

All the angels had enough time in the water and they wanted to go back to the heaven.
Each of them was looking for their wings. However, the youngest sister was not able to
find her wings. All her sisters were ready to fly and they could not wait for her forever.
Sadly, they had to leave her and flew to the sky.

The youngest sister was sad. She kept on searching her wings. Meanwhile, Lahilote had
been watching her and then he suddenly showed up in front of her.

"Why do you look so sad? What happened?" asked Lahilote.

"My name is Boilode Hulawa. I'm an angel from heaven. I lost my wings."

"Don't worry I'll help you find your wings. In the mean time, you can stay in my home
until you find your wings."

Boilode Hulawa happily accepted his offer. Since then she stayed in his house. Time
passed by and they began to fall in love. Later they got married and lived happily.

Lahilote had a rice barn and it was always full of rice. Lahilote was so curious why the
barn was always full of rice although his wife always cooked it. So one day, while his
wife was cooking, he opened the pan. He saw only one piece of rice! He was so curious!
He asked his wife how it happened.

She told him that she used her magic to cook. Unfortunately, the magic was broken
after he opened the pan. It meant that she had to cook normally.

While the angel was trying to get some rice in the barn, she found her wings! She was
so happy!

She immediately wore her wings and flew back to the heaven. Before she left, she told
all the animals and the trees not to tell her husband that she flew to the heaven. They
all agreed, except rattan tree. The tree did not want to lie.

Lahilote went home. He was looking for his wife but she was nowhere to be found. He
asked the animals and the trees but they did not tell him. Finally, the rattan tree told
him the truth. The tree even offered him help. Lahilote could climb the tree to reach
the heaven in the sky.

Lahilote climbed the tree and later he arrived in the heaven. He looked for his wife and
he finally found her! Lahilote begged her to stay with him on earth. He also promised
that he would not lie anymore. His wife was so touched. After all she also loved him.

She agreed to live with him on earth. Then she wore her wings to fly to the earth while
Lahilote would climb down the tree.

Unfortunately the rattan tree was old. The branches were decayed and they could not
hold his body. Sadly, he fell down terribly. He landed on the big stone and it had his

The stone still exists in Gorontalo and it has an image of footprints. Local people
believe that the footprints belong to Lahilote! ***

1.lahilote is a strongman,respect with each other,so brave.

2.Boilode hulawa is a loyal woman with the lahilotte ,she never complain with her
husband if stay in th earth is not easy and full with challenge

3.youngest sister is a kind sister and so care with boilade


-in the river





2.Background time

-in ancient times

D. 3 moral values

-don’t be a liar person and trying to be honest person

-Be the helper from people

-Be the loyal person


1.who is the name of lahilotte’s wife…

A.armani . Bboilode hulawa C.armina D.bolade hulawa

2.when lahilotte’s wife found her wings…

A. was trying to get some rice in the barn

B.when the night comes

C.never found her wings the lake

3.what is the purpose of the story.. describe and reveal the story entertain or amuse the reader inform the audience provide infotmation

4.why the angel can’t go to the heaven…

A.The shoes was gone

B.the selendang was not in the river

c.the cap was gone

d.the wing was not in the river

5.what is missing from the angel…




d.the doll

6.why he fell from the tree…

a.because the rattan tree was not in the place

b.because the rattan tree was old

c.because the rattan tree was moving

d.because there is no rattan tree

7.what promise that lahilotte said…

a.never lie again rich well handsome

8.who is helping lahilotte to find boilade..

a.the angel

b.the tree

c.the flowers

d.the laptop

9. where boilade came from…

a.the heaven

b.the forest

c.the lake

d.the sea

10.why boilade want to married with lahilotte…

a.she doesn’t have any family

b.she fell in love with the lahilotte

c.she has a mission

d.hshe doesn’t have any wings

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